Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RegSvrEnum 命名空间

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RegSvr namespace contains classes that represent the SQL Server Registered Server service.

公共类 RegisteredServerException The RegisteredServerException class represents the exception raised when an error occurs during server registration.
公共类 UIConnectionGroupInfo 基础结构。不要在您的代码中直接引用此成员。它支持 SQL Server 基础结构。 Implements a nameable list of UIConnectionInfo objects.
公共类 UIConnectionInfo 不要在您的代码中直接引用此成员。它支持 SQL Server 基础结构。 The UIConnectionInfo class represents the information set in a SQL Server Management Studio connection dialog, and the associated connection to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine.