
可以在应用程序中使用异常消息框,与 MessageBox 类相比,它可以大大提高对消息传递的控制。有关详细信息,请参阅异常消息框编程。有关如何获取和部署异常消息框 .dll 的信息,请参阅部署异常消息框应用程序



  1. 将托管代码项目中的一个引用添加到 Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBox.dll 程序集。

  2. (可选)添加 using (C#) 或 Imports (Microsoft Visual Basic .NET) 指令以使用 Microsoft.SqlServer.MessageBox 命名空间。

  3. 创建 try-catch 块来处理可能出现的异常。

  4. 在 catch 块中,创建一个 ExceptionMessageBox 类的实例。传递由 try-catch 块处理的 Exception 对象。

  5. (可选)为 ExceptionMessageBox 设置下列一个或多个属性:

  6. 调用 Show 方法。传递异常消息框所属的父窗口。

  7. (可选)如果需要确定用户单击的按钮,请记下返回的 DialogResult 枚举的值。


  1. 将托管代码项目中的一个引用添加到 Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBox.dll 程序集。

  2. (可选)添加 using (C#) 或 Imports (Visual Basic .NET) 指令以使用 Microsoft.SqlServer.MessageBox 命名空间。

  3. 创建 ExceptionMessageBox 类的实例。将消息文本作为 String 值传递。

  4. (可选)为 ExceptionMessageBox 设置下列一个或多个属性:

  5. 调用 Show 方法。传递异常消息框所属的父窗口。

  6. (可选)如果需要确定用户单击的按钮,请记下返回的 DialogResult 枚举的值。


  1. 将托管代码项目中的一个引用添加到 Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBox.dll 程序集。

  2. (可选)添加 using (C#) 或 Imports (Visual Basic .NET) 指令以使用 Microsoft.SqlServer.MessageBox 命名空间。

  3. 用以下两种方法之一创建 ExceptionMessageBox 类的实例:

    • 传递由 try-catch 块处理的 Exception 对象。

    • 将消息文本作为 String 值传递。

  4. Buttons 设置以下值之一:

    • AbortRetryIgnore - 显示**“中止”“重试”“忽略”**按钮。

    • Custom - 显示自定义按钮。

    • OK - 显示**“确定”**按钮。

    • OKCancel - 显示**“确定”“取消”**按钮。

    • RetryCancel - 显示**“重试”“取消”**按钮。

    • YesNo - 显示**“是”“否”**按钮。

    • YesNoCancel - 显示**“是”“否”“取消”**按钮。

  5. (可选)如果使用自定义按钮,调用 SetButtonText 方法的重载之一可指定多达五个自定义按钮的文本。

  6. 调用 Show 方法。传递异常消息框所属的父窗口。

  7. (可选)如果需要确定用户单击的按钮,请记下返回的 DialogResult 枚举的值。如果使用自定义按钮,请记下 CustomDialogResult 属性的 ExceptionMessageBoxDialogResult 值以确定用户单击的自定义按钮。


  1. 将托管代码项目中的一个引用添加到 Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBox.dll 程序集。

  2. (可选)添加 using (C#) 或 Imports (Visual Basic .NET) 指令以使用 Microsoft.SqlServer.MessageBox 命名空间。

  3. 用以下两种方法之一创建 ExceptionMessageBox 类的实例:

    • 传递由 try-catch 块处理的 Exception 对象。

    • 将消息文本作为 String 值传递。

  4. 将 ShowCheckbox()()()() 属性设置为 true。

  5. (可选)指定用于请求用户决定是否为 CheckboxText()()()() 再次显示异常消息框的文本。默认文本为“不再显示此消息。”

  6. 如果仅需在应用程序执行期间保留用户的决定,请将 IsCheckboxChecked()()()() 的值设置为全局 Boolean 变量。请在创建异常消息框的实例前计算此值。

  7. 如果需要永久存储用户的决定,请执行以下操作:

    1. 调用 CreateSubKey(String) 方法打开应用程序所使用的自定义注册表项,然后将 CheckboxRegistryKey()()()() 设置为返回的 RegistryKey 对象。

    2. 将 CheckboxRegistryValue()()()() 设置为所使用的注册表值的名称。

    3. 将 CheckboxRegistryMeansDoNotShowDialog()()()() 设置为 true。

    4. 调用 Show 方法。计算指定的注册表项,且仅当注册表项中存储的数据为 0 时才会显示异常消息框。如果显示对话框且用户在单击按钮前选中复选框,则注册表项中的数据将设置为 1。



                // Do something that may generate an exception.
                throw new ApplicationException("An error has occured");
            catch (ApplicationException ex)
                // Define a new top-level error message.
                string str = "The action failed.";

                // Add the new top-level message to the handled exception.
                ApplicationException exTop = new ApplicationException(str, ex);
                exTop.Source = this.Text;

                // Show an exception message box with an OK button (the default).
                ExceptionMessageBox box = new ExceptionMessageBox(exTop);
    ' Do something that may generate an exception.
    Throw New ApplicationException("An error has occured")
Catch ex As ApplicationException
    ' Define a new top-level error message.
    Dim str As String = "The action failed."

