DistributionPublication Object

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The DistributionPublication object exposes the properties of a Distributor's image of a snapshot, transactional, or merge replication publication.

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For snapshot and transactional replication, a replication Distributor maintains an image of articles defining a publication. The Distributor replicates the articles to Subscribers, enabling one type of replication load balancing.

Use DistributionPublication object methods to monitor merge replication.

There is no requirement that an instance of Microsoft SQL Server create Distributor-maintained data images. Snapshot and transactional replication publications created on the Distributor enable one type of third-party, or heterogeneous, replication.

With the DistributionPublication object, you can:

  • Create a heterogeneous replication publication.

  • Configure replication agent use.

  • Remove a heterogeneous replication publication.

  • Monitor replication agents implementing publications.


DistributionPublication object properties are read/write only if the object is being used to create a distribution publication. If a DistributionPublication object references a Distributor's image of an existing publication, all properties are read-only.

The DistributionPublication object is compatible with instances of SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server version 7.0. However, the DistributionPublication2 object extends the functionality of the DistributionPublication object for use with features that were introduced in SQL Server 2000.