

Applies To: System Center 2016 - Service Provider Foundation, System Center Technical Preview


Reads and assigns Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) service templates.

HTTP Verbs

Yes No Yes No


Gets all service templates.

If you provide the StampId property, all service templates within the matching stamp are returned.

If you provide the Name property, the service template with the matching name is returned.

If you provide the ID property, the service template is returned.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
ID Edm.Guid No The service template identifier
StampId Edm.Guid No The identifier of the stamp to restrict the query to
Name Edm.String No The name of the service template


Grants access to the specified service template to users and roles.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
ID Edm.Guid Yes The service template identifier
StampId Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the stamp to restrict the query to
GrantedToList UserAndRole[] Yes The users or roles that can access this service template

 Collection may be empty.

See Also

VMM Collections Reference