Add method of the PS_DhcpServerv6OptionDefinition class

Adds a DHCPv6 option definition to a DHCP Server running on local or remote computer.


uint32 Add(
  [in]  string                       ComputerName,
  [in]  uint32                       OptionId,
  [in]  string                       Type,
  [in]  string                       Name,
  [in]  boolean                      MultiValued,
  [in]  string                       Description,
  [in]  string                       VendorClass,
  [in]  string                       DefaultValue[],
  [in]  boolean                      PassThru,
  [out] DhcpServerv6OptionDefinition cmdletOutput


ComputerName [in]

DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.

OptionId [in]

Integer identifier for the option.

Type [in]

The data type of the option. The type can be Byte, Word, DWord, DWordDword, IPAddress, String, BinaryData, EncapsulatedData, IPv6Address.

Byte ("Byte")

Word ("Word")

DWord ("DWord")

DWordDWord ("DWordDWord")

IPv4Address ("IPv4Address")

StringData ("StringData")

BinaryData ("BinaryData")

EncapsulatedData ("EncapsulatedData")

IPv6Address ("IPv6Address")

Name [in]

Name of the option definition.

MultiValued [in]

If specified, the option will allows multiple values to be specified.

Description [in]

Description of the option definition.

VendorClass [in]

If specified, adds the option definition only for the specified vendor class.

DefaultValue [in]

Default value for the option. If the type of the option is Byte, Word, DWord, DWordDword, the default value must be specified as decimal or hexadecimal string(s). If the type of the option is IPAddress, IPv6Address, the default value must be specified as an IP address string. If the type of the option is String, the default value must be specified as an IP address string. If the type of the option is BinaryData, EncapsulatedData, the default value must be specified as an hexadecimal string.

PassThru [in]

If this parameter is specified, the cmdlet returns the PowerShell object which is added.

cmdletOutput [out]

An embedded instance of the DhcpServerv6OptionDefinition class.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012

See also
