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访问用户定义类型 - 使用 DataAdapter 更新 UDT 列

适用于:SQL Server

通过使用 System.Data.DataSet 和 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter 检索和修改数据,支持 UDT ) (用户定义类型。


可以使用 Transact-SQL SELECT 语句选择 UDT 列值,以使用数据适配器填充数据集。 以下示例假定你有一个使用以下结构和一些示例数据定义的 Points 表。 以下 Transact-SQL 语句创建 Points 表并插入几行。

CREATE TABLE dbo.Points (id int PRIMARY Key, p Point);  
INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (1, CONVERT(Point, '1,3'));  
INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (2, CONVERT(Point, '2,4'));  
INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (3, CONVERT(Point, '3,5'));  
INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (4, CONVERT(Point, '4,6'));  

以下 ADO.NET 代码片段检索有效的连接字符串,创建新的 SqlDataAdapter,并使用 Points 表中的数据行填充 System.Data.DataTable

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter( _  
    "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connectionString)  
Dim datTable As New DataTable("Points")  
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(  
   "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connectionString);  
DataTable datTable = new DataTable("Points");  

更新数据集中的 UDT 数据

可以使用两种方法更新 数据集中的 UDT 列:

  • SqlDataAdapter 对象提供自定义 InsertCommandUpdateCommandDeleteCommand 对象。

  • 使用命令生成器 (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder) 自动创建 INSERT、UPDATE 和 DELETE 命令。 若要进行冲突检测,请将时间戳列 (别名 rowversion) 添加到包含 UDT 的SQL Server表中。 时间戳数据类型允许对表中的行进行版本标记,并保证在数据库中是唯一的。 更改表中的值时,SQL Server自动更新受更改影响的行的八字节二进制数。

请注意,除非基础表中存在 timestamp 列,否则 SqlCommandBuilder 不会将 UDT 视为冲突检测。 可以比较 UDT,也可以不比较,因此,当使用“比较原始值”选项生成命令时,不会在 WHERE 子句中包含 UDT。


以下示例要求创建包含 Point UDT 列和 时间戳 列的第二个表。 这两个表都用于说明如何创建自定义命令对象来更新数据,以及如何使用 时间戳 列进行更新。 运行以下 Transact-SQL 语句以创建第二个表,并使用示例数据填充该表。

CREATE TABLE dbo.Points_ts (id int PRIMARY KEY, p Point, ts timestamp);  
INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (1, CONVERT(Point, '1,3'));  
INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (2, CONVERT(Point, '2,4'));  
INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (3, CONVERT(Point, '3,5'));  
INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (4, CONVERT(Point, '4,6'));  

以下 ADO.NET 示例具有两个方法:

  • UserProvidedCommands,演示如何提供 InsertCommandUpdateCommandDeleteCommand 对象来更新 Points 表中的 Point UDT (不包含时间戳列) 。

