检索 WPD 对象属性
服务通常包含属于每个服务支持的格式之一的子对象。 例如,联系人服务可能支持抽象联系人格式的多个联系人对象。 每个联系人对象由相关属性 (联系人姓名、电话号码、电子邮件地址等) 描述。
WpdServiceApiSample 应用程序包含代码,演示如何应用程序检索给定联系人服务支持的内容对象属性。 此示例使用以下接口。
接口 | 说明 |
IPortableDeviceService | 检索 IPortableDeviceContent2 接口以访问受支持的服务方法。 |
IPortableDeviceContent2 | 提供对特定于内容的方法的访问权限。 |
IPortableDeviceProperties | 检索对象属性值。 |
IPortableDeviceValues | 保存为该对象读取的属性值。 |
IPortableDeviceKeyCollection | 包含给定方法的参数。 |
当用户在命令行中选择选项“7”时,应用程序将调用 ContentProperties.cpp 模块中找到的 ReadContentProperties 方法。
属性 | 说明 | Device Services PROPERTYKEY | 等效WPD_PROPERTYKEY |
父对象标识符 | 一个字符串,指定给定对象的父对象的标识符。 | PKEY_GenericObj_ParentID | WPD_OBJECT_PARENT_ID |
对象名称 | 一个字符串,指定给定对象的名称 | PKEY_GenericObj_Name | WPD_OBJECT_NAME |
持久唯一标识符 | 一个字符串,指定给定对象的唯一标识符。 此标识符在会话中持久存在,与对象标识符不同。 对于服务,这必须是 GUID 的字符串表示形式。 | PKEY_GenericObj_PersistentUID | WPD_OBJECT_PERSISTENT_UNIQUE_ID |
对象格式 | 全局唯一标识符 (GUID) ,指定与给定对象对应的文件格式 | PKEY_GenericObj_ObjectFormat | WPD_OBJECT_FORMAT |
- 父 ID
- 名称
- PersistentUID
- 格式
ReadContentProperties 方法的以下代码演示了应用程序如何使用 IPortableDeviceContent2 接口检索 IPortableDeviceProperties 接口。 通过将请求属性的 PROPERTYKEYS 传递给 IPortableDeviceProperties::GetValues 方法, ReadContentProperties 将检索请求的值,然后将其显示在控制台窗口中。
// Reads properties for the user specified object.
void ReadContentProperties(
IPortableDeviceService* pService)
if (pService == NULL)
printf("! A NULL IPortableDeviceService interface pointer was received\n");
WCHAR szSelection[81] = {0};
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceProperties> pProperties;
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceValues> pObjectProperties;
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceContent2> pContent;
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceKeyCollection> pPropertiesToRead;
// Prompt user to enter an object identifier on the device to read properties from.
printf("Enter the identifer of the object you wish to read properties from.\n>");
hr = StringCbGetsW(szSelection,sizeof(szSelection));
if (FAILED(hr))
printf("An invalid object identifier was specified, aborting property reading\n");
// 1) Get an IPortableDeviceContent2 interface from the IPortableDeviceService interface to
// access the content-specific methods.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = pService->Content(&pContent);
if (FAILED(hr))
printf("! Failed to get IPortableDeviceContent2 from IPortableDeviceService, hr = 0x%lx\n",hr);
// 2) Get an IPortableDeviceProperties interface from the IPortableDeviceContent2 interface
// to access the property-specific methods.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = pContent->Properties(&pProperties);
if (FAILED(hr))
printf("! Failed to get IPortableDeviceProperties from IPortableDeviceContent2, hr = 0x%lx\n",hr);
// 3) CoCreate an IPortableDeviceKeyCollection interface to hold the property keys
// we wish to read.
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_PortableDeviceKeyCollection,
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// 4) Populate the IPortableDeviceKeyCollection with the keys we wish to read.
// NOTE: We are not handling any special error cases here so we can proceed with
// adding as many of the target properties as we can.
if (pPropertiesToRead != NULL)
HRESULT hrTemp = S_OK;
hrTemp = pPropertiesToRead->Add(PKEY_GenericObj_ParentID);
if (FAILED(hrTemp))
printf("! Failed to add PKEY_GenericObj_ParentID to IPortableDeviceKeyCollection, hr= 0x%lx\n", hrTemp);
hrTemp = pPropertiesToRead->Add(PKEY_GenericObj_Name);
if (FAILED(hrTemp))
printf("! Failed to add PKEY_GenericObj_Name to IPortableDeviceKeyCollection, hr= 0x%lx\n", hrTemp);
hrTemp = pPropertiesToRead->Add(PKEY_GenericObj_PersistentUID);
if (FAILED(hrTemp))
printf("! Failed to add PKEY_GenericObj_PersistentUID to IPortableDeviceKeyCollection, hr= 0x%lx\n", hrTemp);
hrTemp = pPropertiesToRead->Add(PKEY_GenericObj_ObjectFormat);
if (FAILED(hrTemp))
printf("! Failed to add PKEY_GenericObj_ObjectFormat to IPortableDeviceKeyCollection, hr= 0x%lx\n", hrTemp);
// 5) Call GetValues() passing the collection of specified PROPERTYKEYs.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = pProperties->GetValues(szSelection, // The object whose properties we are reading
pPropertiesToRead, // The properties we want to read
&pObjectProperties); // Driver supplied property values for the specified object
if (FAILED(hr))
printf("! Failed to get all properties for object '%ws', hr= 0x%lx\n", szSelection, hr);
// 6) Display the returned property values to the user
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
DisplayStringProperty(pObjectProperties, PKEY_GenericObj_ParentID, NAME_GenericObj_ParentID);
DisplayStringProperty(pObjectProperties, PKEY_GenericObj_Name, NAME_GenericObj_Name);
DisplayStringProperty(pObjectProperties, PKEY_GenericObj_PersistentUID, NAME_GenericObj_PersistentUID);
DisplayGuidProperty (pObjectProperties, PKEY_GenericObj_ObjectFormat, NAME_GenericObj_ObjectFormat);