
Retrieves the update region into a region identified by pRgn.

int GetUpdateRgn(
   CRgn* pRgn,
   BOOL bErase = FALSE 


  • pRgn
    Identifies the update region.

  • bErase
    Specifies whether the background will be erased and nonclient areas of child windows will be drawn. If the value is FALSE, no drawing is done.

Return Value

Specifies a short-integer flag that indicates the type of resulting region. The value can take any one of the following:

  • SIMPLEREGION   The region has no overlapping borders.

  • COMPLEXREGION   The region has overlapping borders.

  • NULLREGION   The region is empty.

  • ERROR   No region was created.


The coordinates of this region are relative to the upper-left corner (client coordinates).

The BeginPaint member function automatically validates the update region, so any call to GetUpdateRgn made immediately after a call to BeginPaint retrieves an empty update region.


Header: afxwin.h

See Also


CWnd Class

CWnd Members

Hierarchy Chart

