教程:弹奏 3D 钢琴
在之前的教程中,我们已经成功创建了一个完整的 88 键钢琴键盘模型。 现在我们让钢琴可供在 XR 空间中弹奏。
- 使用指针事件添加交互式钢琴功能
- 将网格缩放到不同的大小
- 在 XR 中启用传送和多指针支持
<title>Piano in BabylonJS</title>
<script src="https://cdn.babylonjs.com/babylon.js"></script>
<script src="scene.js"></script>
body,#renderCanvas { width: 100%; height: 100%;}
<canvas id="renderCanvas"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
const canvas = document.getElementById("renderCanvas");
const engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);
createScene(engine).then(sceneToRender => {
engine.runRenderLoop(() => sceneToRender.render());
// Watch for browser/canvas resize events
window.addEventListener("resize", function () {
const buildKey = function (scene, parent, props) {
if (props.type === "white") {
Props for building a white key should contain:
note, topWidth, bottomWidth, topPositionX, wholePositionX, register, referencePositionX
As an example, the props for building the middle C white key would be
{type: "white", note: "C", topWidth: 1.4, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: -0.45, wholePositionX: -14.4, register: 4, referencePositionX: 0}
// Create bottom part
const bottom = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("whiteKeyBottom", {width: props.bottomWidth, height: 1.5, depth: 4.5}, scene);
// Create top part
const top = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("whiteKeyTop", {width: props.topWidth, height: 1.5, depth: 5}, scene);
top.position.z = 4.75;
top.position.x += props.topPositionX;
// Merge bottom and top parts
// Parameters of BABYLON.Mesh.MergeMeshes: (arrayOfMeshes, disposeSource, allow32BitsIndices, meshSubclass, subdivideWithSubMeshes, multiMultiMaterials)
const key = BABYLON.Mesh.MergeMeshes([bottom, top], true, false, null, false, false);
key.position.x = props.referencePositionX + props.wholePositionX;
key.name = props.note + props.register;
key.parent = parent;
return key;
else if (props.type === "black") {
Props for building a black key should contain:
note, wholePositionX, register, referencePositionX
As an example, the props for building the C#4 black key would be
{type: "black", note: "C#", wholePositionX: -13.45, register: 4, referencePositionX: 0}
// Create black color material
const blackMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("black");
blackMat.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);
// Create black key
const key = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox(props.note + props.register, {width: 1.4, height: 2, depth: 5}, scene);
key.position.z += 4.75;
key.position.y += 0.25;
key.position.x = props.referencePositionX + props.wholePositionX;
key.material = blackMat;
key.parent = parent;
return key;
const createScene = async function(engine) {
const scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
const alpha = 3*Math.PI/2;
const beta = Math.PI/50;
const radius = 220;
const target = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
const camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", alpha, beta, radius, target, scene);
camera.attachControl(canvas, true);
const light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);
light.intensity = 0.6;
const keyParams = [
{type: "white", note: "C", topWidth: 1.4, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: -0.45, wholePositionX: -14.4},
{type: "black", note: "C#", wholePositionX: -13.45},
{type: "white", note: "D", topWidth: 1.4, bottomWidth: 2.4, topPositionX: 0, wholePositionX: -12},
{type: "black", note: "D#", wholePositionX: -10.6},
{type: "white", note: "E", topWidth: 1.4, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: 0.45, wholePositionX: -9.6},
{type: "white", note: "F", topWidth: 1.3, bottomWidth: 2.4, topPositionX: -0.55, wholePositionX: -7.2},
{type: "black", note: "F#", wholePositionX: -6.35},
{type: "white", note: "G", topWidth: 1.3, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: -0.2, wholePositionX: -4.8},
{type: "black", note: "G#", wholePositionX: -3.6},
