从代码更新非 Store 发布的应用包

以 MSIX 形式交付应用时,可通过编程方式启动应用程序的更新。 如果将应用部署到 Store 外部,则只需在服务器上检查是否有新版应用并安装新版本。 应用更新的方式取决于是否使用应用安装程序文件部署应用包。 若要从代码应用更新,应用包必须声明 packageManagement 功能。 请注意,对于跨发布者方案,必须声明该功能,但管理自己的应用应该无需声明。

本文提供的示例演示如何在程序包清单中声明 packageManagement 功能,以及如何从代码应用更新。 第一部分介绍如何使用应用安装程序文件来执行此操作,而第二部分介绍如何在不使用应用安装程序文件时执行此操作。 最后一部分将介绍如何在应用更新后确保应用重启。

将 PackageManagement 功能添加到包清单

若要使用 PackageManager API,应用必须在包清单中声明 packageManagement 受限功能


    <rescap:Capability Name="packageManagement" />


如果你使用应用安装程序文件部署应用程序,则你执行的任何代码驱动的更新都必须使用应用安装程序文件 API。 这样做可确保定期应用安装程序文件更新将继续工作。 若要从代码初始化应用安装程序的更新,可以使用 PackageManager.AddPackageByAppInstallerFileAsyncPackageManager.RequestAddPackageByAppInstallerFileAsync。 可以使用 Package.CheckUpdateAvailabilityAsync API 检查更新是否可用。 下面是示例代码:

using Windows.Management.Deployment;

public async void CheckForAppInstallerUpdatesAndLaunchAsync(string targetPackageFullName, PackageVolume packageVolume)
    // Get the current app's package for the current user.
    PackageManager pm = new PackageManager();
    Package package = pm.FindPackageForUser(string.Empty, targetPackageFullName);

    PackageUpdateAvailabilityResult result = await package.CheckUpdateAvailabilityAsync();
    switch (result.Availability)
        case PackageUpdateAvailability.Available:
        case PackageUpdateAvailability.Required:
            //Queue up the update and close the current instance
            await pm.AddPackageByAppInstallerFileAsync(
            new Uri("https://trial3.azurewebsites.net/HRApp/HRApp.appinstaller"),
        case PackageUpdateAvailability.NoUpdates:
            // Close AppInstaller.
            await ConsolidateAppInstallerView();
        case PackageUpdateAvailability.Unknown:
            // Log and ignore error.
            Logger.Log($"No update information associated with app {targetPackageFullName}");
            // Launch target app and close AppInstaller.
            await ConsolidateAppInstallerView();



如果未使用应用安装程序文件来部署应用包,则第一步是直接检查是否有新版本的应用程序可用。 以下示例检查服务器上的包版本是否大于当前版本的应用(此示例指的是用于演示的测试服务器)。

using Windows.Management.Deployment;

//check for an update on my server
private async void CheckUpdate(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
    WebClient client = new WebClient();
    Stream stream = client.OpenRead("https://trial3.azurewebsites.net/HRApp/Version.txt");
    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
    var newVersion = new Version(await reader.ReadToEndAsync());
    Package package = Package.Current;
    PackageVersion packageVersion = package.Id.Version;
    var currentVersion = new Version(string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", packageVersion.Major, packageVersion.Minor, packageVersion.Build, packageVersion.Revision));

    //compare package versions
    if (newVersion.CompareTo(currentVersion) > 0)
        var messageDialog = new MessageDialog("Found an update.");
        messageDialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand(
            new UICommandInvokedHandler(this.CommandInvokedHandler)));
        messageDialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand(
            new UICommandInvokedHandler(this.CommandInvokedHandler)));
        messageDialog.DefaultCommandIndex = 0;
        messageDialog.CancelCommandIndex = 1;
        await messageDialog.ShowAsync();
    } else
        var messageDialog = new MessageDialog("Did not find an update.");
        await messageDialog.ShowAsync();


targetPackageFileName 代表打包的应用的全名。 (示例:Contoso.HeadTrax_1.0.0.0_x64__PublisherHash)


确定更新已发布后,可以让其排队等待下载并使用 AddPackageAsync API 进行安装。 只要主包已经安装在设备上,则也应该可以安装可选包。 下次关闭应用时,会应用此更新。 应用重启后,新版本将可供用户使用。 下面是示例代码:

// Queue up the update and close the current app instance.
private async void CommandInvokedHandler(IUICommand command)
    if (command.Label == "Update")
        PackageManager packagemanager = new PackageManager();
        await packagemanager.AddPackageAsync(
            new Uri("https://trial3.azurewebsites.net/HRApp/HRApp.msix"),


如果应用程序是 UWP 应用,则在应用更新时传入 AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions.ForceApplicationShutdown 或 AddPackageOptions.ForceTargetAppShutdown 应安排应用在关闭 + 更新后重启。 对于非 UWP 应用,需要在应用更新之前调用 RegisterApplicationRestart

在开始关闭应用之前,必须先调用 RegisterApplicationRestart。 下面是使用互操作服务以 C# 调用原生方法的示例:

 // Register the active instance of an application for restart in your Update method
 uint res = RelaunchHelper.RegisterApplicationRestart(null, RelaunchHelper.RestartFlags.NONE);

使用帮助程序类以 C# 调用原生 RegisterApplicationRestart 方法的示例:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace MyEmployees.Helpers
    class RelaunchHelper
        #region Restart Manager Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the active instance of an application for restart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pwzCommandLine">
        /// A pointer to a Unicode string that specifies the command-line arguments for the application when it is restarted.
        /// The maximum size of the command line that you can specify is RESTART_MAX_CMD_LINE characters. Do not include the name of the executable
        /// in the command line; this function adds it for you.
        /// If this parameter is NULL or an empty string, the previously registered command line is removed. If the argument contains spaces,
        /// use quotes around the argument.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dwFlags">One of the options specified in RestartFlags</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// This function returns S_OK on success or one of the following error codes:
        /// E_FAIL for internal error.
        /// E_INVALIDARG if rhe specified command line is too long.
        /// </returns>
        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        internal static extern uint RegisterApplicationRestart(string pwzCommandLine, RestartFlags dwFlags);
        #endregion Restart Manager Methods

        #region Restart Manager Enums
        /// <summary>
        /// Flags for the RegisterApplicationRestart function
        /// </summary>
        internal enum RestartFlags
            /// <summary>None of the options below.</summary>
            NONE = 0,

            /// <summary>Do not restart the process if it terminates due to an unhandled exception.</summary>
            RESTART_NO_CRASH = 1,
            /// <summary>Do not restart the process if it terminates due to the application not responding.</summary>
            RESTART_NO_HANG = 2,
            /// <summary>Do not restart the process if it terminates due to the installation of an update.</summary>
            RESTART_NO_PATCH = 4,
            /// <summary>Do not restart the process if the computer is restarted as the result of an update.</summary>
            RESTART_NO_REBOOT = 8
        #endregion Restart Manager Enums