    ' Add the new top-level message to the handled exception.
    Dim exTop As ApplicationException = New ApplicationException(str, ex)
    exTop.Source = Me.Text

    ' Show an exception message box with an OK button (the default).
    Dim box As ExceptionMessageBox = New ExceptionMessageBox(exTop)
End Try


            // Define the message and caption to display.
            string str = @"Are you sure you want to delete file 'c:\somefile.txt'?";
            string caption = "Confirm File Deletion";

            // Show the exception message box with Yes and No buttons.
            ExceptionMessageBox box = new ExceptionMessageBox(str,
                caption, ExceptionMessageBoxButtons.YesNo,

            if (DialogResult.Yes == box.Show(this))
                // Delete the file.
' Define the message and caption to display.
Dim str As String = "Are you sure you want to delete file 'c:\somefile.txt'?"
Dim caption As String = "Confirm File Deletion"

' Show the exception message box with Yes and No buttons.
Dim box As ExceptionMessageBox = New ExceptionMessageBox(str, _
 caption, ExceptionMessageBoxButtons.YesNo, _
 ExceptionMessageBoxSymbol.Question, _

If Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes = box.Show(Me) Then
    ' Delete the file.
End If


                // Do something that may cause an exception.
                throw new ApplicationException("An error has occured");
            catch (ApplicationException ex)
                string str = "Action failed. What do you want to do?";
                ApplicationException exTop = new ApplicationException(str, ex);
                exTop.Source = this.Text;

                // Show the exception message box with three custom buttons.
                ExceptionMessageBox box = new ExceptionMessageBox(exTop);

                // Set the names of the three custom buttons.
                box.SetButtonText("Skip", "Retry", "Stop Processing");

                // Set the Retry button as the default.
                box.DefaultButton = ExceptionMessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2;
                box.Symbol = ExceptionMessageBoxSymbol.Question;
                box.Buttons = ExceptionMessageBoxButtons.Custom;


                // Do something, depending on the button that the user clicks.
                switch (box.CustomDialogResult)
                    case ExceptionMessageBoxDialogResult.Button1:
                        // Skip action
                    case ExceptionMessageBoxDialogResult.Button2:
                        // Retry action
                    case ExceptionMessageBoxDialogResult.Button3:
                        // Stop processing action
    ' Do something that may cause an exception.
    Throw New ApplicationException("An error has occured")
Catch ex As ApplicationException
    Dim str As String = "Action failed. What do you want to do?"
    Dim exTop As ApplicationException = New ApplicationException(str, ex)
    exTop.Source = Me.Text

    ' Show the exception message box with three custom buttons.
    Dim box As ExceptionMessageBox = New ExceptionMessageBox(exTop)

    ' Set the names of the three custom buttons.
    box.SetButtonText("Skip", "Retry", "Stop Processing")

    ' Set the Retry button as the default.
    box.DefaultButton = ExceptionMessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2
    box.Symbol = ExceptionMessageBoxSymbol.Question
    box.Buttons = ExceptionMessageBoxButtons.Custom


    ' Do something, depending on the button that the user clicks.
    Select Case box.CustomDialogResult
        Case ExceptionMessageBoxDialogResult.Button1
            ' Skip action
        Case ExceptionMessageBoxDialogResult.Button2
            ' Retry action
        Case ExceptionMessageBoxDialogResult.Button3
            ' Stop processing action
    End Select
End Try


                // Do something that may cause an exception.
                throw new ApplicationException("An error has occured.");
            catch (ApplicationException ex)
                string str = "The action failed.";
                ApplicationException exTop = new ApplicationException(str, ex);
                exTop.Source = this.Text;

                // Show a message box if the global variable is true.
                if (alwaysShow)
                    ExceptionMessageBox box = new ExceptionMessageBox(exTop);
                    box.ShowCheckBox = true;
                    box.IsCheckBoxChecked = true;
                    box.CheckBoxText = "Always show this message";

