Xamarin.Mac 中的数据库

本文介绍如何使用键值编码和键值观察来允许 Xcode 接口生成器中的 SQLite 数据库和 UI 元素之间的数据绑定。 它还介绍了如何使用 SQLite.NET ORM 提供对 SQLite 数据的访问权限。


在 Xamarin.Mac 应用程序中使用 C# 和 .NET 时,可以访问 Xamarin.iOS 或 Xamarin.Android 应用程序可以访问的同一 SQLite 数据库。

在本文中,我们将介绍两种方法来访问 SQLite 数据:

  1. 直接访问 - 通过直接访问 SQLite 数据库,我们可以使用数据库中的数据进行键值编码和数据绑定,以及 Xcode 接口生成器中创建的 UI 元素。 通过在 Xamarin.Mac 应用程序中使用键值编码和数据绑定技术,可以大大减少编写和维护的代码量,以填充和使用 UI 元素。 还可以从前端用户界面(Model-View-Controller)进一步分离支持数据(数据模型),从而更轻松地维护、更灵活的应用程序设计。
  2. SQLite.NET ORM - 通过使用开放源代码 SQLite.NET 对象关系管理器(ORM),可以大大减少从 SQLite 数据库读取和写入数据所需的代码量。 然后,可以使用此数据来填充用户界面项,例如表视图。

An example of the running app

在本文中,我们将介绍在 Xamarin.Mac 应用程序中使用 SQLite 数据库的键值编码和数据绑定的基础知识。 强烈建议先浏览 Hello、Mac 文章,特别是 Xcode 和 Interface Builder 和输出口和 操作 简介部分,因为它介绍本文中将要使用的关键概念和技术。

由于我们将使用键值编码和数据绑定,因此请先完成 数据绑定和键值编码 ,因为本文档及其示例应用程序将介绍核心技术和概念。

你可能还需要查看 Xamarin.Mac Internals 文档的“公开 C# 类/方法Objective-C”部分,其中还介绍了ExportRegister用于将 C# 类与Objective-C对象和 UI 元素连接起来的特性。

直接 SQLite 访问

对于要绑定到 Xcode 接口生成器中的 UI 元素的 SQLite 数据,强烈建议你直接访问 SQLite 数据库(而不是使用 ORM 等技术),因为你完全控制了从数据库中写入和读取数据的方式。

正如我们在数据绑定和键值编码文档中看到的,通过在 Xamarin.Mac 应用程序中使用键值编码和数据绑定技术,可以大大减少必须编写和维护的代码量,以填充和使用 UI 元素。 与直接访问 SQLite 数据库结合使用时,它还可以大大减少读取和写入该数据库所需的代码量。

在本文中,我们将修改数据绑定和键值编码文档中的示例应用,以使用 SQLite 数据库作为绑定的后盾源。

包括 SQLite 数据库支持

在继续之前,我们需要通过包括对几个应用程序的引用来向应用程序添加 SQLite 数据库支持。DLL 文件。


  1. 在 Solution Pad 中,右键单击“引用”文件夹,然后选择“编辑引用”。

  2. 同时选择 Mono.Data.SqliteSystem.Data 程序集:

    Adding the required references

  3. 单击“确定”按钮保存更改并添加引用。


现在,我们添加了对直接访问 SQLite 数据库到应用程序的支持,我们需要修改数据模型对象以从数据库读取和写入数据(并提供键值编码和数据绑定)。 对于示例应用程序,我们将编辑 PersonModel.cs 类,使其如下所示:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Data.Sqlite;
using Foundation;
using AppKit;

namespace MacDatabase
    public class PersonModel : NSObject
        #region Private Variables
        private string _ID = "";
        private string _managerID = "";
        private string _name = "";
        private string _occupation = "";
        private bool _isManager = false;
        private NSMutableArray _people = new NSMutableArray();
        private SqliteConnection _conn = null;

