
本主题说明如何使用 SQL Server Management Studio、Transact-SQL 或复制管理对象 (RMO) 在 SQL Server 2012 中删除请求订阅。


  • 删除请求订阅,使用:

    SQL Server Management Studio


    复制管理对象 (RMO)

使用 SQL Server Management Studio

在发布服务器上删除请求订阅(从 SQL Server Management Studio 的**“本地发布”文件夹中),或在订阅服务器上删除请求订阅(从“本地订阅”**文件夹中)。 删除订阅不会从订阅中删除对象或数据,必须对其手动删除。


  1. 在 SQL Server Management Studio 中连接到发布服务器,然后展开服务器节点。

  2. 展开**“复制”文件夹,再展开“本地发布”**文件夹。

  3. 展开与要删除的订阅关联的发布。

  4. 右键单击该订阅,再单击**“删除”**。

  5. 在确认对话框中,选择是否连接到订阅服务器以删除订阅信息。 如果清除**“连接到订阅服务器”**复选框,则应在以后连接到订阅服务器以删除订阅信息。


  1. 在 SQL Server Management Studio 中连接到订阅服务器,然后展开服务器节点。

  2. 展开**“复制”文件夹,再展开“本地订阅”**文件夹。

  3. 右键单击要删除的订阅,再单击**“删除”**。

  4. 在确认对话框中,选择是否连接到发布服务器以删除订阅信息。 如果清除**“连接到发布服务器”**复选框,则应在以后连接到发布服务器以删除订阅信息。


使用 Transact-SQL

可以使用复制存储过程以编程方式删除请求订阅。 所用的存储过程取决于订阅所属的发布的类型。


  1. 在订阅服务器上,对订阅数据库执行sp_droppullsubscription (Transact-SQL)。 指定 @publication@publisher@publisher_db

  2. 在发布服务器上,对发布数据库执行 sp_dropsubscription (Transact-SQL)。 指定 @publication@subscriber。 将 @article 的值指定为 all。 (可选)如果无法访问分发服务器,将 @ignore_distributor 的值指定为 1,以便在不删除分发服务器上相关对象的情况下删除订阅。


  1. 在订阅服务器上,对订阅数据库执行 sp_dropmergepullsubscription (Transact-SQL)。 指定 @publication@publisher@publisher_db

  2. 在发布服务器上,对发布数据库执行 sp_dropmergesubscription (Transact-SQL)。 指定 @publication@subscriber@subscriber_db。 将 @subscription_type 的值指定为 pull。 (可选)如果无法访问分发服务器,将 @ignore_distributor 的值指定为 1,以便在不删除分发服务器上相关对象的情况下删除订阅。

示例 (Transact-SQL)

以下示例删除对事务发布的请求订阅。 第一个批处理在订阅服务器上执行,第二个批处理在发布服务器上执行。

-- This script uses sqlcmd scripting variables. They are in the form
-- $(MyVariable). For information about how to use scripting variables  
-- on the command line and in SQL Server Management Studio, see the 
-- "Executing Replication Scripts" section in the topic
-- "Programming Replication Using System Stored Procedures".

-- This is the batch executed at the Subscriber to drop 
-- a pull subscription to a transactional publication.
DECLARE @publication AS sysname;
DECLARE @publisher AS sysname;
DECLARE @publicationDB     AS sysname;
SET @publication = N'AdvWorksProductTran';
SET @publisher = $(PubServer);
SET @publicationDB = N'AdventureWorks2012';

USE [AdventureWorks2012Replica]
EXEC sp_droppullsubscription 
  @publisher = @publisher, 
  @publisher_db = @publicationDB, 
  @publication = @publication;

-- This script uses sqlcmd scripting variables. They are in the form
-- $(MyVariable). For information about how to use scripting variables  
-- on the command line and in SQL Server Management Studio, see the 
-- "Executing Replication Scripts" section in the topic
-- "Programming Replication Using System Stored Procedures".

-- This batch is executed at the Publisher to remove 
-- a pull or push subscription to a transactional publication.
DECLARE @publication AS sysname;
DECLARE @subscriber AS sysname;
SET @publication = N'AdvWorksProductTran';
SET @subscriber = $(SubServer);

USE [AdventureWorks2012]
EXEC sp_dropsubscription 
  @publication = @publication, 
  @article = N'all',
  @subscriber = @subscriber;

以下示例删除对合并发布的请求订阅。 第一个批处理在订阅服务器上执行,第二个批处理在发布服务器上执行。

-- This script uses sqlcmd scripting variables. They are in the form
-- $(MyVariable). For information about how to use scripting variables  
-- on the command line and in SQL Server Management Studio, see the 
-- "Executing Replication Scripts" section in the topic
-- "Programming Replication Using System Stored Procedures".

