Complete ADF Template

The following template contains all application definition file (ADF) elements. Typically, you will not use all ADF elements in a single application. For example, a single event rule in your application can contain a ConditionAction element or Action element, but not both elements.

In addition, not all options can be used together. For example, you can use either digest delivery or multicast delivery in a notification class.

If you do not define a value for an element, make sure you want to use the default value, and then omit the element from the ADF. Many elements cannot be empty.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Application xmlns:xsd="" 

<!--Default Parameters-->
   <!--Multiple Parameter Elements Allowed-->

<!--Application Version-->

<!--Application History-->

<!--Application Database-->
   <!--Multiple NamedFileGroup Elements Allowed-->

<!--Event Classes-->
   <!--Multiple EventClass Elements Allowed-->
         <!--Multiple Field Elements Allowed-->
         <!--Multiple Chronicle Elements Allowed-->
               <!--Multiple SqlStatement Elements Allowed-->

<!--Subscription Classes-->
   <!--Multiple SubscriptionClass Elements Allowed-->
         <!--Multiple Field Elements Allowed-->
         <!--Multiple EventRule Elements Allowed-->
            <!-- Action or ConditionAction, not both -->
         <!--Multiple ScheduledRule Elements Allowed-->
            <!-- Action or ConditionAction, not both -->
         <!--Multiple Chronicle Elements Allowed-->
               <!--Multiple SqlStatement Elements Allowed-->

<!--Notification Classes-->
   <!--Multiple NotificationClass Elements Allowed-->
            <!--Multiple Field Elements Allowed-->
            <!--Multiple ComputedField Elements Allowed-->
            <!--Multiple Argument Elements Allowed-->
         <!--Multiple Protocol Elements Allowed-->
               <!--Multiple Field Elements Allowed-->
                  <!-- FieldName AND SqlExpression, OR FieldReference -->
                  <!--Multiple RetryDelay Elements Allowed-->

<!--Event Providers-->
   <!--Multiple HostedProvider Elements Allowed-->
         <!--Multiple Argument Elements Allowed-->
   <!--Multiple NonHostedProvider Elements Allowed-->


   <!--Multiple Distributor Elements Allowed-->

<!--Application Execution Settings-->



Application Definition File Reference


定义 Notification Services 应用程序
Application Definition File Templates


获取 SQL Server 2005 帮助