Skype URI tutorial: iOS apps

Learn how to incorporate Skype communication functionality into your iOS apps.

Applies to: Skype


With the recent redesign of the Skype for iOS client, URIs are not currently supported on the Skype for iOS 5. x branch.

Use Skype URIs in your iOS apps

You can use Skype URIs in your iOS apps; for example, tapping a contact's picture might start a Skype audio call. After you have constructed the appropriate Skype URI, simply use openURL to initiate its actions.

- (IBAction)skypeMe:(id)sender
  BOOL installed = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"skype:"]];
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"skype:echo123?call"]];
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];

Determine whether a Skype client is installed

Your iOS app can simply pass the skype: scheme to canOpenURL to determine whether a Skype client is installed on the device. A return value of true indicates that the Skype client is installed.

What to do if a Skype client is not installed

If the Skype client is not installed, your app should alert the user, and direct them to the App Store. Ideally, your app should use openURL with the argument value: to navigate directly to the Skype for iPhone/iPad install page.

See also