
在使用 IWMDMStorageControl3::Insert3 () 或在现有存储 (上调用 IWMDMStorage3::SetMetadata) 时,可以在文件写入设备之前设置元数据。 通过调用 IWMDMStorage::SetAttributes 或 IWMDMStorage2::SetAttributes2) ,只能在现有存储 (上设置属性。

通过创建并填充传递到 IWMDMStorageControl3::Insert3IWMDMMetaData 接口来完成元数据设置。 但是,此方法可以清除文件上的所有现有元数据,但文件系统本身中存储的硬编码元数据(如文件名或大小)不一样。 因此,必须将要保留的所有现有元数据复制到提交的 IWMDMMetaData 接口中。 由于 Windows Media 设备管理器 不能用于从本地文件检索元数据,因此必须使用 Windows Media Format SDK (或其他一些工具) 检索此类元数据。

若要使用 Windows Media Format SDK 检索 ASF 文件属性,请执行以下步骤:

  1. 通过调用 WMCreateEditor 并请求 IWMMetadataEditor 接口创建元数据编辑器对象。
  2. 通过调用 IWMMetadataEditor::Open 打开文件以读取元数据。
  3. 如果文件是有效的 ASF 文件并且可以打开,请在编辑器中查询 IWMHeaderInfo 接口。
  4. 通过调用 IWMHeaderInfo::GetAttributeByName 并传入所需的 Windows Media Format SDK 属性常量来检索文件属性。 下表提供了具有等效 Windows Media 设备管理器 SDK 常量的格式 SDK 常量列表。
Windows Media Format SDK 常量 Windows Media 设备管理器 SDK 常量
g_wszWMTitle g_wszWMDMTitle
g_wszWMAuthor g_wszWMDMAuthor
g_wszWMAlbumTitle g_wszWMDMAlbumTitle
g_wszWMGenre g_wszWMDMGenre
g_wszWMYear g_wszWMDMYear
g_wszWMTrackNumber或g_wszWMTrack g_wszWMDMTrack
g_wszWMComposer g_wszWMDMComposer
g_wszWMDuration g_wszWMDMDuration
g_wszWMCopyright g_wszWMDMProviderCopyright
g_wszWMDescription g_wszWMDMDescription
g_wszWMBitrate g_wszWMDMBitrate
g_wszWMRating g_wszWMDMUserRating
g_wszWMAlbumArtist g_wszWMDMAlbumArtist
g_wszWMParentalRating g_wszWMDMParentalRating
g_wszWMRadioStationName g_wszWMDMMediaStationName
g_wszWMSubTitle g_wszWMDMSubTitle
g_wszWMVideoWidth g_wszWMDMWidth
g_wszWMVideoHeight g_wszWMDMHeight
g_wszWMMood g_wszWMDMTrackMood
g_wszWMCodec g_wszAudioWAVECodec或g_wszVideoFourCCCodec


以下 C++ 示例代码演示如何使用 Windows Media Format SDK 从 ASF 文件检索大量元数据属性,并将其转换为等效的 Windows Media 设备管理器值。

