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CloudServiceNetworkProfile Class

Network Profile for the cloud service.



CloudServiceNetworkProfile(*, load_balancer_configurations: List[_models.LoadBalancerConfiguration] | None = None, slot_type: str | _models.CloudServiceSlotType | None = None, swappable_cloud_service: _models.SubResource | None = None, **kwargs: Any)

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

List of Load balancer configurations. Cloud service can have up to two load balancer configurations, corresponding to a Public Load Balancer and an Internal Load Balancer.


Slot type for the cloud service. Possible values are <br />``<br />Production<br />``<br />Staging<br />``<br /> If not specified, the default value is Production. Known values are: "Production" and "Staging".


The id reference of the cloud service containing the target IP with which the subject cloud service can perform a swap. This property cannot be updated once it is set. The swappable cloud service referred by this id must be present otherwise an error will be thrown.


Name Description

List of Load balancer configurations. Cloud service can have up to two load balancer configurations, corresponding to a Public Load Balancer and an Internal Load Balancer.


Slot type for the cloud service. Possible values are <br />``<br />Production<br />``<br />Staging<br />``<br /> If not specified, the default value is Production. Known values are: "Production" and "Staging".


The id reference of the cloud service containing the target IP with which the subject cloud service can perform a swap. This property cannot be updated once it is set. The swappable cloud service referred by this id must be present otherwise an error will be thrown.