Native、.NET Framework 和异常消息框:新的和已更新的主题(2006 年 4 月 14 日)

新建日期: 2006 年 4 月 14 日

2006 年 4 月 14 日 版本的 SQL Server 联机丛书中,联机丛书中添加了以下主题或进行了重要更改。





Bulk-Copying Rowsets

CLR Integration Programming Model Restrictions

Configuring the SQL Server ODBC Driver (ODBC)

Connecting to SQL Server (ODBC) (How to)

Deploying an Exception Message Box Application

Disallowed Types and Members In Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll

Disallowed Types and Members In mscorlib.dll

Disallowed Types and Members In System.Data.dll

Disallowed Types and Members In System.dll

Enumerating OLE DB Data Sources

Executing Queries (ODBC) (How to)

Fetching Columns Using IRow::GetColumns (OLE DB)

Fetching Columns Using IRow::GetColumns (or IRow::Open) and ISequentialStream

Host Protection Attributes and CLR Integration Programming

How to: Add a Data Source (ODBC)

How to: Allocate Handles and Connect to SQL Server (ODBC)

How to: Bulk Copy a SELECT Result Set (ODBC)

How to: Bulk Copy by Using a Format File (ODBC)

How to: Bulk Copy Data from Program Variables (ODBC)

How to: Bulk Copy Data Using IRowsetFastLoad (OLE DB)

How to: Bulk Copy with the SQL Server ODBC Driver (ODBC)

How to: Bulk Copy Without a Format File (ODBC)

How to: Call Stored Procedures (ODBC)

How to: Create a Bulk Copy Format File (ODBC)

How to: Delete a Data Source (ODBC)

How to: Enumerate OLE DB Data Sources (OLE DB)

How to: Execute a Statement Directly (ODBC)

How to: Execute a Stored Procedure (Using ODBC CALL Syntax) and Process Return Codes and Output Parameters (OLE DB)

How to: Execute a Stored Procedure (Using RPC Syntax) and Process Return Codes and Output Parameters (OLE DB)

How to: Execute a User-Defined Function and Process Return Code (OLE DB)

How to: Fetch and Update Rowsets (ODBC)

How to: Fetch Rows from a Result Set (OLE DB)

How to: Log Long-Running Queries (ODBC)

How to: Obtain a FAST_FORWARD Cursor

How to: Prepare and Execute a Statement (ODBC)

How to: Process ODBC Errors (ODBC)

How to: Process Results (ODBC)

How to: Process Return Codes and Output Parameters (ODBC)

How to: Profile Driver Performance Data (ODBC)

How to: Retrieve Result Set Information (ODBC)

How to: Retrieve Rows Using Bookmarks (OLE DB)

How to: Set Cursor Options (ODBC)

How to: Set Large Data (OLE DB)

How to: Use a Statement (ODBC)

How to: Use Cursors (ODBC)

How to: Use Data-at-Execution Columns (ODBC)

How to: Use Data-at-Execution Parameters (ODBC)

How to: Use Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (ODBC)

How to: Use Rowset Binding (ODBC)

Managing text and image Columns (ODBC)

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Managed Database Objects

Obtaining a FAST_FORWARD Cursor

ODBC How-to Topics

OLE DB How-to Topics

Performing Transactions (ODBC) (How to)

Processing Large Data

Processing Results (ODBC) (How to)

Processing Results (OLE DB)

Profiling ODBC Driver Performance (ODBC)

Running Stored Procedures (ODBC)

Supported .NET Framework Libraries

Using Bookmarks (SQL Native Client)

Using Cursors (ODBC)



CLR Integration Code Access Security

CLR Scalar-Valued Functions

CLR Stored Procedures

CLR Table-Valued Functions

CLR Triggers

Coding User-Defined Types

Creating an Assembly

Creating SQL Server Indexes

Custom Attributes for CLR Routines

Data Source Information Properties

Debugging CLR Database Objects

Deploying CLR Database Objects

Executing a Command

Invoking CLR User-Defined Aggregate Functions

Registering User-Defined Types in SQL Server

The SqlContext Object

The SqlDataRecord Object

User-Defined Type Requirements

Working with Query Notifications
