ASExecuteDDLTask 类

Executes Data Definition Language (DDL) commands against an instance of Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services.


System. . :: . .Object
  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime. . :: . .DtsObject
    Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime. . :: . .Task
      Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTask. . :: . .ASTaskBase

命名空间:  Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTask
程序集:  Microsoft.SqlServer.ASTasks(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.ASTasks.dll 中)


<GuidAttribute("FC95DF06-8E20-4f90-BFD5-B48AFA59C158")> _
<DtsTaskAttribute(LocalizationType := GetType(ASExecuteDDLTask), UITypeName := "Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTaskUI.ASExecuteDDLTaskUI, Microsoft.SqlServer.ASTasksUI, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91",  _
    IconResource := "ExecuteTaskIcon")> _
Public Class ASExecuteDDLTask _
    Inherits ASTaskBase _
    Implements IDTSComponentPersist
Dim instance As ASExecuteDDLTask
[DtsTaskAttribute(LocalizationType = typeof(ASExecuteDDLTask), UITypeName = "Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTaskUI.ASExecuteDDLTaskUI, Microsoft.SqlServer.ASTasksUI, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91", 
    IconResource = "ExecuteTaskIcon")]
public class ASExecuteDDLTask : ASTaskBase, 
[DtsTaskAttribute(LocalizationType = typeof(ASExecuteDDLTask), UITypeName = L"Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTaskUI.ASExecuteDDLTaskUI, Microsoft.SqlServer.ASTasksUI, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91", 
    IconResource = L"ExecuteTaskIcon")]
public ref class ASExecuteDDLTask : public ASTaskBase, 
[<DtsTaskAttribute(LocalizationType = typeof(ASExecuteDDLTask), UITypeName = "Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTaskUI.ASExecuteDDLTaskUI, Microsoft.SqlServer.ASTasksUI, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91", 
    IconResource = "ExecuteTaskIcon")>]
type ASExecuteDDLTask =  
        inherit ASTaskBase
        interface IDTSComponentPersist
public class ASExecuteDDLTask extends ASTaskBase implements IDTSComponentPersist

ASExecuteDDLTask 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共方法 ASExecuteDDLTask Initializes a new instance of the ASExecuteDDLTask class.



  名称 说明
公共属性 ConnectionName 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
公共属性 ExecutionValue Returns the result of the task execution. (覆盖 Task. . :: . .ExecutionValue。)
受保护属性 ProgressEventName 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
公共属性 Source Gets or sets the text of the DDL statement to be sent to the Analysis Services server.
公共属性 SourceType Gets or sets a value from the DDLSourceType enumeration indicating the source type that contains the DDL statements.
受保护属性 StatusEventName 基础结构。 (覆盖 ASTaskBase. . :: . .StatusEventName。)
受保护属性 SubComponentName 基础结构。 (覆盖 ASTaskBase. . :: . .SubComponentName。)
公共属性静态成员 TaskDescription Returns a description of the Analysis Services Execute DDL task.
公共属性静态成员 TaskDisplayName Returns the name of the Execute DDL task.
公共属性 Version *** Member deprecated; see Remarks. ***    Returns the version of the task. This property is read-only. (从 Task 继承。)



