
This function frees the destination variant and makes a copy of the source variant.

HRESULT VariantCopy( 
  VARIANTARG FAR* pvargDest, 


  • pvargDest
    [out] Pointer to the VARIANTARG to receive the copy.
  • pvargSrc
    [in] Pointer to the VARIANTARG to be copied.

Return Values

The following table shows the HRESULT values that can be returned by this function.

Value Description
S_OK Success.
DISP_E_ARRAYISLOCKED The variant contains an array that is locked.
DISP_E_BADVARTYPE The source and destination have an invalid variant type (usually uninitialized).
E_OUTOFMEMORY Memory could not be allocated for the copy.
E_INVALIDARG One of the arguments is invalid.


Passing invalid (and under some circumstances NULL) pointers to this function causes an unexpected termination of the application.

First, free any memory that is owned by pvargDest, such as VariantClear (pvargDest must point to a valid initialized variant, and not simply to an uninitialized memory location). Then pvargDest receives an exact copy of the contents of pvargSrc.

If pvargSrc is a VT_BSTR, a copy of the string is made. If pvargSrc is a VT_ARRAY, the entire array is copied. If pvargSrc is a VT_DISPATCH or VT_UNKNOWN, AddRef is called to increment the object's reference count.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Oleauto.h.
Link Library: Oleaut32.lib.

See Also

VARIANTARG | VariantClear

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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