ReportViewer 属性


(另请参见 受保护的属性 )

  名称 说明
Public property AccessibilityObject  (继承自 Control。)
Public property AccessibleDefaultActionDescription  (继承自 Control。)
Public property AccessibleDescription  (继承自 Control。)
Public property AccessibleName  (继承自 Control。)
Public property AccessibleRole  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ActiveControl  (继承自 ContainerControl。)
Public property AllowDrop  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Anchor  (继承自 Control。)
Public property AutoScaleDimensions  (继承自 ContainerControl。)
Public property AutoScaleMode  (继承自 ContainerControl。)
Public property AutoScroll  (继承自 ScrollableControl。)
Public property AutoScrollMargin  (继承自 ScrollableControl。)
Public property AutoScrollMinSize  (继承自 ScrollableControl。)
Public property AutoScrollOffset  (继承自 Control。)
Public property AutoScrollPosition  (继承自 ScrollableControl。)
Public property AutoSize  (继承自 UserControl。)
Public property AutoSizeMode  (继承自 UserControl。)
Public property AutoValidate  (继承自 UserControl。)
Public property BackColor 已重写。 Gets or sets the background color of the control's report area.
Public property BackgroundImage 已重写。 Gets or sets the background image of the ReportViewer control.
Public property BackgroundImageLayout 已重写。 Gets or sets the layout for the background image of the ReportViewer control.
Public property BindingContext  (继承自 ContainerControl。)
Public property BorderStyle Gets or sets the border style of the ReportViewer control.
Public property Bottom  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Bounds  (继承自 Control。)
Public property CanFocus  (继承自 Control。)
Public property CanSelect  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Capture  (继承自 Control。)
Public property CausesValidation  (继承自 Control。)
Public propertyStatic CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ClientRectangle  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ClientSize  (继承自 Control。)
Public property CompanyName  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Container  (继承自 Component。)
Public property ContainsFocus  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ContextMenu  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ContextMenuStrip  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Controls  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Created  (继承自 Control。)
Public property CurrentAutoScaleDimensions  (继承自 ContainerControl。)
Public property CurrentPage Gets or sets the current page of the ReportViewer control's active report.
Public property Cursor  (继承自 Control。)
Public property DataBindings  (继承自 Control。)
Public propertyStatic DefaultBackColor  (继承自 Control。)
Public propertyStatic DefaultFont  (继承自 Control。)
Public propertyStatic DefaultForeColor  (继承自 Control。)
Public property DisplayRectangle  (继承自 ScrollableControl。)
Public property Disposing  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Dock  (继承自 Control。)
Public property DockPadding  (继承自 ScrollableControl。)
Public property DocumentMapCollapsed Gets or sets the collapsed state of the document map.
Public property DocumentMapWidth Gets or sets the width of the document map in pixels.
Public property Enabled  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Focused  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Font  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ForeColor  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Handle  (继承自 Control。)
Public property HasChildren  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Height  (继承自 Control。)
Public property HorizontalScroll  (继承自 ScrollableControl。)
Public property ImeMode  (继承自 Control。)
Public property InvokeRequired  (继承自 Control。)
Public property IsAccessible  (继承自 Control。)
Public property IsDisposed  (继承自 Control。)
Public property IsDocumentMapWidthFixed Indicates whether the size of the document map panel is fixed or changes when the viewer resizes.
Public property IsHandleCreated  (继承自 Control。)
Public property IsMirrored  (继承自 Control。)
Public property LayoutEngine  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Left  (继承自 Control。)
Public property LocalReport Returns the local report in the ReportViewer control.
Public property Location  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Margin  (继承自 Control。)
Public property MaximumSize  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Messages Gets or sets an object that contains custom messages for use by the ReportViewer control.
Public property MinimumSize  (继承自 Control。)
Public propertyStatic ModifierKeys  (继承自 Control。)
Public propertyStatic MouseButtons  (继承自 Control。)
Public propertyStatic MousePosition  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Name  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Padding  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Parent  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ParentForm  (继承自 ContainerControl。)
Public property PreferredSize  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ProcessingMode Gets or sets the processing mode of the ReportViewer control.
Public property ProductName  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ProductVersion  (继承自 Control。)
Public property PromptAreaCollapsed Collapses or restores the ReportViewer control's prompt area.
Public property RecreatingHandle  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Region  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Right  (继承自 Control。)
Public property RightToLeft  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ServerReport Gets a server report in the Report Viewer.
Public property ShowBackButton Indicates whether the Back button is visible on the control.
Public property ShowContextMenu Indicates whether the Context menu is visible.
Public property ShowCredentialPrompts Indicates whether prompts for user credentials will be displayed.
Public property ShowDocumentMapButton Indicates whether the Document Map button is visible on the control.
Public property ShowExportButton Indicates whether the Export button is visible on the control.
Public property ShowFindControls Indicates whether the Find text box is visible on the control.
Public property ShowPageNavigationControls Indicates whether the page navigation controls are visible.
Public property ShowParameterPrompts Indicates whether parameter prompts are visible.
Public property ShowPrintButton Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the buttons for the print functions are visible.
Public property ShowProgress Indicates whether progress animation is displayed during report processing.
Public property ShowPromptAreaButton Indicates whether the Prompt Area button is visible.
Public property ShowRefreshButton Indicates whether the Refresh button is visible.
Public property ShowStopButton Indicates whether the Stop button is visible.
Public property ShowToolBar Indicates whether the Toolbar is visible.
Public property ShowZoomControl Indicates whether the Zoom text box is visible.
Public property Site  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Size  (继承自 Control。)
Public property TabIndex  (继承自 Control。)
Public property TabStop  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Tag  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Text  (继承自 UserControl。)
Public property Top  (继承自 Control。)
Public property TopLevelControl  (继承自 Control。)
Public property UseWaitCursor  (继承自 Control。)
Public property VerticalScroll  (继承自 ScrollableControl。)
Public property Visible  (继承自 Control。)
Public property Width  (继承自 Control。)
Public property WindowTarget  (继承自 Control。)
Public property ZoomMode Gets or sets the zoom mode of the control.
Public property ZoomPercent Gets or sets the percentage of zoom used for the report display.



  名称 说明
Protected property AutoScaleFactor  (继承自 ContainerControl。)
Protected property CanRaiseEvents  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property CreateParams  (继承自 UserControl。)
Protected property DefaultCursor  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property DefaultImeMode  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property DefaultMargin  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property DefaultMaximumSize  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property DefaultMinimumSize  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property DefaultPadding  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property DefaultSize  (继承自 UserControl。)
Protected property DesignMode  (继承自 Component。)
Protected property DoubleBuffered  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property Events  (继承自 Component。)
Protected property FontHeight  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property HScroll  (继承自 ScrollableControl。)
Protected property RenderRightToLeft  已过时。 (继承自 Control。)
Protected property ResizeRedraw  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property ScaleChildren  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property ShowFocusCues  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property ShowKeyboardCues  (继承自 Control。)
Protected property VScroll  (继承自 ScrollableControl。)




ReportViewer 类
Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms 命名空间