RemoteLogin Object

后续版本的 Microsoft SQL Server 将删除该功能。请避免在新的开发工作中使用该功能,并着手修改当前还在使用该功能的应用程序。

The RemoteLogin object exposes the properties of a single login mapping record for connections to an instance of Microsoft SQL Server originating from another, known instance of SQL Server.

显示当前对象的 SQL-DMO 对象模型


An instance of SQL Server can maintain authentication information for connections originating from other instances of SQL Server. Server-originated connections are attempted when, for example, remote procedure calls (RPCs) are part of a Transact-SQL script.

Each instance of SQL Server in an organization can control access by listing the servers from which it accepts connections. For each of these remote servers, login-account mappings specify the local login used by a remote server connection when that remote server connects as part of a process run by the remote login.

With the RemoteLogin object, you can:

  • Map a login record on one instance of SQL Server to an existing login record on another instance of SQL Server.

  • Configure the local login attributes for a login defined on a remote instance of SQL Server.

  • Remove a remote login record from the list of logins mapped for the remote instance of SQL Server.