ComputeBuffer cloudPointBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(6, quadPointsStride);
new Vector2(-.5f, .5f),
new Vector2(.5f, .5f),
new Vector2(.5f, -.5f),
new Vector2(.5f, -.5f),
new Vector2(-.5f, -.5f),
new Vector2(-.5f, .5f)
StructuredBuffer<float2> quadPoints;
StructuredBuffer<float3> particlePositions;
v2f vert(uint id : SV_VertexID, uint inst : SV_InstanceID)
// Find the center of the quad, from local to world space
float4 centerPoint = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(particlePositions[inst], 1));
// Calculate y offset for each quad point
float3 cameraForward = normalize(centerPoint - _WorldSpaceCameraPos);
float y = dot(quadPoints[id].xy, cameraForward.xz);
// Read out the particle data
float radius = ...;
float height = ...;
// Set the position of the vert
float4 finalPos = centerPoint + float4(quadPoints[id].x, y * height, quadPoints[id].y, 0) * radius;
o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(, 1));
o.uv = quadPoints[id].xy + 0.5;
return o;
cloudBlendingCommand = new CommandBuffer();
Camera.main.AddCommandBuffer(whenToComposite, cloudBlendingCommand);
cloudCamera.rect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); //Adaptive rendering can set the main camera to a smaller rect
cloudCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Color;
cloudCamera.backgroundColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
currentCloudTexture = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(Camera.main.pixelWidth / 2, Camera.main.pixelHeight / 2, 0);
cloudCamera.targetTexture = currentCloudTexture;
// Render clouds to the offscreen buffer
cloudCamera.targetTexture = null;
// Blend low-res clouds to the main target
cloudBlendingCommand.Blit(currentCloudTexture, new RenderTargetIdentifier(BuiltinRenderTextureType.CurrentActive), blitMaterial);
AppendStructuredBuffer<int> culledParticleIdx;
if (show)
C# 代码:
protected void Awake()
// Create an append buffer, setting the maximum size and the contents stride length
culledParticlesIdxBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(ParticleCount, sizeof(int), ComputeBufferType.Append);
// Set up Args Buffer for Draw Procedural Indirect
argsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(4, sizeof(int), ComputeBufferType.IndirectArguments);
argsBuffer.SetData(new int[] { DataVertCount, 0, 0, 0 });
protected void Update()
// Reset the append buffer, and dispatch the compute shader normally
// Copy the append buffer count into the args buffer used by the Draw Procedural Indirect call
ComputeBuffer.CopyCount(culledParticlesIdxBuffer, argsBuffer, dstOffset: 1);
ribbonRenderCommand.DrawProceduralIndirect(Matrix4x4.identity, renderMaterial, 0, MeshTopology.Triangles, dataBuffer);