        #region Computed Properties
        public SqliteConnection Conn {
            get { return _conn; }
            set { _conn = value; }

        public string ID {
            get { return _ID; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("ID");
                _ID = value;
                DidChangeValue ("ID");

        public string ManagerID {
            get { return _managerID; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("ManagerID");
                _managerID = value;
                DidChangeValue ("ManagerID");

        public string Name {
            get { return _name; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("Name");
                _name = value;
                DidChangeValue ("Name");

                // Save changes to database?
                if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

        public string Occupation {
            get { return _occupation; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("Occupation");
                _occupation = value;
                DidChangeValue ("Occupation");

                // Save changes to database?
                if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

        public bool isManager {
            get { return _isManager; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("isManager");
                WillChangeValue ("Icon");
                _isManager = value;
                DidChangeValue ("isManager");
                DidChangeValue ("Icon");

                // Save changes to database?
                if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

        public bool isEmployee {
            get { return (NumberOfEmployees == 0); }

        public NSImage Icon {
            get {
                if (isManager) {
                    return NSImage.ImageNamed ("group.png");
                } else {
                    return NSImage.ImageNamed ("user.png");

        public NSArray People {
            get { return _people; }

        public nint NumberOfEmployees {
            get { return (nint)_people.Count; }

        #region Constructors
        public PersonModel ()

        public PersonModel (string name, string occupation)
            // Initialize
            this.Name = name;
            this.Occupation = occupation;

        public PersonModel (string name, string occupation, bool manager)
            // Initialize
            this.Name = name;
            this.Occupation = occupation;
            this.isManager = manager;

        public PersonModel (string id, string name, string occupation)
            // Initialize
            this.ID = id;
            this.Name = name;
            this.Occupation = occupation;

        public PersonModel (SqliteConnection conn, string id)
            // Load from database
            Load (conn, id);

        #region Array Controller Methods
        public void AddPerson(PersonModel person) {
            WillChangeValue ("personModelArray");
            isManager = true;
            _people.Add (person);
            DidChangeValue ("personModelArray");

        public void InsertPerson(PersonModel person, nint index) {
            WillChangeValue ("personModelArray");
            _people.Insert (person, index);
            DidChangeValue ("personModelArray");

        public void RemovePerson(nint index) {
            WillChangeValue ("personModelArray");
            _people.RemoveObject (index);
            DidChangeValue ("personModelArray");

        public void SetPeople(NSMutableArray array) {
            WillChangeValue ("personModelArray");
            _people = array;
            DidChangeValue ("personModelArray");

        #region SQLite Routines
        public void Create(SqliteConnection conn) {

            // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
            _conn = null;

            // Create new record ID?
            if (ID == "") {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid ().ToString();

            // Execute query
            conn.Open ();
            using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                // Create new command
                command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [People] (ID, Name, Occupation, isManager, ManagerID) VALUES (@COL1, @COL2, @COL3, @COL4, @COL5)";

                // Populate with data from the record
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL2", Name);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL3", Occupation);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL4", isManager);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL5", ManagerID);

                // Write to database
                command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
            conn.Close ();

            // Save children to database as well
            for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
                // Grab person
                var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

                // Save manager ID and create the sub record
                Person.ManagerID = ID;
                Person.Create (conn);

            // Save last connection
            _conn = conn;

        public void Update(SqliteConnection conn) {

            // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
            _conn = null;

            // Execute query
            conn.Open ();
            using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                // Create new command
                command.CommandText = "UPDATE [People] SET Name = @COL2, Occupation = @COL3, isManager = @COL4, ManagerID = @COL5 WHERE ID = @COL1";

                // Populate with data from the record
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL2", Name);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL3", Occupation);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL4", isManager);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL5", ManagerID);

                // Write to database
                command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
            conn.Close ();

            // Save children to database as well
            for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
                // Grab person
                var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

                // Update sub record
                Person.Update (conn);

            // Save last connection
            _conn = conn;

        public void Load(SqliteConnection conn, string id) {
            bool shouldClose = false;

            // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
            _conn = null;

            // Is the database already open?
            if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                shouldClose = true;
                conn.Open ();

            // Execute query
            using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                // Create new command
                command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [People] WHERE ID = @COL1";

                // Populate with data from the record
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                    while (reader.Read ()) {
                        // Pull values back into class
                        ID = (string)reader [0];
                        Name = (string)reader [1];
                        Occupation = (string)reader [2];
                        isManager = (bool)reader [3];
                        ManagerID = (string)reader [4];

            // Is this a manager?
            if (isManager) {
                // Yes, load children
                using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE ManagerID = @COL1";

                    // Populate with data from the record
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Load child and add to collection
                            var childID = (string)reader [0];
                            var person = new PersonModel (conn, childID);
                            _people.Add (person);

            // Should we close the connection to the database
            if (shouldClose) {
                conn.Close ();

            // Save last connection
            _conn = conn;

        public void Delete(SqliteConnection conn) {

            // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
            _conn = null;

            // Execute query
            conn.Open ();
            using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                // Create new command
                command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM [People] WHERE (ID = @COL1 OR ManagerID = @COL1)";

                // Populate with data from the record
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);

                // Write to database
                command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
            conn.Close ();

            // Empty class
            ID = "";
            ManagerID = "";
            Name = "";
            Occupation = "";
            isManager = false;
            _people = new NSMutableArray();

            // Save last connection
            _conn = conn;


首先,我们添加了几个 using 语句,这些语句是使用 SQLite 所必需的,并且添加了一个变量来保存与 SQLite 数据库的最后一个连接:

using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Data.Sqlite;

private SqliteConnection _conn = null;

当用户通过数据绑定修改 UI 中的内容时,我们将使用此保存的连接自动将记录的任何更改保存到数据库:

public string Name {
    get { return _name; }
    set {
        WillChangeValue ("Name");
        _name = value;
        DidChangeValue ("Name");

        // Save changes to database?
        if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

public string Occupation {
    get { return _occupation; }
    set {
        WillChangeValue ("Occupation");
        _occupation = value;
        DidChangeValue ("Occupation");

        // Save changes to database?
        if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

public bool isManager {
    get { return _isManager; }
    set {
        WillChangeValue ("isManager");
        WillChangeValue ("Icon");
        _isManager = value;
        DidChangeValue ("isManager");
        DidChangeValue ("Icon");

        // Save changes to database?
        if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

如果以前保存了数据(例如变量不是),则对 NameOccupationisManager 属性所做的任何更改都将发送到数据库。_connnull 接下来,让我们看看我们已添加到 创建更新加载删除 数据库中人员的方法。


添加了以下代码以在 SQLite 数据库中创建新记录:

public void Create(SqliteConnection conn) {

    // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
    _conn = null;

    // Create new record ID?
    if (ID == "") {
        ID = Guid.NewGuid ().ToString();

    // Execute query
    conn.Open ();
    using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
        // Create new command
        command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [People] (ID, Name, Occupation, isManager, ManagerID) VALUES (@COL1, @COL2, @COL3, @COL4, @COL5)";

        // Populate with data from the record
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL2", Name);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL3", Occupation);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL4", isManager);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL5", ManagerID);

        // Write to database
        command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
    conn.Close ();

    // Save children to database as well
    for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
        // Grab person
        var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

        // Save manager ID and create the sub record
        Person.ManagerID = ID;
        Person.Create (conn);

    // Save last connection
    _conn = conn;

我们将使用 a SQLiteCommand 在数据库中创建新记录。 我们从传入方法的 SQLiteConnection (conn) 获取一个新命令,该命令通过调用 CreateCommand传入方法。 接下来,我们将 SQL 指令设置为实际写入新记录,为实际值提供参数:

command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [People] (ID, Name, Occupation, isManager, ManagerID) VALUES (@COL1, @COL2, @COL3, @COL4, @COL5)";

