SoftUSBDeviceState Enumeration

The SoftUSBDeviceState enumeration contains values that specify the state of a USB device.


typedef enum SoftUSBDeviceState {
  SoftUSBDeviceStateDetached           = 0,
  SoftUSBDeviceStateAttached           = 1,
  SoftUSBDeviceStatePowered            = 2,
  SoftUSBDeviceStateDefault            = 3,
  SoftWUSBDeviceStateUnconnected       = 4,
  SoftWUSBDeviceStateUnauthenticated   = 5,
  SoftUSBDeviceStateAddress            = 6,
  SoftUSBDeviceStateConfigured         = 7,
  SoftUSBDeviceStateSuspended          = 8 
} SoftUSBDeviceState;


  • SoftUSBDeviceStateDetached
    A value that indicates that the USB device is detached.

  • SoftUSBDeviceStateAttached
    A value that indicates that the USB device is attached.

  • SoftUSBDeviceStatePowered
    A value that indicates that the USB device is powered on.

  • SoftUSBDeviceStateDefault
    A value that indicates that the USB device is set to its default state.

  • SoftWUSBDeviceStateUnconnected
    A value that indicates that the USB device is not connected.

  • SoftWUSBDeviceStateUnauthenticated
    A value that indicates that the USB device is not authenticated.

  • SoftUSBDeviceStateAddress
    A value that indicates that the USB device has an address.

  • SoftUSBDeviceStateConfigured
    A value that indicates that the USB device is configured.

  • SoftUSBDeviceStateSuspended
    A value that indicates that the USB device is suspended.


The ISoftUSBDevice::State method returns the state of a USB device.




Softusbif.h (include Softusbif.h)

See Also




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Build date: 9/21/2010