MiningStructureColumnContents 类

Represents information about the contents of a mining structure column. This class cannot be inherited.


System. . :: . .Object

命名空间:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices
程序集:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices(在 Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll 中)


Public NotInheritable Class MiningStructureColumnContents
public static class MiningStructureColumnContents
public ref class MiningStructureColumnContents abstract sealed
type MiningStructureColumnContents =  class end
public final class MiningStructureColumnContents

MiningStructureColumnContents 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共属性静态成员 KeyHoldoutContents Gets the cache that contains the keys of records used in the holdout data set.
公共属性静态成员 KeyStandardContents Gets the content type for a key column.



  名称 说明
公共方法静态成员 GetStandardContents Gets the content type for a non-key column.



  名称 说明
公共字段静态成员 Continuous Indicates that the column values represent continuous numeric data.
公共字段静态成员 Cyclical Indicates that the column values represent a cyclical ordered set.
公共字段静态成员 Discrete Indicates that the column values are discrete values.
公共字段静态成员 Discretized Indicates that the column values represent groups, or buckets, of values that are derived from a continuous column. The buckets are treated as ordered and discrete values.
公共字段静态成员 Key Indicates that the column values represent a unique key.
公共字段静态成员 KeySequence Indicates that the column values are unique keys that represent a sequence of events.
公共字段静态成员 KeyTime Indicates that the column values are unique keys that represent an ordered time scale.
公共字段静态成员 Ordered Indicates that the column values define an ordered set.
公共字段静态成员 Probability Indicates that the column values represent probabilities.
公共字段静态成员 ProbabilityStdDev Indicates that the column values represent the standard deviation of the probability values.
公共字段静态成员 ProbabilityVariance Indicates that the column values represent the variance of the probability values.
公共字段静态成员 StdDev Indicates that the column values represent standard deviation.
公共字段静态成员 Support Indicates that the column values represents the amount of support.
公共字段静态成员 Variance Indicates that the column values represent variance.



此类型的任何公共 static(在 Visual Basic 中为 Shared) 成员都是线程安全的。不保证所有实例成员都是线程安全的。