Cue Members

The following tables list the members exposed by the Cue type.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property IsCreated Returns whether the cue has been created.
Public Property IsDisposed Gets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed.
Public Property IsPaused Returns whether the cue is currently paused.
Public Property IsPlaying Returns whether the cue is playing.
Public Property IsPrepared Returns whether the cue is prepared to play.
Public Property IsPreparing Returns whether the cue is preparing to play.
Public Property IsStopped Returns whether the cue is currently stopped.
Public Property IsStopping Returns whether the cue is stopping playback.
Public Property Name Returns the friendly name of the cue.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Apply3D Calculates the 3D audio values between an AudioEmitter and an AudioListener object, and applies the resulting values to this Cue.
Public Method Dispose Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object.
Public Method Equals Overloaded. Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object.
Public Method GetHashCode Gets the hash code for this instance.
Public Method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method GetVariable Gets a cue-instance variable value based on its friendly name.
Public Method Static op_Equality Compares two objects to determine whether they are the same.
Public Method Static op_Inequality Compares two objects to determine whether they are different.
Public Method Pause Pauses playback.
Public Method Play Requests playback of a prepared or preparing Cue.
Public Method ReferenceEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method Resume Resumes playback of a paused Cue.
Public Method SetVariable Sets the value of a cue-instance variable based on its friendly name.
Public Method Stop Stops playback of a Cue.
Public Method ToString (Inherited from Object.)

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected Method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)

See Also


How to: Play a Sound
How to: Stop or Pause a Sound


Audio Overview


Cue Class
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio Namespace