IRowsetNotifyCP Class
Implements the provider site for the connection point interface IRowsetNotify.
template <
class T,
class ReentrantEventSync = CComSharedMutex
class IRowsetNotifyCP :
public IConnectionPointImpl<
piid = &__uuidof(IRowsetNotify),
CComDynamicUnkArray DynamicUnkArray
public ReentrantEventSync
A class derived from IRowsetNotifyCP.ReentrantEventSync
A mutex class that supports reentrancy (the default is CComSharedMutex). A mutex is a synchronization object that allows one thread mutually exclusive access to a resource.piid
A interface ID pointer (IID*) for an IRowsetNotify connection point interface. The default value is &__uuidof(IRowsetNotify).DynamicUnkArray
An array of type CComDynamicUnkArray, which is a dynamically allocated array of IUnknown pointers to the client sink interfaces.
IRowsetNotifyCP implements broadcast functions to advise listeners on the connection point IID_IRowsetNotify of changes to the contents of the rowset.
Note that you must also implement and register IRowsetNotify on the consumer (also known as the "sink") using IRowsetNotifyImpl so that the consumer can handle notifications. See Receiving Notifications about implementing the connection point interface on the consumer.
For detailed information on implementing notifications, see "Supporting Notifications" in Creating an Updatable Provider.
Header: atldb.h
See Also
OLE DB Provider Templates (C++)
The OLE DB Provider Template Architecture