  名称 说明
公共方法 CanUpdate *** Member deprecated; see Remarks. ***    A Boolean that indicates whether the new package XML can update the old package XML. (从 Task 继承。)
公共方法 Equals Determines whether two object instances are equal. (从 DtsObject 继承。)
公共方法 Execute 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
受保护方法 Finalize (从 Object 继承。)
受保护方法 FireError(String, String) 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
受保护方法 FireError(Int32, String, String, String) 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
公共方法 GetConnectionID Gets a String containing the ID of the connection. (从 Task 继承。)
公共方法 GetConnectionName Gets a String containing the name of the connection. (从 Task 继承。)
公共方法 GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance. (从 DtsObject 继承。)
公共方法 GetType (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 InitializeTask Initializes the properties associated with the task. This method is called by the runtime and is not used in code. (从 Task 继承。)
受保护方法 InternalExecute 基础结构。 (覆盖 ASTaskBase. . :: . .InternalExecute(Connections, VariableDispenser, IDTSComponentEvents, IDTSLogging, Object)。)
受保护方法 InternalValidate 基础结构。 (覆盖 ASTaskBase. . :: . .InternalValidate(Connections, VariableDispenser, IDTSComponentEvents, IDTSLogging)。)
公共方法 LoadFromXML This method is not callable by your application code. To load a package saved as .xml, use the Application..::..LoadPackage method.
受保护方法 MemberwiseClone (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 SaveToXML This method is not callable by your application code. To save a package as .xml, use the Application..::..SaveToXml method.
受保护方法 StopExecution 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
受保护方法 SubscribeToProgressEvent 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
公共方法 ToString (从 Object 继承。)
受保护方法 UnsubscribeToProgressEvent 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
公共方法 Update *** Member deprecated; see Remarks. ***    This method updates the old package XML with the new package XML if CanUpdate is set to true. (从 Task 继承。)
公共方法 Validate 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
受保护方法 ValidateConnection 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
受保护方法 ValidateDDL 基础结构。 (覆盖 ASTaskBase. . :: . .ValidateDDL(VariableDispenser, Connections, Exception%)。)
受保护方法 WriteLog 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)



  名称 说明
受保护字段 bExecutionCanceled 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
受保护字段 bTraceError 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
受保护字段 ddl 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
受保护字段 m_events 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)
受保护字段 server 基础结构。 (从 ASTaskBase 继承。)



The following code sample creates, configures, and executes a new ASExecuteDDLTask that loads the DDL statement to execute from a file connection.

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTask;

class Module1

  public static void Main()

    Package pkg = new Package();

    ConnectionManager asCM;
    asCM = pkg.Connections.Add("MSOLAP100");
    asCM.Name = "Analysis Services Connection Manager";
    asCM.ConnectionString = "Data Source=<servername>;" +
      "Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW;Provider=MSOLAP;" +
      "Integrated Security=SSPI;Impersonation Level=Impersonate;";

    ConnectionManager cmdCM;
    cmdCM = pkg.Connections.Add("FILE");
    cmdCM.Name = "Command Source Connection Manager";
    cmdCM.ConnectionString = "C:\\ddltest.txt";

    Executable exe = pkg.Executables.Add("Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTask.ASExecuteDDLTask, " +
      "Microsoft.SqlServer.ASTasks, Version=, " +
      "Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91");
    TaskHost thTask = (TaskHost) exe;
      thTask.Properties("ConnectionName").SetValue(thTask, "Analysis Services Connection Manager");
      thTask.Properties("SourceType").SetValue(thTask, DDLSourceType.FileConnection);
      thTask.Properties("Source").SetValue(thTask, "Command Source Connection Manager");

    DTSExecResult valResults = pkg.Validate(pkg.Connections, pkg.Variables, null, null);

    if (valResults==DTSExecResult.Success)


Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Imports Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTask

Module Module1

  Sub Main()

    Dim pkg As New Package

    Dim asCM As ConnectionManager
    asCM = pkg.Connections.Add("MSOLAP100")
    asCM.Name = "Analysis Services Connection Manager"
    asCM.ConnectionString = "Data Source=<servername>;" & _
      "Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW;Provider=MSOLAP;" & _
      "Integrated Security=SSPI;Impersonation Level=Impersonate;"

    Dim cmdCM As ConnectionManager
    cmdCM = pkg.Connections.Add("FILE")
    cmdCM.Name = "Command Source Connection Manager"
    cmdCM.ConnectionString = "C:\ddltest.txt"

    Dim exe As Executable = pkg.Executables.Add( _
      "Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTask.ASExecuteDDLTask, " & _
      "Microsoft.SqlServer.ASTasks, Version=, " & _
      "Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91")
    Dim thTask As TaskHost = CType(exe, TaskHost)
    With thTask
      .Properties("ConnectionName").SetValue(thTask, _
        "Analysis Services Connection Manager")
      .Properties("SourceType").SetValue(thTask, DDLSourceType.FileConnection)
      .Properties("Source").SetValue(thTask, "Command Source Connection Manager")
    End With

    Dim valResults As DTSExecResult = pkg.Validate( _
      pkg.Connections, pkg.Variables, Nothing, Nothing)

    If valResults = DTSExecResult.Success Then
    End If

  End Sub

End Module


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