稍后,我们使用方法Parameters.AddWithValueSQLiteCommand设置参数的值。 通过使用参数,确保在发送到 SQLite 之前正确编码值(如单引号)。 示例:

command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);

最后,由于一个人可以是经理,并拥有一组员工,因此我们以递归方式调用 Create 这些人的方法,以将他们保存到数据库:

// Save children to database as well
for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
    // Grab person
    var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

    // Save manager ID and create the sub record
    Person.ManagerID = ID;
    Person.Create (conn);


添加了以下代码以更新 SQLite 数据库中的现有记录:

public void Update(SqliteConnection conn) {

    // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
    _conn = null;

    // Execute query
    conn.Open ();
    using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
        // Create new command
        command.CommandText = "UPDATE [People] SET Name = @COL2, Occupation = @COL3, isManager = @COL4, ManagerID = @COL5 WHERE ID = @COL1";

        // Populate with data from the record
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL2", Name);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL3", Occupation);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL4", isManager);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL5", ManagerID);

        // Write to database
        command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
    conn.Close ();

    // Save children to database as well
    for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
        // Grab person
        var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

        // Update sub record
        Person.Update (conn);

    // Save last connection
    _conn = conn;

与上面的“创建”一样,我们从传入SQLiteConnection获取,SQLiteCommand并将 SQL 设置为更新记录(提供参数):

command.CommandText = "UPDATE [People] SET Name = @COL2, Occupation = @COL3, isManager = @COL4, ManagerID = @COL5 WHERE ID = @COL1";

我们填写参数值(示例: command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);),并再次以递归方式调用对任何子记录的更新:

// Save children to database as well
for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
    // Grab person
    var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

    // Update sub record
    Person.Update (conn);


添加了以下代码,用于从 SQLite 数据库加载现有记录:

public void Load(SqliteConnection conn, string id) {
    bool shouldClose = false;

    // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
    _conn = null;

    // Is the database already open?
    if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
        shouldClose = true;
        conn.Open ();

    // Execute query
    using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
        // Create new command
        command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [People] WHERE ID = @COL1";

        // Populate with data from the record
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

        using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
            while (reader.Read ()) {
                // Pull values back into class
                ID = (string)reader [0];
                Name = (string)reader [1];
                Occupation = (string)reader [2];
                isManager = (bool)reader [3];
                ManagerID = (string)reader [4];

    // Is this a manager?
    if (isManager) {
        // Yes, load children
        using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE ManagerID = @COL1";

            // Populate with data from the record
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Load child and add to collection
                    var childID = (string)reader [0];
                    var person = new PersonModel (conn, childID);
                    _people.Add (person);

    // Should we close the connection to the database
    if (shouldClose) {
        conn.Close ();

    // Save last connection
    _conn = conn;


bool shouldClose = false;

// Is the database already open?
if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
    shouldClose = true;
    conn.Open ();

// Should we close the connection to the database
if (shouldClose) {
    conn.Close ();

与往常一样,我们将 SQL 设置为检索记录并使用参数:

// Create new command
command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE ManagerID = @COL1";

// Populate with data from the record
command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

最后,我们使用数据读取器执行查询并返回记录字段(我们复制到类的 PersonModel 实例):

using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
    while (reader.Read ()) {
        // Pull values back into class
        ID = (string)reader [0];
        Name = (string)reader [1];
        Occupation = (string)reader [2];
        isManager = (bool)reader [3];
        ManagerID = (string)reader [4];

如果此人是经理,我们还需要加载其所有员工(再次通过递归调用其 Load 方法):

// Is this a manager?
if (isManager) {
    // Yes, load children
    using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
        // Create new command
        command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE ManagerID = @COL1";

        // Populate with data from the record
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

        using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
            while (reader.Read ()) {
                // Load child and add to collection
                var childID = (string)reader [0];
                var person = new PersonModel (conn, childID);
                _people.Add (person);