{type: "white", note: "A", topWidth: 1.3, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: 0.2, wholePositionX: -2.4},
{type: "black", note: "A#", wholePositionX: -0.85},
{type: "white", note: "B", topWidth: 1.3, bottomWidth: 2.4, topPositionX: 0.55, wholePositionX: 0},
// Transform Node that acts as the parent of all piano keys
const keyboard = new BABYLON.TransformNode("keyboard");
// Register 1 through 7
var referencePositionX = -2.4*14;
for (let register = 1; register <= 7; register++) {
keyParams.forEach(key => {
buildKey(scene, keyboard, Object.assign({register: register, referencePositionX: referencePositionX}, key));
referencePositionX += 2.4*7;
// Register 0
buildKey(scene, keyboard, {type: "white", note: "A", topWidth: 1.9, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: -0.20, wholePositionX: -2.4, register: 0, referencePositionX: -2.4*21});
keyParams.slice(10, 12).forEach(key => {
buildKey(scene, keyboard, Object.assign({register: 0, referencePositionX: -2.4*21}, key));
// Register 8
buildKey(scene, keyboard, {type: "white", note: "C", topWidth: 2.3, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: 0, wholePositionX: -2.4*6, register: 8, referencePositionX: 84});
// Transform node that acts as the parent of all piano components
const piano = new BABYLON.TransformNode("piano");
keyboard.parent = piano;
// Import and scale piano frame
BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("frame", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MicrosoftDocs/mixed-reality/docs/mixed-reality-docs/mr-dev-docs/develop/javascript/tutorials/babylonjs-webxr-piano/files/", "pianoFrame.babylon", scene, function(meshes) {
const frame = meshes[0];
frame.parent = piano;
// Lift the piano keyboard
keyboard.position.y += 80;
const xrHelper = await scene.createDefaultXRExperienceAsync();
return scene;
现在,我们创建的钢琴键盘是一个静态模型,不响应任何用户交互。 在本部分中,我们将对琴键进行编程,使琴键在有人按下它时向下移动并播放声音。
Babylon.js 提供可与之交互的不同类型的事件或可观察对象。 在示例中,我们将处理
,因为我们想要对琴键进行编程,以便在有人通过指针(可以是鼠标单击、触摸、XR 控制器按钮单击等)按下琴键时执行操作。下面是如何向
添加任何行为的基本结构:scene.onPointerObservable.add((pointerInfo) => { // do something });
虽然 Babylon.js 提供了许多不同类型的指针事件,但我们将仅使用
事件通过以下结构对钢琴键的行为进行编程:scene.onPointerObservable.add((pointerInfo) => { switch (pointerInfo.type) { case BABYLON.PointerEventTypes.POINTERDOWN: // When the pointer is down on a piano key, // move the piano key downward (to show that it is pressed) // and play the sound of the note break; case BABYLON.PointerEventTypes.POINTERUP: // When the pointer is released, // move the piano key upward to its original position // and stop the sound of the note of the key that is released break; } });
在指针按下事件中,我们需要检测正在单击的网格,确保它是钢琴键,并将网格的 y 坐标值稍微减小,使其看起来像是按下了琴键。
对于指针向上事件,稍微复杂一些,因为按下了琴键的指针可能不会在琴键上松开。 例如,有人可能会按下 C4 键,将鼠标拖到 E4,然后松开。 在这种情况下,我们仍然希望松开按下的琴键 (C4),而不是发生
事件的位置 (E4)。我们来看看下面的代码如何实现所需目标:
const pointerToKey = new Map(); scene.onPointerObservable.add((pointerInfo) => { switch (pointerInfo.type) { case BABYLON.PointerEventTypes.POINTERDOWN: if(pointerInfo.pickInfo.hit) { const pickedMesh = pointerInfo.pickInfo.pickedMesh; const pointerId = pointerInfo.event.pointerId; if (pickedMesh.parent === keyboard) { pickedMesh.position.y -= 0.5; // play the sound of the note pointerToKey.set(pointerId, { mesh: pickedMesh }); } } break; case BABYLON.PointerEventTypes.POINTERUP: const pointerId = pointerInfo.event.pointerId; if (pointerToKey.has(pointerId)) { pointerToKey.get(pointerId).mesh.position.y += 0.5; // stop the sound of the note of the key that is released pointerToKey.delete(pointerId); } break; } });
对每个指针都是唯一的,当我们有多个控制器或使用触摸屏时,它可以帮助我们识别指针。 在这里,我们初始化了一个名为pointerToKey
现在我们研究如何在按下和松开琴键时播放和停止声音。 为此,我们将使用名为 soundfont-player 的 JavaScript 库,这样就能够轻松播放所选乐器的 MIDI 声音了。
下载库的极简化代码,将其保存在与 index.html 相同的文件夹中,并将其包含在 index.html 的
标记中:<head> <title>Babylon Template</title> <script src="https://cdn.babylonjs.com/babylon.js"></script> <script src="scene.js"></script> <script src="soundfont-player.min.js"></script> <style> body,#renderCanvas { width: 100%; height: 100%;} </style> </head>
导入库后,按照如下所示使用库初始化乐器并播放/停止 MIDI 声音:
