CColorDialog Class

Allows you to incorporate a color-selection dialog box into your application.

class CColorDialog : public CCommonDialog


A CColorDialog object is a dialog box with a list of colors that are defined for the display system. The user can select or create a particular color from the list, which is then reported back to the application when the dialog box exits.

To construct a CColorDialog object, use the provided constructor or derive a new class and use your own custom constructor.

Once the dialog box has been constructed, you can set or modify any values in them_cc structure to initialize the values of the dialog box's controls. The m_cc structure is of type CHOOSECOLOR.

After initializing the dialog box's controls, call the DoModal member function to display the dialog box and allow the user to select a color. DoModal returns the user's selection of either the dialog box's OK (IDOK) or Cancel (IDCANCEL) button.

If DoModal returns IDOK, you can use one of CColorDialog's member functions to retrieve the information input by the user.

You can use the Windows CommDlgExtendedError function to determine whether an error occurred during initialization of the dialog box and to learn more about the error.

CColorDialog relies on the COMMDLG.DLL file that ships with Windows versions 3.1 and later.

To customize the dialog box, derive a class from CColorDialog, provide a custom dialog template, and add a message map to process the notification messages from the extended controls. Any unprocessed messages should be passed to the base class.

Customizing the hook function is not required.


On some installations the CColorDialog object will not display with a gray background if you have used the framework to make other CDialog objects gray.

For more information on using CColorDialog, see Common Dialog Classes


Header: afxdlgs.h

See Also


CCommonDialog Class

Hierarchy Chart

Other Resources

MFC Sample MDI


CColorDialog Members