ChartLegendLayouts 枚举

Specifies arrangement of labels within the legend.

命名空间:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.RdlObjectModel
程序集:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer.Controls(在 Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer.Controls.dll 中)


Public Enumeration ChartLegendLayouts
Dim instance As ChartLegendLayouts
public enum ChartLegendLayouts
public enum class ChartLegendLayouts
type ChartLegendLayouts
public enum ChartLegendLayouts


成员名称 说明
Column Labels must be arranged in a column.
Row Labels must be arranged in a row.
AutoTable Labels must be arranged automatically to fit.
WideTable Labels must be arranged in a wide table.
TallTable Labels must be arranged in a tall table.