const pianoSound = await Soundfont.instrument(new AudioContext(), 'acoustic_grand_piano'); const C4 = piano.play("C4"); // Play note C4 C4.stop(); // Stop note C4
const pointerToKey = new Map() const piano = await Soundfont.instrument(new AudioContext(), 'acoustic_grand_piano'); scene.onPointerObservable.add((pointerInfo) => { switch (pointerInfo.type) { case BABYLON.PointerEventTypes.POINTERDOWN: if(pointerInfo.pickInfo.hit) { let pickedMesh = pointerInfo.pickInfo.pickedMesh; let pointerId = pointerInfo.event.pointerId; if (keys.has(pickedMesh)) { pickedMesh.position.y -= 0.5; // Move the key downward pointerToKey.set(pointerId, { mesh: pickedMesh, note: pianoSound.play(pointerInfo.pickInfo.pickedMesh.name) // Play the sound of the note }); } } break; case BABYLON.PointerEventTypes.POINTERUP: let pointerId = pointerInfo.event.pointerId; if (pointerToKey.has(pointerId)) { pointerToKey.get(pointerId).mesh.position.y += 0.5; // Move the key upward pointerToKey.get(pointerId).note.stop(); // Stop the sound of the note pointerToKey.delete(pointerId); } break; } });
函数来轻松指示要播放的音符。 另请注意,我们将声音存储到pointerToKey
为沉浸式 VR 模式缩放钢琴
到现在为止,当你添加交互式功能时,你可能已经使用鼠标(甚至使用触摸屏)弹奏了钢琴。 在本部分中,我们将进入沉浸式 VR 空间。
若要在沉浸式 VR 头戴显示设备中打开页面,必须先将头戴显示设备连接到开发者计算机,并确保将其设置为在 Windows Mixed Reality 应用中使用。 如果使用的是 Windows Mixed Reality 模拟器,请确保它已启用。
现在,你将在网页的右下角看到一个沉浸式 VR 按钮。 单击该按钮,你将能够在所连接到的 XR 设备中看到钢琴。
进入虚拟空间后,你可能会注意到所构建的钢琴十分巨大。 在 VR 世界中,只能站在钢琴的底部,通过将指针指向远处的琴键来弹奏钢琴。
按比例缩小钢琴,使其尺寸更像真实世界中的普通立式钢琴。 为此,需要使用效用函数,该函数允许相对于空间中的一个点缩放网格。 将此函数添加到 scene.js(
之外):const scaleFromPivot = function(transformNode, pivotPoint, scale) { const _sx = scale / transformNode.scaling.x; const _sy = scale / transformNode.scaling.y; const _sz = scale / transformNode.scaling.z; transformNode.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(_sx, _sy, _sz); transformNode.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(pivotPoint.x + _sx * (transformNode.position.x - pivotPoint.x), pivotPoint.y + _sy * (transformNode.position.y - pivotPoint.y), pivotPoint.z + _sz * (transformNode.position.z - pivotPoint.z)); }
此函数采用 3 个参数:
- transformNode:要缩放的
- pivotPoint:一个
对象,它指示缩放相对于的点 - 缩放:比例因子
- transformNode:要缩放的
我们将使用此函数以 0.015 的系数缩放钢琴框架和琴键,并以原点为轴心点。 通过将函数调用放在
keyboard.position.y += 80;
函数:// Put this line at the beginning of createScene() const scale = 0.015;
// Put this function call after keyboard.position.y += 80; // Scale the entire piano scaleFromPivot(piano, new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0), scale);
const alpha = 3*Math.PI/2; const beta = Math.PI/50; const radius = 220*scale; // scale the radius const target = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0); const camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", alpha, beta, radius, target, scene); camera.attachControl(canvas, true);
现在,当我们再次进入 VR 空间时,钢琴将是普通立式钢琴的大小。
启用 WebXR 功能
现在我们已经在 VR 空间中将钢琴缩放到合适的尺寸,接下来启用一些很不错的 WebXR 功能来改善空间中的钢琴演奏体验。
如果你一直使用沉浸式 VR 控制器弹奏钢琴,可能已经注意到一次只能使用一个控制器。 让我们使用 Babylon.js 的 WebXR 功能管理器在 XR 空间中启用多指针支持。
函数中:const featuresManager = xrHelper.baseExperience.featuresManager; const pointerSelection = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRFeatureName.POINTER_SELECTION, "stable", { xrInput: xrHelper.input, enablePointerSelectionOnAllControllers: true });
此外,根据起点位置,你可能发现将自己定位在钢琴前有点困难。 如果你熟悉沉浸式 VR 环境,便已了解“传送”,它是一项功能,允许通过指向空间中的另一个位置立即移动到该位置。
若要使用 Babylon.js 的传送功能,首先需要有一个可以在 VR 空间中“站立”的地面网格。 将以下代码添加到
函数以创建地面:const ground = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround("ground", {width: 400, height: 400});
传送支持还附带一个非常有用的功能,称为对齐位置。 简而言之,对齐位置是我们希望用户所在的特定位置。
const teleportation = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRFeatureName.TELEPORTATION, "stable", { xrInput: xrHelper.input, floorMeshes: [ground], snapPositions: [new BABYLON.Vector3(2.4*3.5*scale, 0, -10*scale)], });
恭喜! 你已完成 Babylon.js 钢琴构建教程系列,并了解了如何:
- 创建、定位和合并网格以构建钢琴键盘模型
- 导入立式钢琴框架的 Babylon.js 模型
- 为每个钢琴键添加指针交互
- 基于轴心点缩放网格的大小
- 启用关键的 WebXR 功能,例如传送和多指针支持
下面是 scene.js 和 index.html 的最终代码:
const buildKey = function (scene, parent, props) {
