连接到虚拟网络 (脚本)


适用对象:System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager, System Center 2012 - Virtual Machine Manager


有关在 HYPER-V 主机上配置网络设置的详细信息,请参阅 如何在 HYPER-V 主机上配置网络设置


下面的脚本将为输入 VMHostName, ,LogNetName, ,HostAdapterName, ,和 VirtualNetName 参数并将主机与逻辑网络相关联。 然后,脚本创建虚拟网络在主机上。

# Description:   This script associates a virtual machine host with a logical 
#                network and then creates a virtual network for the host.

Param (
   [String] $VMHostName=$(throw "Please provide the name of a virtual machine host."),

   [String] $LogNetName=$(throw "Please provide the name of a logical network."),

   [String] $HostAdapterName=$(throw "Please provide the name of the host adapter."),

   [String] $VirtualNetName=$(throw "Please provide the virtual network name.")

# Get the virtual machine host.
$VMHost = Get-SCVMHost -ComputerName $VMHostName

# Get the logical network.
$LogNet = Get-SCLogicalNetwork -Name $LogNetName

# Get the network adapter for the host.
$HostAdapter = Get-SCVMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $VMHost -Name $HostAdapterName

# Set the logical network on the host.
Set-SCVMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHostNetworkAdapter $HostAdapter -AddOrSetLogicalNetwork $LogNet

# Create the virtual network.
New-SCVirtualNetwork -Name $VirtualNetName -Description "External virtual network for $VMHost" -VMHost $VMHost -VMHostNetworkAdapter $HostAdapter