This function creates and supplies a new anti-moniker.
WINOLEAPI CreateAntiMoniker(
- ppmk
[out] Address of IMoniker* pointer variable that receives the interface pointer to the new anti-moniker. When successful, the function has called IUnknown::AddRef on the anti-moniker and the caller is responsible for calling IUnknown::Release. When an error occurs, the anti-moniker pointer is NULL.
Return Values
This function supports the standard return value E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following:
- S_OK
The anti-moniker has been created successfully.
You would call this function only if you are writing your own moniker class (implementing the IMoniker interface). If you are writing a new moniker class that has no internal structure, you can use CreateAntiMoniker in your implementation of the IMoniker::Inverse method, and then check for an anti-moniker in your implementation of IMoniker::ComposeWith.
Like the ".." directory in MS-DOS file systems, which acts as the inverse to any directory name just preceding it in a path, an anti-moniker acts as the inverse of a simple moniker that precedes it in a composite moniker. An anti-moniker is used as the inverse of simple monikers with no internal structure. For example, the system-provided implementations of file monikers, item monikers, and pointer monikers all use anti-monikers as their inverse; consequently, an anti-moniker composed to the right of one of these monikers composes to nothing.
A moniker client (an object that is using a moniker to bind to another object) typically does not know the class of a given moniker, so the client cannot be sure that an anti-moniker is the inverse. Therefore, to get the inverse of a moniker, you would call IMoniker::Inverse rather than CreateAntiMoniker.
To remove the last piece of a composite moniker, you would do the following:
- Call IMoniker::Enum on the composite, specifying FALSE as the first parameter. This creates an enumerator that returns the component monikers in reverse order.
- Use the enumerator to retrieve the last piece of the composite.
- Call IMoniker::Inverse on that moniker. The moniker returned by IMoniker::Inverse will remove the last piece of the composite.
To determine whether the platform supports this function, see Determining Supported COM APIs.
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Objbase.h.
Link Library: Ole32.lib.
Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005
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