添加了以下代码以从 SQLite 数据库中删除现有记录:

public void Delete(SqliteConnection conn) {

    // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
    _conn = null;

    // Execute query
    conn.Open ();
    using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
        // Create new command
        command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM [People] WHERE (ID = @COL1 OR ManagerID = @COL1)";

        // Populate with data from the record
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);

        // Write to database
        command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
    conn.Close ();

    // Empty class
    ID = "";
    ManagerID = "";
    Name = "";
    Occupation = "";
    isManager = false;
    _people = new NSMutableArray();

    // Save last connection
    _conn = conn;

在这里,我们提供了 SQL 来删除经理记录和该经理下的任何员工的记录(使用参数):

// Create new command
command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM [People] WHERE (ID = @COL1 OR ManagerID = @COL1)";

// Populate with data from the record
command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);

删除记录后,我们清除类 PersonModel 的当前实例:

// Empty class
ID = "";
ManagerID = "";
Name = "";
Occupation = "";
isManager = false;
_people = new NSMutableArray();


随着数据模型更改以支持对数据库的读取和写入,我们需要打开与数据库的连接并在首次运行时对其进行初始化。 让我们将以下代码添加到 MainWindow.cs 文件:

using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Data.Sqlite;

private SqliteConnection DatabaseConnection = null;

private SqliteConnection GetDatabaseConnection() {
    var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
    string db = Path.Combine (documents, "People.db3");

    // Create the database if it doesn't already exist
    bool exists = File.Exists (db);
    if (!exists)
        SqliteConnection.CreateFile (db);

    // Create connection to the database
    var conn = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + db);

    // Set the structure of the database
    if (!exists) {
        var commands = new[] {
            "CREATE TABLE People (ID TEXT, Name TEXT, Occupation TEXT, isManager BOOLEAN, ManagerID TEXT)"
        conn.Open ();
        foreach (var cmd in commands) {
            using (var c = conn.CreateCommand()) {
                c.CommandText = cmd;
                c.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                c.ExecuteNonQuery ();
        conn.Close ();

        // Build list of employees
        var Craig = new PersonModel ("0","Craig Dunn", "Documentation Manager");
        Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Amy Burns", "Technical Writer"));
        Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Joel Martinez", "Web & Infrastructure"));
        Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Kevin Mullins", "Technical Writer"));
        Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Mark McLemore", "Technical Writer"));
        Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Tom Opgenorth", "Technical Writer"));
        Craig.Create (conn);

        var Larry = new PersonModel ("1","Larry O'Brien", "API Documentation Manager");
        Larry.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Mike Norman", "API Documentor"));
        Larry.Create (conn);

    // Return new connection
    return conn;

让我们仔细看看上面的代码。 首先,我们选取新数据库的位置(在此示例中,用户桌面),查看数据库是否存在,如果不存在,请创建它:

var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
string db = Path.Combine (documents, "People.db3");

// Create the database if it doesn't already exist
bool exists = File.Exists (db);
if (!exists)
    SqliteConnection.CreateFile (db);


var conn = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + db);

然后,我们在数据库中创建所需的所有 SQL 表:

var commands = new[] {
    "CREATE TABLE People (ID TEXT, Name TEXT, Occupation TEXT, isManager BOOLEAN, ManagerID TEXT)"
conn.Open ();
foreach (var cmd in commands) {
    using (var c = conn.CreateCommand()) {
        c.CommandText = cmd;
        c.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        c.ExecuteNonQuery ();
conn.Close ();


// Build list of employees
var Craig = new PersonModel ("0","Craig Dunn", "Documentation Manager");
Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Amy Burns", "Technical Writer"));
Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Joel Martinez", "Web & Infrastructure"));
Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Kevin Mullins", "Technical Writer"));
Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Mark McLemore", "Technical Writer"));
Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Tom Opgenorth", "Technical Writer"));
Craig.Create (conn);

var Larry = new PersonModel ("1","Larry O'Brien", "API Documentation Manager");
Larry.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Mike Norman", "API Documentor"));
Larry.Create (conn);


public override void AwakeFromNib ()
    base.AwakeFromNib ();

