ReportViewer 成员

Encapsulates the methods and properties used for the ReportViewer control.

以下各表列出了由 ReportViewer 类型公开的成员。


  名称 说明
Public method ReportViewer Initializes a new instance of the ReportViewer class.



(另请参见 受保护的属性 )

  名称 说明
Public property AccessKey  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory  (继承自 Control。)
Public property AsyncRendering Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the ReportViewer control renders reports asynchronously.
Public property Attributes  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property BackColor 已重写。Gets or sets the background color of the control's report area.
Public property BindingContainer  (继承自 Control。)
Public property BorderColor  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property BorderStyle  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property BorderWidth  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property ClientID  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Controls  (继承自 CompositeControl。)
Public property ControlStyle  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property ControlStyleCreated  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property CssClass  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property CurrentPage Gets or sets the current page of the ReportViewer control's active report.
Public property DocumentMapCollapsed Gets or sets the collapsed state of the document map.
Public property DocumentMapWidth Gets or sets the width of the document map.
Public property Enabled  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property EnableTheming  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property EnableViewState  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ExportContentDisposition Gets or sets a value that indicates whether content should be present in-line or as an attachment.
Public property Font  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property ForeColor  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property HasAttributes  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property Height  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property HyperlinkTarget Gets or sets the target window or frame for the Web page content that is returned when a hyperlink in the report is clicked.
Public property ID 已重写。 
Public property InternalBorderColor Gets or sets the internal border color of the control.
Public property InternalBorderStyle Gets or sets the internal border style of the control.
Public property InternalBorderWidth Gets or sets the width of the internal border of the control.
Public property LinkActiveColor Gets or sets the color of an active link in the control.
Public property LinkActiveHoverColor Gets or sets the color of the active link in the control while the mouse pointer is over the link.
Public property LinkDisabledColor Gets or sets the color of a disabled link in the control.
Public property LocalReport Gets the instance of the Report class that is used when the ProcessingMode for the ReportViewer control is set to Local.
Public property NamingContainer  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Page  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Parent  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ProcessingMode Gets or sets the processing mode of the ReportViewer control.
Public property PromptAreaCollapsed Gets or sets the collapsed state of the prompt area.
Public property ServerReport Gets the instance of the Report class that is used when the ProcessingMode for the ReportViewer control is set to Remote.
Public property ShowBackButton Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Back button is visible on the toolbar.
Public property ShowCredentialPrompts Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display a prompt for user credentials.
Public property ShowDocumentMapButton Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Document Map button is visible on the toolbar.
Public property ShowExportControls Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Export control is visible on the toolbar.
Public property ShowFindControls Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Find text box is visible on the toolbar.
Public property ShowPageNavigationControls Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the page navigation controls are visible on the toolbar.
Public property ShowParameterPrompts Gets or sets a value that indicates whether parameter prompts are displayed.
Public property ShowPrintButton Gets or sets a value that indicates whether Print button is visible on the toolbar.
Public property ShowPromptAreaButton Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Prompt Area button is visible on the toolbar.
Public property ShowRefreshButton Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Refresh button is visible.
Public property ShowReportBody Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the report body is visible on the control.
Public property ShowToolBar Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the toolbar is visible on the control.
Public property ShowZoomControl Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Zoom text box is visible.
Public property Site  (继承自 Control。)
Public property SizeToReportContent Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the ReportViewer control should automatically resize to accommodate report content.
Public property SkinID  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property Style  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property TabIndex  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property TemplateControl  (继承自 Control。)
Public property TemplateSourceDirectory  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ToolBarItemBorderColor Gets or sets the border color of an item on the toolbar.
Public property ToolBarItemBorderStyle Gets or sets the border style of an item on the toolbar.
Public property ToolBarItemBorderWidth Gets or sets the width of the toolbar item border.
Public property ToolBarItemHoverBackColor Gets or sets the background color of toolbar item while the mouse pointer is over the item.
Public property ToolBarItemPressedBorderColor Gets or sets the color of a toolbar item while it is being pressed.
Public property ToolBarItemPressedBorderStyle Gets or sets the border style of the toolbar item while it is being selected.
Public property ToolBarItemPressedBorderWidth Gets or sets the border width of a toolbar item while it is being selected.
Public property ToolBarItemPressedHoverBackColor Gets or sets the background color of toolbar item while the mouse pointer is over the item.
Public property ToolTip  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property UniqueID  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Visible  (继承自 Control。)
Public property WaitMessageFont Gets the font for the message that is displayed while the report is being executed.
Public property Width  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public property ZoomMode Gets or sets the zoom mode of the control.
Public property ZoomPercent Gets or sets the zoom percentage to use when displaying the report.



