
更新:2007 年 11 月


例如,可以定义一个类 BaseTax,该类提供计算某个州/省的销售税的基准功能。从 BaseTax 派生的类(如 CountyTax 或 CityTax)可以根据相应的情况实现方法,如 CalculateTax。

多态性来自这样一个事实:可以调用属于从 BaseTax 派生的任何类的某个对象的 CalculateTax 方法,而不必知道该对象属于哪个类。

下面示例中的 TestPoly 过程演示基于继承的多态性:

' %5.3 State tax
Const StateRate As Double = 0.053
' %2.8 City tax
Const CityRate As Double = 0.028
Public Class BaseTax
    Overridable Function CalculateTax(ByVal Amount As Double) As Double
        ' Calculate state tax.
        Return Amount * StateRate
    End Function
End Class

Public Class CityTax
    ' This method calls a method in the base class 
    ' and modifies the returned value.
    Inherits BaseTax
    Private BaseAmount As Double
    Overrides Function CalculateTax(ByVal Amount As Double) As Double
        ' Some cities apply a tax to the total cost of purchases,
        ' including other taxes. 
        BaseAmount = MyBase.CalculateTax(Amount)
        Return CityRate * (BaseAmount + Amount) + BaseAmount
    End Function
End Class

Sub TestPoly()
    Dim Item1 As New BaseTax
    Dim Item2 As New CityTax
    ' $22.74 normal purchase.
    ShowTax(Item1, 22.74)
    ' $22.74 city purchase.
    ShowTax(Item2, 22.74)
End Sub

Sub ShowTax(ByVal Item As BaseTax, ByVal SaleAmount As Double)
    ' Item is declared as BaseTax, but you can 
    ' pass an item of type CityTax instead.
    Dim TaxAmount As Double
    TaxAmount = Item.CalculateTax(SaleAmount)
    MsgBox("The tax is: " & Format(TaxAmount, "C"))
End Sub

在此示例中,ShowTax 过程接受 BaseTax 类型的名为 Item 的参数,但还可以传递从该 BaseTax 类派生的任何类,如 CityTax。这种设计的优点在于可添加从 BaseTax 类派生的新类,而不用更改 ShowTax 过程中的客户端代码。