    // Get access to database
    DatabaseConnection = GetDatabaseConnection ();


使用所有组件直接从 SQLite 数据库访问绑定数据,我们可以将数据加载到应用程序提供的不同视图中,并且它将自动显示在 UI 中。


若要加载知道 ID 的单个记录,可以使用以下代码:

Person = new PersonModel (Conn, "0");



// Load all employees
_conn.Open ();
using (var command = _conn.CreateCommand ()) {
    // Create new command
    command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People]";

    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
        while (reader.Read ()) {
            // Load child and add to collection
            var childID = (string)reader [0];
            var person = new PersonModel (_conn, childID);
            AddPerson (person);
_conn.Close ();

在这里,我们使用类的构造函数 PersonModel 重载将人员加载到内存中:

var person = new PersonModel (_conn, childID);

我们还调用 Data Bound 类将人员添加到人员集合 AddPerson (person)中,这可确保 UI 识别更改并显示它:

public void AddPerson(PersonModel person) {
    WillChangeValue ("personModelArray");
    isManager = true;
    _people.Add (person);
    DidChangeValue ("personModelArray");



// Load only managers employees
_conn.Open ();
using (var command = _conn.CreateCommand ()) {
    // Create new command
    command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE isManager = 1";

    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
        while (reader.Read ()) {
            // Load child and add to collection
            var childID = (string)reader [0];
            var person = new PersonModel (_conn, childID);
            AddPerson (person);
_conn.Close ();

SQL 语句中的唯一实际差异(仅加载管理器 command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE isManager = 1"),但与上述部分相同。


macOS 可用的菜单控件(如组合框)可以设置为从内部列表中填充下拉列表(可以在 Interface Builder 中预定义或通过代码填充),或者提供自己的自定义外部数据源。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅 “提供菜单控件数据 ”。

例如,在 Interface Builder 中编辑上述简单绑定示例,添加组合框并使用名为:EmployeeSelector

Exposing a combo box outlet


Configuring the combo box attributes

保存更改并返回到 Visual Studio for Mac 进行同步。


接下来,向调用 ComboBoxDataSource 的项目添加新类,使其如下所示:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Data.Sqlite;
using Foundation;
using AppKit;

namespace MacDatabase
    public class ComboBoxDataSource : NSComboBoxDataSource
        #region Private Variables
        private SqliteConnection _conn = null;
        private string _tableName = "";
        private string _IDField = "ID";
        private string _displayField = "";
        private nint _recordCount = 0;

        #region Computed Properties
        public SqliteConnection Conn {
            get { return _conn; }
            set { _conn = value; }

        public string TableName {
            get { return _tableName; }
            set { 
                _tableName = value;
                _recordCount = GetRecordCount ();

        public string IDField {
            get { return _IDField; }
            set {
                _IDField = value; 
                _recordCount = GetRecordCount ();

        public string DisplayField {
            get { return _displayField; }
            set { 
                _displayField = value; 
                _recordCount = GetRecordCount ();

        public nint RecordCount {
            get { return _recordCount; }

        #region Constructors
        public ComboBoxDataSource (SqliteConnection conn, string tableName, string displayField)
            // Initialize
            this.Conn = conn;
            this.TableName = tableName;
            this.DisplayField = displayField;

        public ComboBoxDataSource (SqliteConnection conn, string tableName, string idField, string displayField)
            // Initialize
            this.Conn = conn;
            this.TableName = tableName;
            this.IDField = idField;
            this.DisplayField = displayField;

        #region Private Methods
        private nint GetRecordCount ()
            bool shouldClose = false;
            nint count = 0;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName !="" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT count({IDField}) FROM [{TableName}]";

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read count from query
                            var result = (long)reader [0];
                            count = (nint)result;

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return the number of records
            return count;