-- This batch is executed at the Subscriber to remove 
-- a merge pull subscription.
DECLARE @publication AS sysname;
DECLARE @publisher AS sysname;
DECLARE @publication_db AS sysname;
SET @publication = N'AdvWorksSalesOrdersMerge';
SET @publisher = $(PubServer);
SET @publication_db = N'AdventureWorks2012';

USE [AdventureWorks2012Replica]
EXEC sp_dropmergepullsubscription 
  @publisher = @publisher, 
  @publisher_db = @publication_db, 
  @publication = @publication;

-- This script uses sqlcmd scripting variables. They are in the form
-- $(MyVariable). For information about how to use scripting variables  
-- on the command line and in SQL Server Management Studio, see the 
-- "Executing Replication Scripts" section in the topic
-- "Programming Replication Using System Stored Procedures".

-- This batch is executed at the Publisher to remove 
-- a pull or push subscription to a merge publication.
DECLARE @publication AS sysname;
DECLARE @subscriber AS sysname;
DECLARE @subscriptionDB AS sysname;
SET @publication = N'AdvWorksSalesOrdersMerge';
SET @subscriber = $(SubServer);
SET @subscriptionDB = N'AdventureWorks2012Replica';

USE [AdventureWorks2012]
EXEC sp_dropmergesubscription 
  @publication = @publication, 
  @subscriber = @subscriber, 
  @subscriber_db = @subscriptionDB;


使用复制管理对象 (RMO)

可通过使用复制管理对象 (RMO) 以编程方式删除请求订阅。 用于删除请求订阅的 RMO 类由该请求订阅所订阅的发布类型决定。


  1. 使用 ServerConnection 类创建与订阅服务器和发布服务器的连接。

  2. 创建 TransPullSubscription 类的一个实例,并设置 PublicationNameDatabaseNamePublisherName 以及 PublicationDBName 属性。 使用步骤 1 中的订阅服务器连接来设置 ConnectionContext 属性。

  3. 检查 IsExistingObject 属性以确保该订阅存在。 如果此属性的值为 false,则步骤 2 中所定义的订阅属性不正确或者该订阅不存在。

  4. 调用 Remove 方法。

  5. 使用步骤 1 中的发布服务器连接创建 TransPublication 类的实例。 指定 NameDatabaseNameConnectionContext

  6. 调用 LoadProperties 方法。 如果该方法返回 false,则表示步骤 5 中指定的属性不正确,或者服务器中不存在发布。

  7. 调用 RemovePullSubscription 方法。 将订阅服务器和订阅数据库的名称分别指定给 subscriber 和 subscriberDB 参数。


  1. 使用 ServerConnection 类创建与订阅服务器和发布服务器的连接。

  2. 创建 MergePullSubscription 类的一个实例,并设置 PublicationNameDatabaseNamePublisherName 以及 PublicationDBName 属性。 使用步骤 1 中的连接来设置 ConnectionContext 属性。

  3. 检查 IsExistingObject 属性以确保该订阅存在。 如果此属性的值为 false,则步骤 2 中所定义的订阅属性不正确或者该订阅不存在。

  4. 调用 Remove 方法。

  5. 使用步骤 1 中的发布服务器连接创建 MergePublication 类的实例。 指定 NameDatabaseNameConnectionContext

  6. 调用 LoadProperties 方法。 如果该方法返回 false,则表示步骤 5 中指定的属性不正确,或者服务器中不存在发布。

  7. 调用 RemovePullSubscription 方法。 将订阅服务器和订阅数据库的名称分别指定给 subscriber 和 subscriberDB 参数。

示例 (RMO)


            // Define the Publisher, publication, and databases.
            string publicationName = "AdvWorksProductTran";
            string publisherName = publisherInstance;
            string subscriberName = subscriberInstance;
            string subscriptionDbName = "AdventureWorks2012Replica";
            string publicationDbName = "AdventureWorks2012";

            //Create connections to the Publisher and Subscriber.
            ServerConnection subscriberConn = new ServerConnection(subscriberName);
            ServerConnection publisherConn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);

            // Create the objects that we need.
            TransPublication publication;
            TransPullSubscription subscription;

                // Connect to the Subscriber.

                // Define the pull subscription.
                subscription = new TransPullSubscription();
                subscription.ConnectionContext = subscriberConn;
                subscription.PublisherName = publisherName;
                subscription.PublicationName = publicationName;
                subscription.PublicationDBName = publicationDbName;
                subscription.DatabaseName = subscriptionDbName;

                // Define the publication.
                publication = new TransPublication();
                publication.Name = publicationName;
                publication.DatabaseName = publicationDbName;
                publication.ConnectionContext = publisherConn;

                // Delete the pull subscription, if it exists.
                if (subscription.IsExistingObject)
                    if (publication.LoadProperties())
                        // Remove the pull subscription registration at the Publisher.
                        publication.RemovePullSubscription(subscriberName, subscriptionDbName);
                        // Do something here if the publication does not exist.
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                            "The publication '{0}' does not exist on {1}.",
                            publicationName, publisherName));
                    // Delete the pull subscription at the Subscriber.
                    throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                        "The subscription to {0} does not exist on {1}",
                        publicationName, subscriberName));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Implement the appropriate error handling here.
                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                    "The subscription to {0} could not be deleted.", publicationName), ex);
' Define the Publisher, publication, and databases.
Dim publicationName As String = "AdvWorksProductTran"
Dim publisherName As String = publisherInstance
Dim subscriberName As String = subscriberInstance
Dim subscriptionDbName As String = "AdventureWorks2012Replica"
Dim publicationDbName As String = "AdventureWorks2012"

'Create connections to the Publisher and Subscriber.
Dim subscriberConn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(subscriberName)
Dim publisherConn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(publisherName)

' Create the objects that we need.
Dim publication As TransPublication
Dim subscription As TransPullSubscription

    ' Connect to the Subscriber.

