SPContentType 类




命名空间:  Microsoft.SharePoint
程序集:  Microsoft.SharePoint(位于 Microsoft.SharePoint.dll 中)


Public NotInheritable Class SPContentType
Dim instance As SPContentType
public sealed class SPContentType


内容类型旨在帮助用户更有意义的方式组织 SharePoint 内容。内容类型是内容的您想要应用于特定类别的设置的可重用集合。内容类型使您能够集中、 可重用的方式来管理元数据和行为的文档或项目的类型。

For more information, see Introduction to Content Types.


下面的示例是一个控制台应用程序创建内容类型,并将其添加到网站内容类型集合。接下来,本示例创建字段 (列),并链接到新的内容类型的字段。最后,该示例创建一个列表,并将新的内容类型添加到列表所属的内容类型集合。


Imports System
Imports Microsoft.SharePoint

Module Test

#Region "fields"
   Private requestUrl As String = "https://localhost"

   ' Name and type of content type to create.
   Private ctName As String = "Customer"
   Private parentId As SPContentTypeId = SPBuiltInContentTypeId.Contact

   ' Name and type of site column to create.
   Private fldName As String = "LastOrder"
   Private fldType As SPFieldType = SPFieldType.DateTime

   ' Name, type, and description of list to create.
   Private lstName As String = "Customers"
   Private lstType As SPListTemplateType = SPListTemplateType.Contacts
   Private lstDesc As String = "A list of customers."
#End Region

   Sub Main()
      Using site As SPSite = New SPSite(requestUrl)
         Using web As SPWeb = site.OpenWeb()
            If ValidNames(web) Then
               ' Create a new site content type.
               Dim cts As SPContentTypeCollection = web.ContentTypes
               Dim ct As New SPContentType(cts(parentId), cts, ctName)

               ' Add the content type to the site collection.
               Console.WriteLine( _
                  "Added {0} content type to site collection.", ct.Name)

               ' Create a site field to link to.
               Dim fields As SPFieldCollection = web.Fields
               fldName = fields.Add(fldName, fldType, False)
               Console.WriteLine("Created {0} site column.", fldName)

               ' Link the content type to the field.
               Dim field As SPField = fields.GetField(fldName)
               Dim fieldLink As SPFieldLink = New SPFieldLink(field)
               Console.WriteLine( _
                  "Linked {0} content type to {1} column.", _
                  ct.Name, field.InternalName)

               ' Commit changes to the database.

               ' Create a list.
               Dim lists As SPListCollection = web.Lists
               Dim listID As Guid = lists.Add(lstName, lstDesc, lstType)
               Dim list As SPList = lists(listID)
               list.OnQuickLaunch = True
               Console.WriteLine("Created {0} list.", list.Title)

               ' Apply the new content type to the list.
               list.ContentTypesEnabled = True
               If list.IsContentTypeAllowed(ct) Then
                  ' Add the new content type.
                  Dim lstCT As SPContentType = list.ContentTypes.Add(ct)
                  ' Remove the default content type.
                  ' Commit changes to the list.
                  Console.WriteLine("Applied {0} content type to {1} list.", _
                                    lstCT.Name, list.Title)
                  Console.WriteLine("{0} list does not allow {1} content type.", _
                                    list.Title, ct.Name)
               End If
            End If
         End Using
      End Using
      Console.Write(vbCrLf + "Press ENTER to continue...")
   End Sub

   ' Checks for duplicate content type, field, and list names.
   Private Function ValidNames(ByRef web As SPWeb) As Boolean
      Dim valid As Boolean = True

      ' Duplicate content type name?
      If web.AvailableContentTypes(ctName) IsNot Nothing Then
         valid = False
         Console.WriteLine("Duplicate content type name.")
      End If

      ' Invalid characters in content type name?
      Catch ex As SPException
         valid = False
         Console.WriteLine("Invalid character in content type name.")
      End Try

      ' Duplicate field name?
      If web.Fields.ContainsField(fldName) Then
         valid = False
         Console.WriteLine("Duplicate field name.")
      End If

      ' Duplicate list name?
         Dim list As SPList = web.Lists(lstName) ' Exception if not found
         valid = False
         Console.WriteLine("Duplicate list name.")
      Catch ex As ArgumentException
         ' List name does not exist.
      End Try

      Return valid
   End Function

End Module
using System;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;

namespace Test
   class ConsoleApp
      #region fields
      private static string requestUrl = "https://localhost";

      // Name and type of content type to create.
      private static string ctName = "Customer";
      private static SPContentTypeId parentId = SPBuiltInContentTypeId.Contact;

      // Name and type of site column to create.
      private static string fldName = "LastOrder";
      private static SPFieldType fldType = SPFieldType.DateTime;

      // Name, type, and description of list to create.
      private static string lstName = "Customers";
      private static SPListTemplateType lstType = SPListTemplateType.Contacts;
      private static string lstDesc = "A list of customers.";

      static void Main(string[] args)
         using (SPSite site = new SPSite(requestUrl))
            using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
               // Check for duplicate content type, field, and list names.
               if (ValidNames(web))
                  // Create a new site content type.
                  SPContentTypeCollection cts = web.ContentTypes;
                  SPContentType ct = new SPContentType(cts[parentId], // parent
                                                       cts,           // collection
                                                       ctName);       // name

                  // Add the content type to the site collection.
                      "Added {0} content type to site collection.", ct.Name);

                  // Create a site field to link to.
                  SPFieldCollection fields = web.Fields;
                  fldName = fields.Add(fldName, fldType, false);
                  Console.WriteLine("Created {0} site column.", fldName);

                  // Link the content type to the field.
                  SPField field = fields.GetField(fldName);
                  SPFieldLink fieldLink = new SPFieldLink(field);
                            "Linked {0} content type to {1} column.",
                             ct.Name, field.InternalName);

                  // Commit changes to the database.

                  // Create a list.
                  SPListCollection lists = web.Lists;
                  Guid listID = lists.Add(lstName, lstDesc, lstType);
                  SPList list = lists[listID];
                  list.OnQuickLaunch = true;
                  Console.WriteLine("Created {0} list.", list.Title);

                  // Apply the new content type to the list.
                  list.ContentTypesEnabled = true;
                  if (list.IsContentTypeAllowed(ct))
                     // Add the new content type.
                     SPContentType lstCT = list.ContentTypes.Add(ct);
                     // Remove the default content type.
                     // Commit changes to the list.
                     Console.WriteLine("Applied {0} content type to {1} list.",
                                        lstCT.Name, list.Title);
                     Console.WriteLine("{0} list does not allow {1} content type.",
                                        list.Title, ct.Name);

         Console.Write("\nPress ENTER to continue...");

      // Checks for duplicate content type, field, and list names.
      static bool ValidNames(SPWeb web)
         bool valid = true;

         // Duplicate content type name?
         if (web.AvailableContentTypes[ctName] != null)
            valid = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Duplicate content type name.");

         // Invalid characters in content type name?
         catch (SPException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid character in content type name.");

         // Duplicate field name?
         if (web.Fields.ContainsField(fldName))
            valid = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Duplicate field name.");

         // Duplicate list name?
            SPList list = web.Lists[lstName]; // Exception if not found
            valid = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Duplicate list name.");
         catch (ArgumentException ex)
            // List name does not exist.

         return valid;


该类型的任何公共 静态 (已共享 在 Visual Basic 中) 成员都是线程安全的。不保证任何实例成员都是线程安全的。



SPContentType 成员

Microsoft.SharePoint 命名空间


Introduction to Content Types

Site and List Content Types

Base Content Type Hierarchy