Interfaces Property

The Interfaces property gets the collection of SoftUSBInterface objects that represent the set of interfaces and their alternates that the configuration supports.

This property is read-only.


HRESULT get_Interfaces(
  [out, retval]  ISoftUSBInterfaces **ppiInterfaces

Property Value

A pointer to caller-allocated space to hold the returned interface pointer to the collection of SoftUSBInterface objects. The caller must release this pointer.

Error Codes

Interfaces returns S_OK if the operation succeeds or E_POINTER if the ppiInterfaces parameter is not a valid pointer.


The collection that is returned from the Interfaces property must be populated with a SoftUSBInterface object for each alternate of each interface that the configuration supports.

The following C++ code example shows how to get the Interfaces property.

HRESULT GetInterfaces
 ISoftUSBConfiguration  *piConfig,
 ISoftUSBInterfaces **ppiInterfaces
 return piConfig->get_Interfaces(ppiInterfaces);




See Also




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Build date: 9/21/2010