CStringArray Class

Supports arrays of CString objects.

class CStringArray : public CObject


The member functions of CStringArray are similar to the member functions of class CObArray. Because of this similarity, you can use the CObArray reference documentation for member function specifics. Wherever you see a CObject pointer as a return value, substitute a CString (not a CString pointer). Wherever you see a CObject pointer as a function parameter, substitute a LPCTSTR.

CObject* CObArray::GetAt( int <nIndex> ) const;

for example, translates to

CString CStringArray::GetAt( int <nIndex> ) const;


void SetAt( int <nIndex>, CObject* <newElement> )

translates to

void SetAt( int <nIndex>, LPCTSTR <newElement> )

CStringArray incorporates the IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macro to support serialization and dumping of its elements. If an array of CString objects is stored to an archive, either with an overloaded insertion operator or with the Serialize member function, each element is serialized in turn.


Before using an array, use SetSize to establish its size and allocate memory for it. If you do not use SetSize, adding elements to your array causes it to be frequently reallocated and copied. Frequent reallocation and copying are inefficient and can fragment memory.

If you need a dump of individual string elements in the array, you must set the depth of the dump context to 1 or greater.

When a CString array is deleted, or when its elements are removed, string memory is freed as appropriate.

For more information on using CStringArray, see the article Collections.


Header: afxcoll.h

See Also


CObject Class

Hierarchy Chart

Other Resources

CStringArray Members