        #region Public Methods
        public string IDForIndex (nint index)
            NSString value = new NSString ("");
            bool shouldClose = false;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {IDField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            value = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return value;

        public string ValueForIndex (nint index)
            NSString value = new NSString ("");
            bool shouldClose = false;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            value = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return value;

        public string IDForValue (string value)
            NSString result = new NSString ("");
            bool shouldClose = false;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {IDField} FROM [{TableName}] WHERE {DisplayField} = @VAL";

                    // Populate parameters
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@VAL", value);

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            result = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return result;

        #region Override Methods
        public override nint ItemCount (NSComboBox comboBox)
            return RecordCount;

        public override NSObject ObjectValueForItem (NSComboBox comboBox, nint index)
            NSString value = new NSString ("");
            bool shouldClose = false;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            value = new NSString((string)reader [0]);

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return value;

        public override nint IndexOfItem (NSComboBox comboBox, string value)
            bool shouldClose = false;
            bool found = false;
            string field = "";
            nint index = NSRange.NotFound;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC";

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read () && !found) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            field = (string)reader [0];

                            // Is this the value we are searching for?
                            if (value == field) {
                                // Yes, exit loop
                                found = true;

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return index;

        public override string CompletedString (NSComboBox comboBox, string uncompletedString)
            bool shouldClose = false;
            bool found = false;
            string field = "";

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Escape search string
                uncompletedString = uncompletedString.Replace ("'", "");

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] WHERE {DisplayField} LIKE @VAL";

                    // Populate parameters
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@VAL", uncompletedString + "%");

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            field = (string)reader [0];

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return field;

在此示例中,我们将创建一个可从任何 SQLite 数据源呈现组合框项的新 NSComboBoxDataSource 项。 首先,我们定义以下属性:

  • Conn - 获取或设置与 SQLite 数据库的连接。
  • TableName - 获取或设置表名称。
  • IDField - 获取或设置为给定表提供唯一 ID 的字段。 默认值为 ID
  • DisplayField - 获取或设置下拉列表中显示的字段。
  • RecordCount - 获取给定表中的记录数。

创建对象的新实例时,我们将传入连接、表名称、ID 字段和显示字段:

public ComboBoxDataSource (SqliteConnection conn, string tableName, string displayField)
    // Initialize
    this.Conn = conn;
    this.TableName = tableName;
    this.DisplayField = displayField;

该方法 GetRecordCount 返回给定表中的记录数:

private nint GetRecordCount ()
    bool shouldClose = false;
    nint count = 0;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName !="" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT count({IDField}) FROM [{TableName}]";

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read count from query
                    var result = (long)reader [0];
                    count = (nint)result;

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return the number of records
    return count;


该方法 IDForIndex 返回给定下拉列表项索引处记录的唯一 ID (IDField):

public string IDForIndex (nint index)
    NSString value = new NSString ("");
    bool shouldClose = false;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {IDField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    value = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return value;

该方法 ValueForIndex 返回给定下拉列表索引处项的值(DisplayField):

public string ValueForIndex (nint index)
    NSString value = new NSString ("");
    bool shouldClose = false;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    value = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return value;

该方法IDForValue返回给定值的唯一 ID (IDFieldDisplayField):

public string IDForValue (string value)
    NSString result = new NSString ("");
    bool shouldClose = false;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {IDField} FROM [{TableName}] WHERE {DisplayField} = @VAL";

            // Populate parameters
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@VAL", value);

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    result = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return result;


public override nint ItemCount (NSComboBox comboBox)
    return RecordCount;

该方法 ObjectValueForItem 为给定的下拉列表项索引提供值 (DisplayField):

public override NSObject ObjectValueForItem (NSComboBox comboBox, nint index)
    NSString value = new NSString ("");
    bool shouldClose = false;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    value = new NSString((string)reader [0]);

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return value;