    ' Define the pull subscription.
    subscription = New TransPullSubscription()
    subscription.ConnectionContext = subscriberConn
    subscription.PublisherName = publisherName
    subscription.PublicationName = publicationName
    subscription.PublicationDBName = publicationDbName
    subscription.DatabaseName = subscriptionDbName

    ' Define the publication.
    publication = New TransPublication()
    publication.Name = publicationName
    publication.DatabaseName = publicationDbName
    publication.ConnectionContext = publisherConn

    ' Delete the pull subscription, if it exists.
    If subscription.IsExistingObject Then

        If publication.LoadProperties() Then
            ' Remove the pull subscription registration at the Publisher.
            publication.RemovePullSubscription(subscriberName, subscriptionDbName)
            ' Do something here if the publication does not exist.
            Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
             "The publication '{0}' does not exist on {1}.", _
             publicationName, publisherName))
        End If
        ' Delete the pull subscription at the Subscriber.
        Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
         "The subscription to {0} does not exist on {1}", _
         publicationName, subscriberName))
    End If
Catch ex As Exception
    ' Implement the appropriate error handling here.
    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
        "The subscription to {0} could not be deleted.", publicationName), ex)
End Try


           // Define the Publisher, publication, and databases.
            string publicationName = "AdvWorksSalesOrdersMerge";
            string publisherName = publisherInstance;
            string subscriberName = subscriberInstance;
            string subscriptionDbName = "AdventureWorks2012Replica";
            string publicationDbName = "AdventureWorks2012";

            //Create connections to the Publisher and Subscriber.
            ServerConnection subscriberConn = new ServerConnection(subscriberName);
            ServerConnection publisherConn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);

            // Create the objects that we need.
            MergePublication publication;
            MergePullSubscription subscription;

                // Connect to the Subscriber.

                // Define the pull subscription.
                subscription = new MergePullSubscription();
                subscription.ConnectionContext = subscriberConn;
                subscription.PublisherName = publisherName;
                subscription.PublicationName = publicationName;
                subscription.PublicationDBName = publicationDbName;
                subscription.DatabaseName = subscriptionDbName;

                // Define the publication.
                publication = new MergePublication();
                publication.Name = publicationName;
                publication.DatabaseName = publicationDbName;
                publication.ConnectionContext = publisherConn;

                // Delete the pull subscription, if it exists.
                if (subscription.IsExistingObject)
                    // Delete the pull subscription at the Subscriber.

                    if (publication.LoadProperties())
                        publication.RemovePullSubscription(subscriberName, subscriptionDbName);
                        // Do something here if the publication does not exist.
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                            "The publication '{0}' does not exist on {1}.",
                            publicationName, publisherName));
                    throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                        "The subscription to {0} does not exist on {1}",
                        publicationName, subscriberName));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Implement the appropriate error handling here.
                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                    "The subscription to {0} could not be deleted.", publicationName), ex);
' Define the Publisher, publication, and databases.
Dim publicationName As String = "AdvWorksSalesOrdersMerge"
Dim publisherName As String = publisherInstance
Dim subscriberName As String = subscriberInstance
Dim subscriptionDbName As String = "AdventureWorks2012Replica"
Dim publicationDbName As String = "AdventureWorks2012"

'Create connections to the Publisher and Subscriber.
Dim subscriberConn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(subscriberName)
Dim publisherConn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(publisherName)

' Create the objects that we need.
Dim publication As MergePublication
Dim subscription As MergePullSubscription

    ' Connect to the Subscriber.

    ' Define the pull subscription.
    subscription = New MergePullSubscription()
    subscription.ConnectionContext = subscriberConn
    subscription.PublisherName = publisherName
    subscription.PublicationName = publicationName
    subscription.PublicationDBName = publicationDbName
    subscription.DatabaseName = subscriptionDbName

    ' Define the publication.
    publication = New MergePublication()
    publication.Name = publicationName
    publication.DatabaseName = publicationDbName
    publication.ConnectionContext = publisherConn

    ' Delete the pull subscription, if it exists.
    If subscription.IsExistingObject Then

        ' Delete the pull subscription at the Subscriber.

        If publication.LoadProperties() Then
            publication.RemovePullSubscription(subscriberName, subscriptionDbName)
            ' Do something here if the publication does not exist.
            Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
             "The publication '{0}' does not exist on {1}.", _
             publicationName, publisherName))
        End If
        Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
         "The subscription to {0} does not exist on {1}", _
         publicationName, subscriberName))
    End If
Catch ex As Exception
    ' Implement the appropriate error handling here.
    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
        "The subscription to {0} could not be deleted.", publicationName), ex)
End Try