// Structure and array to hold equivalent Windows Media Format SDK 
// and Windows Media Device Manager SDK metadata property names.
struct EquivalentProperty
    LPCWSTR FormatSDKConst;
EquivalentProperty EquivalentProperties []= 
    {g_wszWMTitle,        g_wszWMDMTitle},
    {g_wszWMAuthor,      g_wszWMDMAuthor},
    {g_wszWMAlbumTitle,  g_wszWMDMAlbumTitle},
    {g_wszWMGenre,       g_wszWMDMGenre},
    {g_wszWMYear,        g_wszWMDMYear},
    {g_wszWMTrackNumber, g_wszWMDMTrack},
    {g_wszWMTrack,       g_wszWMDMTrack},
    {g_wszWMComposer,    g_wszWMDMComposer},
    {g_wszWMBitrate,     g_wszWMDMBitrate},
    {g_wszWMDuration,    g_wszWMDMDuration},
    {g_wszWMCopyright,   g_wszWMDMProviderCopyright},
    {g_wszWMDescription, g_wszWMDMDescription},
    {g_wszWMRating,      g_wszWMDMUserRating},
    {g_wszWMAlbumArtist, g_wszWMDMAlbumArtist},
    {g_wszWMParentalRating,    g_wszWMDMParentalRating},
    {g_wszWMRadioStationName,  g_wszWMDMMediaStationName},
    {g_wszWMSubTitle,    g_wszWMDMSubTitle},
    {g_wszWMVideoWidth,  g_wszWMDMWidth},
    {g_wszWMVideoHeight, g_wszWMDMHeight},
    {g_wszWMMood,        g_wszWMDMTrackMood},
    {g_wszWMCodec,       g_wszAudioWAVECodec},
    {g_wszWMCodec,       g_wszVideoFourCCCodec}
// Function that tries to get metadata by using the Format SDK. 
// If it cannot open the file, it returns E_FAIL.
HRESULT GetFileMetadataFromFormatSDK(IWMDMMetaData* pMetadata, LPCWSTR file)
    if ((pMetaData == NULL) || (file == NULL)) return E_INVALIDPARAM;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    CComPtr<IWMMetadataEditor> pEditor;

    // Do loop to allow easy error trapping. Even if there are no errors, 
    // the loop executes only once.
    do {
        hr = WMCreateEditor(&pEditor);
        if (FAILED(hr)) 

        // Open the file.
        hr = pEditor->Open(file);
        if (FAILED(hr)) 

        hr = pEditor->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IWMHeaderInfo), (void**)&pHeaderInfo);
        if (FAILED(hr))

        // Copy values from Format SDK to equivalent WMDM SDK metadata values.

        // Loop through all known values
        WORD stream = 0;
        WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE wmfType;
        WORD len = 0;
        BYTE* value = NULL;
        WMDM_TAG_DATATYPE wmdmType;
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(EquivalentProperties) / sizeof(EquivalentProperties[0]); i++)
            // Request each value from our equivalency list by name.
            // The function is called twice: once to get the buffer size,
            // and once to get the value in the allocated buffer.
            if (FAILED(pHeaderInfo->GetAttributeByName(
                &stream, EquivalentProperties[i].FormatSDKConst, &wmfType, NULL, &len)))

            value = new BYTE[len];
            if (value == NULL) continue;

            if (FAILED(pHeaderInfo->GetAttributeByName(&stream, EquivalentProperties[i].FormatSDKConst, &wmfType, value, &len)))
                delete[] value;

            // Send the data to the equivalent WMDM metadata value.
            // First, find the equivalent WMDM type for the WMF type.
            case WMT_TYPE_BINARY:
                wmdmType = WMDM_TYPE_BINARY;
            case WMT_TYPE_DWORD:
                wmdmType = WMDM_TYPE_DWORD;
            case WMT_TYPE_STRING:
                wmdmType = WMDM_TYPE_STRING;
            case WMT_TYPE_BOOL:
                wmdmType = WMDM_TYPE_BOOL;
            case WMT_TYPE_QWORD:
                wmdmType = WMDM_TYPE_QWORD;
            case WMT_TYPE_WORD:
                wmdmType = WMDM_TYPE_WORD;
            case WMT_TYPE_GUID:
                wmdmType = WMDM_TYPE_GUID;
                wmdmType = WMDM_TYPE_BINARY;

            // Don't worry about trapping errors, because there's nothing 
            // we can do about it.
                EquivalentProperties[i].WMDMSDKConst, value, len);
            delete[] value;
        } // Add next value.
    } while (FALSE); // End Do loop error trap.

    // Close the file opened with IWMMetadataEditor.
    return hr;

以下 C++ 示例函数演示如何使用 DirectShow 获取一些文件信息并将其添加到元数据中。

// For IMediaDet, you must link to strmiids.lib. Also include the following:
//#include <Qedit.h>  // for IMediaDet declaration.
//#include <Dshow.h>  // for VIDEOINFOHEADER declaration.
HRESULT GetFileMetadataFromDShow(IWMDMMetaData* pMetadata, LPCWSTR file)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Add file metadata properties from DirectShow. 
    // This is good for non-ASF files, or to add any information
    // that the Format SDK didn't get.

