
更新:2007 年 11 月

您可以为非纵向的屏幕方向开发 Direct3D 应用程序。不过,设备驱动程序为使用非纵向方向进行呈现提供了各种级别的支持,因此,您的应用程序应遵循推荐的做法来处理屏幕旋转。


托管 Direct3D 移动应用程序需要使用适用于 Pocket PC 和 Smartphone 的 Windows Mobile 5.0 版软件。有关 Windows Mobile 软件和 SDK 的信息,请参见 .NET Compact Framework 的外部资源

下面的代码示例包含在 Windows 软件开发工具包 (SDK) 中。


  1. 在项目中添加对 Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms 组件的引用。

  2. 添加检测代码的最简便方法是将其放置在主窗体的 Resize 事件处理程序中。在窗体的构造函数中添加该事件处理程序的委托。

    this.Resize += new System.EventHandler(this.MyForm_Resize);
    AddHandler Resize, AddressOf Me.MyForm_Resize
  3. 添加布尔型 orientationChanged 类成员变量,该变量将在方向更改时进行跟踪。使用 ScreenOrientation 属性的值确定当前方向。值为 Angle0 指示纵向模式。如果当前方向与此不同,请设置 orientationChanged 标志来将其标记下来。通常,此时不执行任何操作,因为应用程序可能在后台。不要在此处以编程方式更改方向,因为触发调整大小事件的方向更改可能尚未完成。如果您现在尝试改回原来的方向,则会发生失败。

        // Add a class member variable to
        // store that the orientation has changed.
        bool orientationChanged = false;
        private void MyForm_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
           if (SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation !=
            orientationChanged = true;
        ' Add a class member variable to
        ' store that the orientation has changed.
        Dim OrientationChanged As Boolean = False
    Private Sub MyForm_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If (SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation <> ScreenOrientation.Angle0) Then
           orientationChanged = True
        End If
    End Sub


  • 您可以检查每个帧来确定方向是否已发生更改。下面的代码示例中的 CheckRotation 方法通过设置 ScreenOrientation 属性将屏幕方向改回了纵向模式。您应考虑根据期望的用户体验来进行其他操作。例如,您可能不希望应用程序自己更改屏幕方向,而通知用户以下情况:除非用户改回原来的方向,否则将不再继续呈现。如果您真的更改了屏幕方向,则还应保存并还原初始屏幕方向,如下面的示例所示。如果您没有更改屏幕方向,而是执行了某种其他操作,则可以正常地继续进行呈现,它可能悄悄地终止,但也可能会在失败时返回一个异常。

    下面的代码示例尝试将设备置于纵向模式(如果它还未处于纵向模式)。如果设备处于纵向模式,则 CheckOrientation 方法返回 true。

    private bool CheckOrientation()
        // orientationChanged is set to true in resize if it is
        // detected that the orientation of the device has changed.
        if (orientationChanged)
          // Attempt to change the display back to portrait mode.
             SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation =
             // Now that the orientation is back to portrait mode
             // Do not attempt to change it again.
             orientationChanged = false;
          catch (Exception)
             // Failed to change the display mode.
             return false;
        return true;
    // Use the CheckOrientation() method before rendering occurs.
    // All rendering for each frame occurs here.
    private void Render()
        // If the device is not oriented properly, 
        // some display drivers may not work.
        if (!CheckOrientation())
            // Rendering code omitted here.
    Private Function CheckOrientation() As Boolean
        ' orientationChanged is set to true in resize if it is
        ' detected that the orientation of the device has changed.
        If orientationChanged Then
            ' Attempt to change the display back to portrait mode.
                SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Angle0
                ' Now that the orientation is back to portrait mode
                ' Do not attempt to change it again.
                orientationChanged = false
            Catch  As Exception
                ' Failed to change the display mode.
                Return false
            End Try
        End If
        Return true
    End Function
    ' Use the CheckOrientation() method before rendering occurs.
    ' All rendering for each frame occurs here.
    Private Sub Render()
        ' If the device is not oriented properly, 
        ' some display drivers may not work.
        If Not CheckOrientation Then
        End If
        ' Rendering code omitted here.
    End Sub


  • 如果您决定以编程方式更改屏幕方向,则还应当在应用程序退出时还原初始应用程序方向。由于应用程序可能尝试在运行时更改方向,因此需要保存初始方向并在应用程序退出时将其还原。添加一个成员变量以存储初始方向。

    ScreenOrientation initialOrientation = SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation;
    ScreenOrientation initialOrientation = SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation;

    将下面的代码添加到 Main 方法的末尾,以便尝试在应用程序退出时还原方向。

    if (SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation != initialOrientation)
           SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation = initialOrientation;
        catch (Exception)
            // Unable to change the orientation back 
            // to the original configuration. 
            MessageBox.Show("This sample was unable to set the " +
                "orientation back to the original state.");
    If (SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation <> initialOrientation) Then
            SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation = initialOrientation
        Catch  As Exception
            ' Unable to change the orientation back 
            ' to the original configuration. 
            MessageBox.Show(("This sample was unable to set the " & _
                "orientation back to the original state."))
        End Try
    End If



.NET Compact Framework 帮助主题


Direct3D Mobile 矩阵示例

.NET Compact Framework 中的 Mobile Direct3D 编程