
下面的代码示例演示如何打开当前函数实例对象的属性存储区。 获取函数实例对象中介绍了获取当前 函数实例对象的过程。

* CWSDDevice::OpenPropertyStore
* Opens the Property Store that is associated with the current Function Instance. 
* Arguments:
*    pPropertyStore - returns the IPropertyStore interface. The caller must
*                     release it by calling IPropertyStore::Release
* Return Value:
*     S_OK if operation is successful, an error HRESULT otherwise

    __out IPropertyStore **ppPropertyStore)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (!ppPropertyStore)
        hr = E_INVALIDARG;
        WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "Invalid argument, hr = 0x%08X", hr));

    if (!m_pFunctionInstance)
        hr = E_UNEXPECTED;
        WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "Communication interface not initialized, hr = 0x%08X", hr));

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = m_pFunctionInstance->OpenPropertyStore(STGM_READ, ppPropertyStore);
        if ((SUCCEEDED(hr)) && (!(*ppPropertyStore)))
            hr = E_POINTER;
                "IFunctionInstance::OpenPropertyStore returned hr = 0x%08X with a NULL property store interface, hr = 0x%08X", hr));
        if (FAILED(hr))
            WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "IFunctionInstance::OpenPropertyStore failed, hr = 0x%08X", hr));

    return hr;