  名称 说明
Protected property Adapter  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property ChildControlsCreated  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property ClientIDSeparator  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property Context  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property DesignMode  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property Events  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property HasChildViewState  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property IdSeparator  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property IsChildControlStateCleared  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property IsEnabled  (继承自 WebControl。)
Protected property IsTrackingViewState  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property IsViewStateEnabled  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property LoadViewStateByID  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property TagKey  (继承自 WebControl。)
Protected property TagName  (继承自 WebControl。)
Protected property ViewState  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property ViewStateIgnoresCase  (继承自 Control。)



(另请参见 受保护的方法 )

  名称 说明
Public method ApplyStyle  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public method ApplyStyleSheetSkin  (继承自 Control。)
Public method CopyBaseAttributes  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public method DataBind  已重载。 (继承自 CompositeControl。)
Public method Dispose 已重写。 
Public method Equals  已重载。 (继承自 Object。)
Public method FindControl  已重载。 (继承自 Control。)
Public method Focus  (继承自 Control。)
Public method GetHashCode  (继承自 Object。)
Public method GetType  (继承自 Object。)
Public method HasControls  (继承自 Control。)
Public method JumpToBookmark Moves the focus of the report to the specified bookmark.
Public method JumpToDocumentMapId Moves the focus of the document map to the specified node.
Public method MergeStyle  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public method PerformBack Navigates the ReportViewer control back to the parent report from a drillthrough report.
Public methodStatic ReferenceEquals  (继承自 Object。)
Public method RenderBeginTag  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public method RenderControl  已重载。 (继承自 Control。)
Public method RenderEndTag  (继承自 WebControl。)
Public method Reset Resets the control to its default values.
Public method ResolveClientUrl  (继承自 Control。)
Public method ResolveUrl  (继承自 Control。)
Public method SetRenderMethodDelegate  (继承自 Control。)
Public method ToString  (继承自 Object。)



  名称 说明
Protected method AddAttributesToRender  (继承自 WebControl。)
Protected method AddedControl  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method AddParsedSubObject  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method BuildProfileTree  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method ClearChildControlState  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method ClearChildState  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method ClearChildViewState  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method CreateChildControls 已重写。 
Protected method CreateControlCollection  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method CreateControlStyle 已重写。 
Protected method DataBind  已重载。 (继承自 Control。)
Protected method DataBindChildren  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method EnsureChildControls  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method EnsureID  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method Finalize  (继承自 Object。)
Protected method FindControl  已重载。 (继承自 Control。)
Protected method GetDesignModeState  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method HasEvents  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method IsLiteralContent  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method LoadControlState  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method LoadViewState 已重写。 
Protected method MapPathSecure  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method MemberwiseClone  (继承自 Object。)
Protected method OnBubbleEvent  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method OnDataBinding  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method OnInit 已重写。 
Protected method OnLoad  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method OnPreRender 已重写。 
Protected method OnUnload  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method OpenFile  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method RaiseBubbleEvent  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method RecreateChildControls  (继承自 CompositeControl。)
Protected method RemovedControl  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method Render 已重写。 
Protected method RenderChildren  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method RenderContents  (继承自 WebControl。)
Protected method RenderControl  已重载。 (继承自 Control。)
Protected method ResolveAdapter  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method SaveControlState  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method SaveViewState 已重写。 
Protected method SetDesignModeState  (继承自 Control。)
Protected method TrackViewState  (继承自 WebControl。)



  名称 说明
Public event Back Occurs when a user navigates from a drillthrough report back to the parent report.
Public event BookmarkNavigation Occurs when a user browses to a bookmark in a report.
Public event DataBinding  (继承自 Control。)
Public event Disposed  (继承自 Control。)
Public event DocumentMapNavigation Occurs when a document map node is selected.
Public event Drillthrough Occurs when a drillthrough item is selected.
Public event Init  (继承自 Control。)
Public event Load  (继承自 Control。)
Public event PageNavigation Occurs when a user moves to a different page in a report.
Public event PreRender  (继承自 Control。)
Public event ReportError Occurs when an error is found in the report.
Public event ReportRefresh Occurs when the report is refreshed.
Public event Search Occurs when the Find or Find Next button is clicked.
Public event Sort Occurs when the user activates a sort on the report data.
Public event Toggle Occurs when the user toggles the visibility of an item in the report.
Public event Unload  (继承自 Control。)



  名称 说明
Explicit interface implementationMethod System.Web.UI.IAttributeAccessor.GetAttribute  (继承自 WebControl。)
Explicit interface implementationMethod System.Web.UI.IAttributeAccessor.SetAttribute  (继承自 WebControl。)
Explicit interface implementationMethod System.Web.UI.IControlDesignerAccessor.GetDesignModeState  (继承自 Control。)
Explicit interface implementationMethod System.Web.UI.IControlDesignerAccessor.SetDesignModeState  (继承自 Control。)
Explicit interface implementationMethod System.Web.UI.IControlDesignerAccessor.SetOwnerControl  (继承自 Control。)
Explicit interface implementationMethod System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor.AddParsedSubObject  (继承自 Control。)
Explicit interface implementationMethod System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent  
Explicit interface implementationMethod System.Web.UI.WebControls.ICompositeControlDesignerAccessor.RecreateChildControls  (继承自 CompositeControl。)
Explicit interface implementationProperty System.Web.UI.IControlBuilderAccessor.ControlBuilder  (继承自 Control。)
Explicit interface implementationProperty System.Web.UI.IControlDesignerAccessor.UserData  (继承自 Control。)
Explicit interface implementationProperty System.Web.UI.IDataBindingsAccessor.DataBindings  (继承自 Control。)
Explicit interface implementationProperty System.Web.UI.IDataBindingsAccessor.HasDataBindings  (继承自 Control。)
Explicit interface implementationProperty System.Web.UI.IExpressionsAccessor.Expressions  (继承自 Control。)
Explicit interface implementationProperty System.Web.UI.IExpressionsAccessor.HasExpressions  (继承自 Control。)




ReportViewer 类
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms 命名空间