    // Do loop to allow easy error trapping. Even if there are no errors, 
    // the loop executes only once.
        // Create the Media Detector object.
        CComPtr<IMediaDet> pIMediaDet;
        hr = pIMediaDet.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MediaDet, NULL);
        if (FAILED(hr)) 

        // Open the file.
        hr = pIMediaDet->put_Filename(BSTR(file));
        if (FAILED(hr))

        // Get the media type for the default stream.
        AM_MEDIA_TYPE mediaType;
        hr = pIMediaDet->get_StreamMediaType(&mediaType);
        if (FAILED(hr))

        // We have the file open, so start requesting information from the 
        // Media Detector and adding it to the metadata. When adding 
        // individual metadata values, ignore the HRESULT, because failure 
        // to add these metadata values is not a breaking issue.

        // Get major and minor types.
        WCHAR strMediaType[64];
        ZeroMemory(strMediaType, 64);

        //Change the major type to a string, then add to IWMDMMetaData.
            (LPOLESTR)strMediaType, 64);
        hr = pMetadata->AddItem(WMDM_TYPE_STRING, 
            (BYTE*) strMediaType, 
             sizeof(strMediaType) / sizeof(strMediaType[0]));

        // Clear local string, then retrieve subtype the same way.
        ZeroMemory(strMediaType, 64);
            (LPOLESTR)strMediaType, 64);
        hr = pMetadata->AddItem(WMDM_TYPE_STRING, 
            g_wszWMDMMediaClassSecondaryID, (BYTE*) strMediaType,
            sizeof(strMediaType) / sizeof(strMediaType[0]));

        // Get the duration. Duration is retrieved in seconds, but set 
        // in 100-nanosecond units.
        double duration = 0;
        hr = pIMediaDet->get_StreamLength(&duration);
        if (duration > 0)
            duration *= 10E7;
            hr = pMetadata->AddItem(WMDM_TYPE_DWORD, g_wszWMDMDuration, (BYTE*) &duration, sizeof(duration));

        // Get the frame rate.
        double frameRate = 0;
        hr = pIMediaDet->get_FrameRate(&frameRate);
        if (frameRate > 0)
            hr = pMetadata->AddItem(WMDM_TYPE_DWORD, g_wszWMDMFrameRate, 
                (BYTE*) &frameRate,

        // Get the structure for the default stream's major type and 
        // fill in additional information.

        if (IsEqualGUID(mediaType.formattype, FORMAT_VideoInfo))
            VIDEOINFOHEADER* data = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*) mediaType.pbFormat;
            hr = pMetadata->AddItem(WMDM_TYPE_DWORD, g_wszWMDMVideoBitrate, 
               (BYTE*) &data->dwBitRate, sizeof(DWORD));
            hr = pMetadata->AddItem(WMDM_TYPE_DWORD, g_wszWMDMHeight, 
               (BYTE*) &data->bmiHeader.biHeight, sizeof(LONG));
            hr = pMetadata->AddItem(WMDM_TYPE_DWORD, g_wszWMDMWidth, 
               (BYTE*) &data->bmiHeader.biWidth, sizeof(LONG));

        if (IsEqualGUID(mediaType.formattype, FORMAT_WaveFormatEx))
            WAVEFORMATEX* data = (WAVEFORMATEX*) mediaType.pbFormat;
            hr = pMetadata->AddItem(WMDM_TYPE_WORD, g_wszWMDMBlockAlignment, 
                (BYTE*) &data->nBlockAlign, sizeof(WORD));
            hr = pMetadata->AddItem(WMDM_TYPE_WORD, g_wszWMDMNumChannels, 
               (BYTE*) &data->nChannels, sizeof(WORD));
    } while (FALSE); // End of error loop.
    return hr;
