
全文搜索对于每个 SQL Server 实例都可用且在 SMO 中由 FullTextService 对象来表示。FullTextService 对象位于 Server 对象下。它用于管理 Microsoft 全文搜索服务的配置选项。FullTextCatalogCollection 对象属于 Database 对象,并且它是表示为数据库定义的全文目录的 FullTextCatalog 对象的集合。与普通索引不同,只能为每个表定义一个全文索引。此索引由 Table 对象中的 FullTextIndexColumn 对象表示。


首先,通过调用 FullTextCatalog 构造函数并指定目录名称,为数据库创建全文目录。其次,通过调用该构造函数并指定要为其创建全文索引的表,创建全文索引。接着,通过使用 FullTextIndexColumn 对象并提供表中列的名称,可以为全文索引添加索引列。然后,为已创建的目录设置 CatalogName 属性。最后,调用 Create 方法并为 SQL Server 实例创建全文索引。


若要使用所提供的任何代码示例,您必须选择创建应用程序所需的编程环境、编程模板和编程语言。有关详细信息,请参阅如何在 Visual Studio .NET 中创建 Visual Basic SMO 项目如何在 Visual Studio .NET 中创建 Visual C# SMO 项目

在 Visual Basic 中创建全文搜索服务

此代码示例将为 AdventureWorks 示例数据库中的 ProductCategory 表创建全文搜索目录。然后,它会为 ProductCategory 表中的 Name 列创建全文搜索索引。全文搜索索引要求已为该列定义唯一索引。

'Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Dim srv As Server
srv = New Server
'Reference the AdventureWorks database.
Dim db As Database
db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks")
'Reference the ProductCategory table.
Dim tb As Table
tb = db.Tables("ProductCategory", "Production")
'Define a FullTextCatalog object variable by specifying the parent database and name arguments in the constructor.
Dim ftc As FullTextCatalog
ftc = New FullTextCatalog(db, "Test_Catalog")
ftc.IsDefault = True
'Create the Full Text Search catalog on the instance of SQL Server.
'Define a FullTextIndex object varaible by supplying the parent table argument in the constructor.
Dim fti As FullTextIndex
fti = New FullTextIndex(tb)
'Define a FullTextIndexColumn object variable by supplying the parent index and column name arguements in the constructor.
Dim ftic As FullTextIndexColumn
ftic = New FullTextIndexColumn(fti, "Name")
'Add the indexed column to the index.
fti.ChangeTracking = ChangeTracking.Automatic
'Specify the unique index on the table that is required by the Full Text Search index.
fti.UniqueIndexName = "AK_ProductCategory_Name"
'Specify the catalog associated with the index.
fti.CatalogName = "Test_Catalog"
'Create the Full Text Search index on the instance of SQL Server.

在 Visual C# 中创建全文搜索服务

此代码示例将为 AdventureWorks 示例数据库中的 ProductCategory 表创建全文搜索目录。然后,它会为 ProductCategory 表中的 Name 列创建全文搜索索引。全文搜索索引要求已为该列定义唯一索引。

//Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server. 
   Server srv = default(Server); 
   srv = new Server(); 
   //Reference the AdventureWorks database. 
   Database db = default(Database); 
   db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks"); 
   //Reference the ProductCategory table. 
   Table tb = default(Table); 
   tb = db.Tables("ProductCategory", "Production"); 
   //Define a FullTextCatalog object variable by specifying 
   //the parent database and name arguments in the constructor. 
   FullTextCatalog ftc = default(FullTextCatalog); 
   ftc = new FullTextCatalog(db, "Test_Catalog"); 
   ftc.IsDefault = true; 
   //Create the Full-Text Search catalog on the instance of SQL Server. 
   //Define a FullTextIndex object varaible by supplying the 
   //parent table argument in the constructor. 
   FullTextIndex fti = default(FullTextIndex); 
   fti = new FullTextIndex(tb); 
   //Define a FullTextIndexColumn object variable by supplying 
   //the parent index and column name arguements in the constructor. 
   FullTextIndexColumn ftic = default(FullTextIndexColumn); 
   ftic = new FullTextIndexColumn(fti, "Name"); 
   //Add the indexed column to the index. 
   fti.ChangeTracking = ChangeTracking.Automatic; 
   //Specify the unique index on the table that is required by 
   //the Full Text Search index. 
   fti.UniqueIndexName = "AK_ProductCategory_Name"; 
   //Specify the catalog associated with the index. 
   fti.CatalogName = "Test_Catalog"; 
   //Create the Full Text Search index on the instance of SQL Server. 