GetSchemaDataSet 方法

Returns schema information from a data source



  名称 说明
公共方法 GetSchemaDataSet(Guid, array<Object> [] () [] []) Returns schema information from a data source by using a Guid object to specify which schema information to return and by applying any specified restrictions to the information.
公共方法 GetSchemaDataSet(String, AdomdRestrictionCollection) Returns schema information from a data source by using a schema name to identify which schema to retrieve and by applying any specified restrictions to the information.
公共方法 GetSchemaDataSet(Guid, array<Object> [] () [] [], Boolean) Returns schema information from a data source by using a Guid object to identify the information, applying any specified restrictions on the information, and optionally throwing an exception when inline errors occur.
公共方法 GetSchemaDataSet(String, AdomdRestrictionCollection, Boolean) Returns schema information from a data source by using a schema name to identify the information, applying any specified restrictions to the information, and optionally throwing an exception when inline errors occur.
公共方法 GetSchemaDataSet(String, String, AdomdRestrictionCollection) Returns schema information from a data source by using a schema name and namespace to identify the information, and by applying any specified restrictions to the information.
公共方法 GetSchemaDataSet(String, String, AdomdRestrictionCollection, Boolean) Returns schema information from a data source by using a schema name and namespace to identify the information, applying any specified restrictions to the information, and, optionally throwing an exception when inline errors occur.