if (props.type === "white") {
Props for building a white key should contain:
note, topWidth, bottomWidth, topPositionX, wholePositionX, register, referencePositionX
As an example, the props for building the middle C white key would be
{type: "white", note: "C", topWidth: 1.4, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: -0.45, wholePositionX: -14.4, register: 4, referencePositionX: 0}
// Create bottom part
const bottom = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("whiteKeyBottom", {width: props.bottomWidth, height: 1.5, depth: 4.5}, scene);
// Create top part
const top = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("whiteKeyTop", {width: props.topWidth, height: 1.5, depth: 5}, scene);
top.position.z = 4.75;
top.position.x += props.topPositionX;
// Merge bottom and top parts
// Parameters of BABYLON.Mesh.MergeMeshes: (arrayOfMeshes, disposeSource, allow32BitsIndices, meshSubclass, subdivideWithSubMeshes, multiMultiMaterials)
const key = BABYLON.Mesh.MergeMeshes([bottom, top], true, false, null, false, false);
key.position.x = props.referencePositionX + props.wholePositionX;
key.name = props.note + props.register;
key.parent = parent;
return key;
else if (props.type === "black") {
Props for building a black key should contain:
note, wholePositionX, register, referencePositionX
As an example, the props for building the C#4 black key would be
{type: "black", note: "C#", wholePositionX: -13.45, register: 4, referencePositionX: 0}
// Create black color material
const blackMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("black");
blackMat.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);
// Create black key
const key = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox(props.note + props.register, {width: 1.4, height: 2, depth: 5}, scene);
key.position.z += 4.75;
key.position.y += 0.25;
key.position.x = props.referencePositionX + props.wholePositionX;
key.material = blackMat;
key.parent = parent;
return key;
const scaleFromPivot = function(transformNode, pivotPoint, scale) {
const _sx = scale / transformNode.scaling.x;
const _sy = scale / transformNode.scaling.y;
const _sz = scale / transformNode.scaling.z;
transformNode.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(_sx, _sy, _sz);
transformNode.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(pivotPoint.x + _sx * (transformNode.position.x - pivotPoint.x), pivotPoint.y + _sy * (transformNode.position.y - pivotPoint.y), pivotPoint.z + _sz * (transformNode.position.z - pivotPoint.z));
const createScene = async function(engine) {
const scale = 0.015;
const scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
const alpha = 3*Math.PI/2;
const beta = Math.PI/50;
const radius = 220*scale;
const target = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
const camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", alpha, beta, radius, target, scene);
camera.attachControl(canvas, true);
const light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);
light.intensity = 0.6;
const keyParams = [
{type: "white", note: "C", topWidth: 1.4, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: -0.45, wholePositionX: -14.4},
{type: "black", note: "C#", wholePositionX: -13.45},
{type: "white", note: "D", topWidth: 1.4, bottomWidth: 2.4, topPositionX: 0, wholePositionX: -12},
{type: "black", note: "D#", wholePositionX: -10.6},
{type: "white", note: "E", topWidth: 1.4, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: 0.45, wholePositionX: -9.6},
{type: "white", note: "F", topWidth: 1.3, bottomWidth: 2.4, topPositionX: -0.55, wholePositionX: -7.2},
{type: "black", note: "F#", wholePositionX: -6.35},
{type: "white", note: "G", topWidth: 1.3, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: -0.2, wholePositionX: -4.8},
{type: "black", note: "G#", wholePositionX: -3.6},
{type: "white", note: "A", topWidth: 1.3, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: 0.2, wholePositionX: -2.4},
{type: "black", note: "A#", wholePositionX: -0.85},