                    // Set the global variable.
                    alwaysShow = box.IsCheckBoxChecked;
    ' Do something that may cause an exception.
    Throw New ApplicationException("An error has occured.")
Catch ex As ApplicationException
    Dim str As String = "The action failed."
    Dim exTop As ApplicationException = New ApplicationException(str, ex)
    exTop.Source = Me.Text

    ' Show a message box if the global variable is true.
    If alwaysShow Then
        Dim box As ExceptionMessageBox = New ExceptionMessageBox(exTop)
        box.ShowCheckBox = True
        box.IsCheckBoxChecked = True
        box.CheckBoxText = "Always show this message"

        ' Set the global variable.
        alwaysShow = box.IsCheckBoxChecked
    End If
End Try


                // Do something that could generate an exception.
                throw new ApplicationException("An error has occured.");
            catch (ApplicationException ex)
                string str = "The action failed. Do you want to continue?";
                ApplicationException exTop = new ApplicationException(str, ex);
                exTop.Source = this.Text;

                // Show a message box with Yes and No buttons
                ExceptionMessageBox box = new ExceptionMessageBox(exTop,

                // Enable the check box.
                box.ShowCheckBox = true;

                // Define the registry key to use.
                box.CheckBoxRegistryKey =
                box.CheckBoxRegistryValue = "DontShowActionFailedMessage";
                box.CheckBoxRegistryMeansDoNotShowDialog = true;
                box.DefaultDialogResult = DialogResult.Yes;

                // The message box won’t be displayed if the
                // "DontShowActionFailedMessage" value of the registry key 
                // contains a non-zero value.
                if (box.Show(this) == DialogResult.No)
                    // Do something if the user clicks the No button.
    ' Do something that could generate an exception.
    Throw New ApplicationException("An error has occured.")
Catch ex As ApplicationException
    Dim str As String = "The action failed. Do you want to continue?"
    Dim exTop As ApplicationException = New ApplicationException(str, ex)
    exTop.Source = Me.Text

    ' Show a message box with Yes and No buttons
    Dim box As ExceptionMessageBox = New ExceptionMessageBox(exTop, _
     ExceptionMessageBoxButtons.YesNo, _
     ExceptionMessageBoxSymbol.Question, _

    ' Enable the check box.
    box.ShowCheckBox = True

    ' Define the registry key to use.
    box.CheckBoxRegistryKey = _
    Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey( _
    box.CheckBoxRegistryValue = "DontShowActionFailedMessage"
    box.CheckBoxRegistryMeansDoNotShowDialog = True
    box.DefaultDialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes

    ' The message box won�t be displayed if the
    ' "DontShowActionFailedMessage" value of the registry key 
    ' contains a non-zero value.
    If box.Show(Me) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No Then
        ' Do something if the user clicks the No button.
    End If
End Try


                // Do something that you don't expect to generate an exception.
                throw new ApplicationException("Failed to connect to the server.");
            catch (ApplicationException ex)
                string str = "An unexpected error occurred. Please call Helpdesk.";
                ApplicationException exTop = new ApplicationException(str, ex);
                exTop.Source = this.Text;

                // Information in the Data property of an exception that has a name
                // beginning with "HelpLink.Advanced" is shown when the user
                // clicks the Advanced Information button of the exception message
                // box dialog box.
                exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.FileName", "application.dll");
                exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.FilePosition", "line 355");
                exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.UserContext", "single user mode");

                // Show the exception message box with additional information that 
                // is helpful when a user calls technical support.
                ExceptionMessageBox box = new ExceptionMessageBox(exTop);

    ' Do something that you don't expect to generate an exception.
    Throw New ApplicationException("Failed to connect to the server.")
Catch ex As ApplicationException
    Dim str As String = "An unexpected error occurred. Please call Helpdesk."
    Dim exTop As ApplicationException = New ApplicationException(str, ex)
    exTop.Source = Me.Text

    ' Information in the Data property of an exception that has a name
    ' beginning with "HelpLink.Advanced" is shown when the user
    ' clicks the Advanced Information button of the exception message
    ' box dialog box.
    exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.FileName", "application.dll")
    exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.FilePosition", "line 355")
    exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.UserContext", "single user mode")

    ' Show the exception message box with additional information that 
    ' is helpful when a user calls technical support.
    Dim box As ExceptionMessageBox = New ExceptionMessageBox(exTop)


End Try