ClaimsIdentity 成员

Implementation of a claims-based representation of a single user.

下表列出了 ClaimsIdentity 类型公开的成员。

Public 构造函数

(另请参阅 Protected 构造函数)

  名称 说明
  ClaimsIdentity 已重载。  


Protected 构造函数

  名称 说明
  ClaimsIdentity 已重载。  


Public 字段

  名称 说明
public field static DefaultIssuer Gets the default value for the claim issuer if none is specified.
public field static DefaultNameClaimType The default name claim type.


Public 属性

  名称 说明
public property Actor T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.IClaimsIdentity of the calling party that was granted delegation rights.
public property static AnonymousIdentity Returns a ClaimsIdentity with zero claims.
public property AuthenticationType Gets the type of authentication used.
public property BootstrapToken Gets or sets the token that was originally used to create this identity.
public property Claims Gets the list of T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.Claim values associated with this identity.
public property IsAuthenticated Gets a value that indicates whether the user has been authenticated.
public property Label A string label for the user who is represented by this IClaimsIdentity.
public property Name Gets the name of the current user.
public property NameClaimType Provides access to the name of the claim type used to determine IIdentity.Name.
public property RoleClaimType Claim type used for IPrincipal.IsInRole.


Public 方法

(另请参阅 Protected 方法)

  名称 说明
public method Copy Returns a new T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity object copied from this object.
public method Equals  已重载。 (从 Object 继承)
public methodstatic GetClaimsFromCertificate Returns a collection of claims from an X509 certificate.
public method GetHashCode  (从 Object 继承)
public method GetType  (从 Object 继承)
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (从 Object 继承)
public method ToString 重写。 Returns a string representation of the T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity object.


Protected 方法

  名称 说明
protected method Finalize  (从 Object 继承)
protected method GetObjectData Populates the specified T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with the serialization data for the WindowsClaimsIdentity
protected method MemberwiseClone  (从 Object 继承)



  名称 说明




ClaimsIdentity 类
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims 命名空间

版权所有 (C) 2008 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。