IDTSComponentMetaData100 接口

Contains the definition of a data flow component, including the custom properties, inputs, outputs, and input and output columns defined on a data flow component.

命名空间:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
程序集:  Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap.dll 中)


<GuidAttribute("887BD061-82D4-4F06-A222-337D42E7F896")> _
Public Interface IDTSComponentMetaData100 _
    Inherits IDTSObject100
Dim instance As IDTSComponentMetaData100
public interface IDTSComponentMetaData100 : IDTSObject100
public interface class IDTSComponentMetaData100 : IDTSObject100
type IDTSComponentMetaData100 =  
        interface IDTSObject100 
public interface IDTSComponentMetaData100 extends IDTSObject100

IDTSComponentMetaData100 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共属性 AreInputColumnsValid Gets a value that indicates whether the input columns in an IDTSComponentMetaData100 reference existing columns from the upstream component.
公共属性 ComponentClassID Gets or sets the CLSID of a component that is described by the component metadata.
公共属性 ContactInfo Gets or sets the contact information of the developer of a component.
公共属性 CustomPropertyCollection Gets the collection of custom properties exposed by a component.
公共属性 Description Gets or sets the description of the component.
公共属性 ID Gets or sets the identifier of a component.
公共属性 IdentificationString Gets a string that uniquely identifies the component.
公共属性 InputCollection Gets the collection of IDTSInput100 objects for a component.
公共属性 IsDefaultLocale Gets a value that indicates whether the locale used by a component is the default locale for the computer where the component is executing.
公共属性 LocaleID Gets or sets the identifier of the locale used by a component.
公共属性 Name Gets or sets the name of the component.
公共属性 ObjectType Gets a value indicating that the component is a data flow component.
公共属性 OutputCollection Gets the collection of IDTSOutput100 objects defined by a component.
公共属性 PipelineVersion Gets or sets the version of the data flow task within which a component is designed to execute.
公共属性 RuntimeConnectionCollection Gets the collection of IDTSRuntimeConnection100 objects for a component.
公共属性 UsesDispositions Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the component uses dispositions.
公共属性 ValidateExternalMetadata Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the component validates its column metadata against its external data source at design time.
公共属性 Version Gets or sets the version of the component.



  名称 说明
公共方法 FireCustomEvent Raises a custom event defined by a component.
公共方法 FireError Raises an OnError event.
公共方法 FireInformation Raises an OnInformation event.
公共方法 FireProgress Raises an OnProgress event.
公共方法 FireWarning Raises an OnWarning event.
公共方法 GetComponentView Gets the IDTSComponentView100 interface for a component, which supports transactional edits of the component metadata.
公共方法 GetErrorDescription Gets the description of an internal Integration Services error code.
公共方法 IncrementPipelinePerfCounter Increments a data flow performance counter.
公共方法 Instantiate Creates an instance of a component specified by the ComponentClassID property.
公共方法 PostLogMessage Writes an entry in a package log.
公共方法 RemoveInvalidInputColumns Removes invalid IDTSInputColumn100 objects from an IDTSInputColumnCollection100.
公共方法 Validate Invokes the validation of the component metadata.



The IDTSComponentMetaData100 describes the layout of a data flow component. It contains the input and output objects, input and output columns, and the custom properties of the component. It also contains information that identifies the assembly, or DLL, that is created during design time and execution of the component. A reference to the metadata for a component is obtained by creating a new component, using the New method, or by accessing an existing component in the ComponentMetaDataCollection collection of the MainPipeClass class.



Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper 命名空间