传感器组 (相机配置文件 V2) 转换

传感器组转换可以使用与 DMFT 类似的机制发布相机配置文件。 MF_DEVICEMFT_SENSORPROFILE_COLLECTION属性可以通过 IMFSensorTransformFactory::GetTransformInformation 中的 IMFAttributes 参数发布,每个支持的传感器组转换 (SGT) 。

在 IMFSensorTransformFactory::InitializeFactory 调用期间,将提供 IMSensorDevice 接口的集合,SGT 工厂可以通过对 IMFGetService 接口的 IMFSensorDevice 接口进行 QI 来更改可用设备的可用相机配置文件。 从此接口中,SGT 工厂可以请求 IMFSensorProfileCollection 接口。

然后,如果 SGT 工厂选择这样做,则 SGT 工厂可以添加/删除/更新每个 IMFSensorDevice 的可用相机配置文件。 修改后的相机配置文件将仅保留包含 SGT 的传感器组。 不会使用新信息修改各个设备的相机配置文件。


    _In_ DWORD dwMaxTransformCount, 
    _In_ IMFCollection* sensorDevices, 
    _In_opt_ IMFAttributes* pAttributes 
    DWORD sensorDeviceCount = 0;
    ComPtr<IUnknown> unknown;

    if (nullptr == sensorDevices)
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    // For this example, the IHV/OEM added a SGT to a multi-camera
    // setup.  And the SGT is responsible for updating the profile
    // information available from each of the physical cameras, and
    // leave it's own profile as "blank".  This has the net effect
    // of having the SGT support any profile the physical devices
    // expose.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevices->GetElementCount(&sensorDeviceCount));
    for (DWORD idx = 0; idx < sensorDeviceCount; idx++)
        ComPtr<IMFGetService> service;
        ComPtr<IMFSensorProfileCollection> profileCollection;
        SENSORPROFILEID sensorProfileId;

        RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevices->GetElement(idx, 
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (unknown.As(service.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (service->GetService(GUID_NULL, 

        // Let's assume that for this ISP/sensor, we cannot support
        // photo sequence but our reference driver published a single
        // photo sequence profile whose ID is hardcoded to a static
        // variable s_PhotoSequenceProfileId.
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->RemoveProfile(&s_PhotoSequenceProfileId));

        // Let's also assume this is a low cost ISP/sensor so our driver
        // cannot support Video HDR (VHDR) control for high frame rate
        // recording and our reference implementation published multiple
        // high frame rate recording profile.
        // Also for this combination of ISP/sensor, we cannot support
        // Face Auth (IR doesn't support alternate illumination option).
        // So we need to remove all Face Auth from our collection.
        for (DWORD profileIdx = 0; 
                   profileIdx < profileCollection->GetProfileCount();)
            ComPtr<IMFSensorProfile> profile;

            RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->GetProfile(profileIdx, 

            RETURN_IF_FAILED (profile->GetProfileId(&profileId));
            if (profileId.Type == KSCAMERAPROFILE_HighFrameRate)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (profile->AddBlockedControl(L"VHDR"));
            if (profileId.Type == KSCAMERAPROFILE_FaceAuth_Mode)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->RemoveProfileByIndex(profileIdx));

    // Set the profile collection to the attribute store that will be returned when
    // IMFSensorTransformFactory::GetTransformInformation is called.

    // ... Rest of the InitializeFactory logic...

相机配置文件 V2 开发人员规范