TotalLength Property

The TotalLength property gets the wTotalLength field of the configuration descriptor, as described in section 9.6.3 of the USB 2.0 specification.

This property is read-only.


HRESULT get_TotalLength(
  [out, retval]  SHORT *psTotalLength

Property Value

A pointer to caller-allocated space to hold the total size of the configuration descriptor. This value also includes the lengths of all of the descriptors for all of the interfaces and endpoints that are associated with the configuration.

Error Codes

TotalLength returns S_OK if the operation succeeds or E_POINTER if the psTotalLength parameter is not a valid pointer.


The following C++ code example shows how to get the TotalLength property.

HRESULT GetTotalLength(ISoftUSBConfiguration *piConfig, SHORT *psTotalLength)
 return piConfig->get_TotalLength(psTotalLength);




See Also




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Build date: 9/21/2010