How to: Declare public and private on Native Classes
It is possible for a native type to be referenced from a managed type. For example, a function in a managed type can take a parameter whose type is a native struct. If the managed type and function is public in an assembly, then the native type must also be public.
// mcppv2_ref_class3.h
// native type
public struct N {
int i;
Next, create the source code file that will consume the native type:
// mcppv2_ref_class3.cpp
// compile with: /clr /LD
#include "mcppv2_ref_class3.h"
// public managed type
public ref struct R {
// public function that takes a native type
void f(N nn) {}
Next, compile a client:
// mcppv2_ref_class4.cpp
// compile with: /clr
#using "mcppv2_ref_class3.dll"
#include "mcppv2_ref_class3.h"
int main() {
R ^r = gcnew R;
N n;