Add |
Overloaded. Adds two vectors. |
Barycentric |
Overloaded. Returns a Vector2 containing the 2D Cartesian coordinates of a point specified in 2D barycentric (areal) coordinates. |
CatmullRom |
Overloaded. Performs a Catmull-Rom interpolation using the specified positions. |
Clamp |
Overloaded. Restricts a value to be within a specified range. |
Distance |
Overloaded. Calculates the distance between two vectors. |
DistanceSquared |
Overloaded. Calculates the distance between two vectors squared. |
Divide |
Overloaded. Divides a vector by a scalar or another vector. |
Dot |
Overloaded. Calculates the dot product of two vectors. If the two vectors are unit vectors, the dot product returns a floating point value between -1 and 1 that can be used to determine some properties of the angle between two vectors. For example, it can show whether the vectors are orthogonal, parallel, or have an acute or obtuse angle between them. |
Equals |
Overloaded. Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object. |
GetHashCode |
Gets the hash code of the vector object. |
GetType |
(Inherited from Object.) |
Hermite |
Overloaded. Performs a Hermite spline interpolation. |
Length |
Calculates the length of the vector. |
LengthSquared |
Calculates the length of the vector squared. |
Lerp |
Overloaded. Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors. |
Max |
Overloaded. Returns a vector that contains the highest value from each matching pair of components. |
Min |
Overloaded. Returns a vector that contains the lowest value from each matching pair of components. |
Multiply |
Overloaded. Multiplies a vector by a scalar or another vector. |
Negate |
Overloaded. Returns a vector pointing in the opposite direction. |
Normalize |
Overloaded. Creates a unit vector from the specified vector. The result is a vector one unit in length pointing in the same direction as the original vector. |
op_Addition |
Adds two vectors. |
op_Division |
Overloaded. Divide a vector by a scalar or another vector. |
op_Equality |
Tests vectors for equality. |
op_Inequality |
Tests vectors for inequality. |
op_Multiply |
Overloaded. Multiplies a vector by a scalar or another vector. |
op_Subtraction |
Subtracts a vector from a vector. |
op_UnaryNegation |
Returns a vector pointing in the opposite direction. |
Reflect |
Overloaded. Determines the reflect vector of the given vector and normal. |
SmoothStep |
Overloaded. Interpolates between two values using a cubic equation. |
Subtract |
Overloaded. Subtracts a vector from a vector. |
ToString |
Retrieves a string representation of the current object. |
Transform |
Overloaded. Transforms one or more Vector2s by a Matrix or Quaternion. |
TransformNormal |
Overloaded. Transforms a vector normal or array of vector normals by a matrix. |