{type: "white", note: "B", topWidth: 1.3, bottomWidth: 2.4, topPositionX: 0.55, wholePositionX: 0},
// Transform Node that acts as the parent of all piano keys
const keyboard = new BABYLON.TransformNode("keyboard");
// Register 1 through 7
var referencePositionX = -2.4*14;
for (let register = 1; register <= 7; register++) {
keyParams.forEach(key => {
buildKey(scene, keyboard, Object.assign({register: register, referencePositionX: referencePositionX}, key));
referencePositionX += 2.4*7;
// Register 0
buildKey(scene, keyboard, {type: "white", note: "A", topWidth: 1.9, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: -0.20, wholePositionX: -2.4, register: 0, referencePositionX: -2.4*21});
keyParams.slice(10, 12).forEach(key => {
buildKey(scene, keyboard, Object.assign({register: 0, referencePositionX: -2.4*21}, key));
// Register 8
buildKey(scene, keyboard, {type: "white", note: "C", topWidth: 2.3, bottomWidth: 2.3, topPositionX: 0, wholePositionX: -2.4*6, register: 8, referencePositionX: 84});
// Transform node that acts as the parent of all piano components
const piano = new BABYLON.TransformNode("piano");
keyboard.parent = piano;
// Import and scale piano frame
BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("frame", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MicrosoftDocs/mixed-reality/docs/mixed-reality-docs/mr-dev-docs/develop/javascript/tutorials/babylonjs-webxr-piano/files/", "pianoFrame.babylon", scene, function(meshes) {
const frame = meshes[0];
frame.parent = piano;
// Lift the piano keyboard
keyboard.position.y += 80;
// Scale the entire piano
scaleFromPivot(piano, new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0), scale);
const pointerToKey = new Map()
const pianoSound = await Soundfont.instrument(new AudioContext(), 'acoustic_grand_piano');
scene.onPointerObservable.add((pointerInfo) => {
switch (pointerInfo.type) {
case BABYLON.PointerEventTypes.POINTERDOWN:
// Only take action if the pointer is down on a mesh
if(pointerInfo.pickInfo.hit) {
let pickedMesh = pointerInfo.pickInfo.pickedMesh;
let pointerId = pointerInfo.event.pointerId;
if (pickedMesh.parent === keyboard) {
pickedMesh.position.y -= 0.5; // Move the key downward
pointerToKey.set(pointerId, {
mesh: pickedMesh,
note: pianoSound.play(pointerInfo.pickInfo.pickedMesh.name) // Play the sound of the note
case BABYLON.PointerEventTypes.POINTERUP:
let pointerId = pointerInfo.event.pointerId;
// Only take action if the released pointer was recorded in pointerToKey
if (pointerToKey.has(pointerId)) {
pointerToKey.get(pointerId).mesh.position.y += 0.5; // Move the key upward
pointerToKey.get(pointerId).note.stop(); // Stop the sound of the note
const xrHelper = await scene.createDefaultXRExperienceAsync();
const featuresManager = xrHelper.baseExperience.featuresManager;
featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRFeatureName.POINTER_SELECTION, "stable", {
xrInput: xrHelper.input,
enablePointerSelectionOnAllControllers: true
const ground = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround("ground", {width: 400, height: 400});
featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRFeatureName.TELEPORTATION, "stable", {
xrInput: xrHelper.input,
floorMeshes: [ground],
snapPositions: [new BABYLON.Vector3(2.4*3.5*scale, 0, -10*scale)],
return scene;
<title>Babylon Template</title>
<script src="https://cdn.babylonjs.com/babylon.js"></script>
<script src="scene.js"></script>
<script src="soundfont-player.min.js"></script>
body,#renderCanvas { width: 100%; height: 100%;}
<canvas id="renderCanvas"></canvas>
const canvas = document.getElementById("renderCanvas"); // Get the canvas element
const engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true); // Generate the BABYLON 3D engine
// Register a render loop to repeatedly render the scene
createScene(engine).then(sceneToRender => {
engine.runRenderLoop(() => sceneToRender.render());
// Watch for browser/canvas resize events
window.addEventListener("resize", function () {
有关混合现实 JavaScript 开发的更多信息,请参阅 JavaScript 开发概述。