AdornerPanel 类

更新:2007 年 11 月

为在设计时用作装饰器的 Windows 演示基础 (WPF) 控件提供容器。

命名空间:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction
程序集:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction(在 Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction.dll 中)


Public Class AdornerPanel _
    Inherits Panel
Dim instance As AdornerPanel
public class AdornerPanel : Panel
public ref class AdornerPanel : public Panel
public class AdornerPanel extends Panel


使用 AdornerPanel 类来存放设计时装饰器。装饰器 是装饰一块用户界面 (UI) 的另一块 UI。

将表示装饰器的控件添加到 Children 集合。

调用 SetHorizontalStretchSetVerticalStretch 方法可相对于所装饰的控件调整装饰器面板的大小。

要调整装饰器的大小并对其进行定位,应创建一个 AdornerPlacementCollection 并调用其与大小和位置有关的方法。使用 SetPlacements 方法将 AdornerPlacementCollection 添加到装饰器面板。

装饰器面板设置好后,将它添加到 AdornerProvider 实现的 Adorners 集合。

装饰器通过 Tool 附加属性绑定到工具命令。当鼠标悬停于装饰器上时,装饰器的绑定可用作输入和命令路由的一部分。此外,当装饰器处于活动状态时,与所装饰的 UI 元素关联的模型将成为所生成的任何笔势数据的“源”值。


下面的代码示例演示如何使用 AdornerPanel 来承载 Slider 控件,该控件在设计时用来设置所装饰的控件的 Background 属性。有关更多信息,请参见 演练:创建设计时装饰器

' Setup the adorner panel.
' All adorners are placed in an AdornerPanel
' for sizing and layout support.
Dim myPanel = Me.Panel

AdornerPanel.SetHorizontalStretch(opacitySlider, AdornerStretch.Stretch)
AdornerPanel.SetVerticalStretch(opacitySlider, AdornerStretch.None)

Dim placement As New AdornerPlacementCollection()

' The adorner's width is relative to the content.
' The slider extends the full width of the control it adorns.
placement.SizeRelativeToContentWidth(1.0, 0)

' The adorner's height is the same as the slider's.
placement.SizeRelativeToAdornerDesiredHeight(1.0, 0)

' Position the adorner above the control it adorns.
placement.PositionRelativeToAdornerHeight(-1.0, 0)

' Position the adorner up 5 pixels. This demonstrates 
' that these placement calls are additive. These two calls
' are equivalent to the following single call:
' PositionRelativeToAdornerHeight(-1.0, -5).
placement.PositionRelativeToAdornerHeight(0, -5)

AdornerPanel.SetPlacements(opacitySlider, placement)
// Setup the adorner panel.
// All adorners are placed in an AdornerPanel
// for sizing and layout support.
AdornerPanel myPanel = this.Panel;

AdornerPanel.SetHorizontalStretch(opacitySlider, AdornerStretch.Stretch);
AdornerPanel.SetVerticalStretch(opacitySlider, AdornerStretch.None);

AdornerPlacementCollection placement = new AdornerPlacementCollection();

// The adorner's width is relative to the content.
// The slider extends the full width of the control it adorns.
placement.SizeRelativeToContentWidth(1.0, 0);

// The adorner's height is the same as the slider's.
placement.SizeRelativeToAdornerDesiredHeight(1.0, 0);

// Position the adorner above the control it adorns.
placement.PositionRelativeToAdornerHeight(-1.0, 0);

// Position the adorner up 5 pixels. This demonstrates 
// that these placement calls are additive. These two calls
// are equivalent to the following single call:
// PositionRelativeToAdornerHeight(-1.0, -5).
placement.PositionRelativeToAdornerHeight(0, -5);

AdornerPanel.SetPlacements(opacitySlider, placement);




此类型的任何公共 static(在 Visual Basic 中为 Shared) 成员都是线程安全的。但不保证所有实例成员都是线程安全的。



AdornerPanel 成员

Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction 命名空间



