Alert 类

The Alert class represents a Microsoft SQL Server Agent alert.



命名空间:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent
程序集:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll 中)


Public NotInheritable Class Alert _
    Inherits AgentObjectBase _
    Implements ICreatable, IDroppable, IAlterable, IRenamable,  _
Dim instance As Alert
public sealed class Alert : AgentObjectBase, 
    ICreatable, IDroppable, IAlterable, IRenamable, IScriptable
public ref class Alert sealed : public AgentObjectBase, 
    ICreatable, IDroppable, IAlterable, IRenamable, IScriptable
type Alert =  
        inherit AgentObjectBase 
        interface ICreatable 
        interface IDroppable 
        interface IAlterable 
        interface IRenamable 
        interface IScriptable 
public final class Alert extends AgentObjectBase implements ICreatable, IDroppable, IAlterable, IRenamable, IScriptable

Alert 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共方法 Alert() Initializes a new instance of the Alert class.
公共方法 Alert(JobServer, String) Initializes a new instance of the Alert class on the specified instance of SQL Server Agent and with the specified name



  名称 说明
公共属性 AlertType Gets the AlertType object value that specifies the type of alert.
公共属性 CategoryName Gets or sets the name of the category to which the alert belongs.
公共属性 CountResetDate Gets or sets the date on which to reset the alert occurrence count back to zero.
公共属性 DatabaseName Gets or sets the name of the database that the alert is monitoring.
公共属性 DelayBetweenResponses Gets or sets the delay between responses in seconds.
公共属性 EventDescriptionKeyword Gets or sets a word or phrase that must appear in the text of an event message that causes the alert to be raised.
公共属性 EventSource Gets the event source text from the application event log.
公共属性 HasNotification Gets the number of SQL Server Agent operators that are assigned to receive notification when the alert is fired.
公共属性 ID Gets the ID value that uniquely identifies SQL Server Agent.
公共属性 IncludeEventDescription Gets or sets the NotifyMethods object value that specifies the types of notification methods (e-mail, pager, or net send) that can contain alert error text.
公共属性 IsEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the alert is enabled or not.
公共属性 JobID Gets or sets the ID value of the SQL Server Agent job that is run in response to the alert being raised.
公共属性 JobName Gets or sets the name of the SQL Server Agent job that is run in response to the alert being raised.
公共属性 LastOccurrenceDate Gets or sets the date on which the alert was last raised.
公共属性 LastResponseDate Gets or sets the date on which the alert last generated a response.
公共属性 MessageID Gets or sets the ID value of the Microsoft SQL Server message that causes the alert to be raised.
公共属性 Name Gets or sets the name of the object. (从 NamedSmoObject 继承。)
公共属性 NotificationMessage Gets or sets the user-supplied text appended to any notification sent in response to an alert being raised.
公共属性 OccurrenceCount Gets the number of times the alert has fired since the alert was enabled or since a specified date.
公共属性 Parent Gets or sets the JobServer object that is the parent of the Alert object.
公共属性 PerformanceCondition Gets or sets the performance condition text.
公共属性 Properties Gets a collection of Property objects that represent the object properties. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
公共属性 Severity Gets or sets the error message severity level that causes the alert to be raised.
公共属性 State Gets the state of the referenced object. (从 SmoObjectBase 继承。)
公共属性 Urn Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address value that uniquely identifies the object. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
公共属性 UserData Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object. (从 SmoObjectBase 继承。)
公共属性 WmiEventNamespace Gets or sets the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) namespace for the event.
公共属性 WmiEventQuery Gets or sets the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) query for the event.