  • CommandBuilder,演示如何在包含时间戳的Points_ts表中使用 SqlCommandBuilder

Imports System  
Imports System.Data  
Imports System.Data.SqlClient  
Module Module1  
    ' Retrieves the connection string  
    Private connString As String = GetConnectionString()  
    Sub Main()  
    End Sub  
    Private Sub UserProvidedCommands()  
        ' Create a new SqlDataAdapter  
        Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter( _  
          "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connString)  
        ' Setup the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE commands  
        Dim idParam As SqlParameter  
        Dim pointParam As SqlParameter  
        da.InsertCommand = New SqlCommand( _  
          "INSERT INTO dbo.Points (id, p) VALUES (@id, @p)", _  
        idParam = da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add( _  
          "@id", SqlDbType.Int)  
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id"  
        pointParam = da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add( _  
          "@p", SqlDbType.Udt)  
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p"  
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point"  
        da.UpdateCommand = New SqlCommand( _  
          "UPDATE dbo.Points SET p = @p WHERE id = @id", _  
        idParam = _  
           da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int)  
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id"  
        pointParam = da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add( _  
          "@p", SqlDbType.Udt)  
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p"  
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point"  
        da.DeleteCommand = New SqlCommand( _  
          "DELETE dbo.Points WHERE id = @id", _  
        idParam = da.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add( _  
          "@id", SqlDbType.Int)  
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id"  
        ' Fill the DataTable with UDT rows  
        Dim datTable As New DataTable("Points")  
        ' Display the contents of the p (Point) column  
        Dim r As DataRow  
        For Each r In datTable.Rows  
            Dim p As Point = CType(r(1), Point)  
            Console.WriteLine( _  
              "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r(0), p.X, p.Y)  
        Next r  
        ' Update a row if the DataTable has at least 1 row  
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then  
            Dim oldPoint As Point = _  
              CType(datTable.Rows(0)(1), Point)  
            datTable.Rows(0)(1) = _  
              New Point(oldPoint.X + 1, oldPoint.Y + 1)  
        End If  
        ' Delete the last row  
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then  
            ' If we have at least 1 row  
        End If  
        ' Insert a row. This will fail if run twice  
        ' because 100 is a primary key value.  
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, New Point(100, 200))  
        ' Send the changes back to the database  
    End Sub  
    Private Sub CommandBuilder()  
        ' Create a new SqlDataAdapter  
        Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter( _  
          "SELECT id, ts, p FROM dbo.Points_ts", connString)  
        ' Select a few rows with UDTs from the database  
        Dim datTable As New DataTable("Points")  
        ' Display the contents of the p (Point) column  
        Dim r As DataRow  
        For Each r In datTable.Rows  
            Dim p As Point = CType(r(2), Point)  
            Console.WriteLine( _  
              "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r(0), p.X, p.Y)  
        Next r  
        ' Update a row if DataTable has at least 1 row  
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then  
            Dim oldPoint As Point = _  
              CType(datTable.Rows(0)(2), Point)  
            datTable.Rows(0)(2) = _  
              New Point(oldPoint.X + 1, oldPoint.Y + 1)  
        End If  
        ' Delete the last row  
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then  
            ' if we have at least 1 row  
        End If  
        ' Insert a row. This will fail if run twice  
        ' because 100 is a primary key value  
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, Nothing, New Point(100, 200))  
        ' Use the CommandBuilder to generate DML statements  
        Dim bld As New SqlCommandBuilder(da)  
        bld.ConflictDetection = ConflictOptions.CompareRowVersion  
        ' Send the changes back to the database  
    End Sub  
  Private Function GetConnectionString() As String  
      ' To avoid storing the connection string in your code,   
      ' you can retrieve it from a configuration file.  
     Return "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;" _  
       & "Integrated Security=SSPI"  
   End Function  
End Module  
using System;  
using System.Data;  
using System.Data.SqlClient;  
class Class1  
// Retrieves the connection string  
private string connString = GetConnectionString();  
static void Main()  
    static void UserProvidedCommands()  
        // Create a new SqlDataAdapter  
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(  
          "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connString);  
        // Setup the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE commands  
        SqlParameter idParam;  
        SqlParameter pointParam;  
        da.InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(  
            "INSERT INTO dbo.Points (id, p) VALUES (@id, @p)",   
        idParam =   
            da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int);  
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id";  
        pointParam =   
            da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@p", SqlDbType.Udt);  
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p";  
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point";  
        da.UpdateCommand = new SqlCommand(  
            "UPDATE dbo.Points SET p = @p WHERE id = @id",   
        idParam =   
            da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int);  
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id";  
        pointParam =   
            da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@p", SqlDbType.Udt);  
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p";  
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point";   
        da.DeleteCommand = new SqlCommand(  
            "DELETE dbo.Points WHERE id = @id",   
        idParam =   
            da.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int);  
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id";  
        // Fill the DataTable with UDT rows  
        DataTable datTable = new DataTable("Points");  
        // Display the contents of the p (Point) column  
        foreach(DataRow r in datTable.Rows)   
            Point p = (Point)r[1];  
                "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r[0], p.X, p.Y);  
        // Update a row if the DataTable has at least 1 row  
        if(datTable.Rows.Count > 0 )   
            Point oldPoint = (Point)datTable.Rows[0][1];  
            datTable.Rows[0][1] =   
                new Point(oldPoint.X+1, oldPoint.Y+1);  
        // Delete the last row  
        if(datTable.Rows.Count > 0 )   
        { // If we have at least 1 row  
        // Insert a row. This will fail if run twice  
        // because 100 is a primary key value.  
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, new Point(100, 200));   
        // Send the changes back to the database  
    static void CommandBuilder()  
        // Create a new SqlDataAdapter  
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(  
            "SELECT id, ts, p FROM dbo.Points_ts", connString);  
        // Select a few rows with UDTs from the database  
        DataTable datTable = new DataTable("Points");  
        // Display the contents of the p (Point) column  
        foreach (DataRow r in datTable.Rows)  
            Point p = (Point)r[2];  
                "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r[0], p.X, p.Y);  
        // Update a row if DataTable has at least 1 row  
        if (datTable.Rows.Count > 0)  
            Point oldPoint = (Point)datTable.Rows[0][2];  
            datTable.Rows[0][2] =   
                new Point(oldPoint.X + 1, oldPoint.Y + 1);  
        // Delete the last row  
        if (datTable.Rows.Count > 0)  
        { // if we have at least 1 row  
        // Insert a row. This will fail if run twice  
        // because 100 is a primary key value  
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, null, new Point(100, 200));   
        // Use the CommandBuilder to generate DML statements  
        SqlCommandBuilder bld = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);  
        bld.ConflictDetection = ConflictOptions.CompareRowVersion;  
        // Send the changes back to the database  
 static private string GetConnectionString()  
 // To avoid storing the connection string in your code,   
 // you can retrieve it from a configuration file.  
    return "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;"  
        + "Integrated Security=SSPI";  


在 ADO.NET 中访问用户定义类型