  名称 说明
公共方法 AddNotification Designates an operator that receives a notification message when the alert is raised.
公共方法 Alter Updates any Alert object property changes on instance of Microsoft SQL Server .
公共方法 Create Creates an alert on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server as defined by the Alert object.
公共方法 Discover Discovers a list of type Object. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
公共方法 Drop Removes the alert.
公共方法 EnumNotifications() Enumerates a list of all notifications defined on the alert.
公共方法 EnumNotifications(String) Enumerates a list of notification methods defined on the alert that are restricted to the specified operator.
公共方法 EnumNotifications(NotifyMethods) Enumerates a list of notification methods defined on the alert that are restricted to the specified notification methods.
公共方法 EnumNotifications(NotifyMethods, String) Enumerates a list of notification methods defined on the alert that are restricted to the specified notification methods and a specified operator.
公共方法 Equals (从 Object 继承。)
受保护方法 FormatSqlVariant Formats an object as SqlVariant type. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
受保护方法 GetContextDB Gets the context database that is associated with this object. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
受保护方法 GetDBName Gets the database name that is associated with the object. (从 AgentObjectBase 继承。)
公共方法 GetHashCode (从 Object 继承。)
受保护方法 GetPropValue Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
受保护方法 GetPropValueOptional Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
受保护方法 GetPropValueOptionalAllowNull Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
受保护方法 GetServerObject Gets the server of the SqlSmoObject object. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
公共方法 GetType (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 Initialize() Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
公共方法 Initialize(Boolean) Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
受保护方法 IsObjectInitialized Verifies whether the object has been initialized. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
受保护方法 IsObjectInSpace Verifies whether the object is isolated or connected to the instance of SQL Server. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
公共方法 Refresh Refreshes the object and retrieves properties when the object is next accessed. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
公共方法 RemoveNotification Removes the notification of an operator from the alert definition.
公共方法 Rename Renames the alert.
公共方法 ResetOccurrenceCount Resets the alert occurrence count back to zero.
公共方法 Script() Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create the Microsoft SQL Server Agent alert.
公共方法 Script(ScriptingOptions) Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create the Microsoft SQL Server Agent alert as specified by the scripting options.
受保护方法 SetParentImpl Sets the parent of the SqlSmoObject to the newParent parameter. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
公共方法 ToString Returns a String that represents the referenced object. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
公共方法 UpdateNotification Changes the notification method associated with an operator for the alert.
公共方法 Validate Validates the state of an object. (从 SmoObjectBase 继承。)



  名称 说明
公共事件 PropertyChanged Represents the event that occurs when a property is changed. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
公共事件 PropertyMetadataChanged Represents the event that occurs when property metadata changes. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)



  名称 说明
显式接口实现私有方法 IAlienObject.Discover Discovers any dependencies. 不要在您的代码中直接引用此成员。它支持 SQL Server 基础结构。 (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
显式接口实现私有方法 IAlienObject.GetDomainRoot Returns the root of the domain. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
显式接口实现私有方法 IAlienObject.GetParent Gets the parent of this object. 不要在您的代码中直接引用此成员。它支持 SQL Server 基础结构。 (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
显式接口实现私有方法 IAlienObject.GetPropertyType Gets the type of the specified property. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
显式接口实现私有方法 IAlienObject.GetPropertyValue Gets the value of the specified property. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
显式接口实现私有方法 IAlienObject.GetUrn Gets the Unified Resource Name (URN) of the object. 不要在您的代码中直接引用此成员。它支持 SQL Server 基础结构。 (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
显式接口实现私有方法 IAlienObject.Resolve Gets the instance that contains the information about the object from the Unified Resource Name (URN) of the object. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
显式接口实现私有方法 IAlienObject.SetObjectState Sets the object state to the specified SfcObjectState value. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
显式接口实现私有方法 IAlienObject.SetPropertyValue Sets the property value. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)
显式接口实现私有方法 ISfcPropertyProvider.GetPropertySet Gets the interface reference to the set of properties of this object. (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。)



To get or set Alert object properties, users must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role.

To create or drop an Alert users must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role.

Thread Safety

此类型的任何公共静态(Microsoft Visual Basic 中的 Shared)成员在多线程操作中是安全的。但不保证所有实例成员都是线程安全的。


在 SQL Server 代理中计划自动管理任务


此类型的任何公共 static(在 Visual Basic 中为 Shared) 成员都是线程安全的。不保证所有实例成员都是线程安全的。



Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent 命名空间


在 SQL Server 代理中计划自动管理任务

自动执行管理任务(SQL Server 代理)

sp_add_alert (Transact-SQL)