请注意,我们使用 LIMIT SQLite 命令中的 and OFFSET 语句来限制为所需的一条记录。

该方法 IndexOfItem 返回给定值(DisplayField) 的下拉列表项索引:

public override nint IndexOfItem (NSComboBox comboBox, string value)
    bool shouldClose = false;
    bool found = false;
    string field = "";
    nint index = NSRange.NotFound;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC";

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read () && !found) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    field = (string)reader [0];

                    // Is this the value we are searching for?
                    if (value == field) {
                        // Yes, exit loop
                        found = true;

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return index;

如果找不到该值,则 NSRange.NotFound 返回该值,并在下拉列表中取消选中所有项。

该方法 CompletedString 返回部分类型化条目的第一个匹配值(DisplayField):

public override string CompletedString (NSComboBox comboBox, string uncompletedString)
    bool shouldClose = false;
    bool found = false;
    string field = "";

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Escape search string
        uncompletedString = uncompletedString.Replace ("'", "");

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] WHERE {DisplayField} LIKE @VAL";

            // Populate parameters
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@VAL", uncompletedString + "%");

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    field = (string)reader [0];

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return field;


若要将所有部分组合在一起,请 SubviewSimpleBindingController 编辑并使其如下所示:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Data.Sqlite;
using Foundation;
using AppKit;

namespace MacDatabase
    public partial class SubviewSimpleBindingController : AppKit.NSViewController
        #region Private Variables
        private PersonModel _person = new PersonModel();
        private SqliteConnection Conn;

        #region Computed Properties
        //strongly typed view accessor
        public new SubviewSimpleBinding View {
            get {
                return (SubviewSimpleBinding)base.View;

        public PersonModel Person {
            get {return _person; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("Person");
                _person = value;
                DidChangeValue ("Person");

        public ComboBoxDataSource DataSource {
            get { return EmployeeSelector.DataSource as ComboBoxDataSource; }

        #region Constructors
        // Called when created from unmanaged code
        public SubviewSimpleBindingController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)
            Initialize ();

        // Called when created directly from a XIB file
        [Export ("initWithCoder:")]
        public SubviewSimpleBindingController (NSCoder coder) : base (coder)
            Initialize ();

        // Call to load from the XIB/NIB file
        public SubviewSimpleBindingController (SqliteConnection conn) : base ("SubviewSimpleBinding", NSBundle.MainBundle)
            // Initialize
            this.Conn = conn;
            Initialize ();

        // Shared initialization code
        void Initialize ()

        #region Private Methods
        private void LoadSelectedPerson (string id)

            // Found?
            if (id != "") {
                // Yes, load requested record
                Person = new PersonModel (Conn, id);

        #region Override Methods
        public override void AwakeFromNib ()
            base.AwakeFromNib ();

            // Configure Employee selector dropdown
            EmployeeSelector.DataSource = new ComboBoxDataSource (Conn, "People", "Name");

            // Wireup events
            EmployeeSelector.Changed += (sender, e) => {
                // Get ID
                var id = DataSource.IDForValue (EmployeeSelector.StringValue);
                LoadSelectedPerson (id);

            EmployeeSelector.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => {
                // Get ID
                var id = DataSource.IDForIndex (EmployeeSelector.SelectedIndex);
                LoadSelectedPerson (id);

            // Auto select the first person
            EmployeeSelector.StringValue = DataSource.ValueForIndex (0);
            Person = new PersonModel (Conn, DataSource.IDForIndex(0));

DataSource 属性提供附加到组合框的 ComboBoxDataSource (上面创建的)的快捷方式。

该方法 LoadSelectedPerson 从数据库中加载给定唯一 ID 的人员:

private void LoadSelectedPerson (string id)

    // Found?
    if (id != "") {
        // Yes, load requested record
        Person = new PersonModel (Conn, id);

在方法重写中 AwakeFromNib ,首先附加自定义组合框数据源的实例:

EmployeeSelector.DataSource = new ComboBoxDataSource (Conn, "People", "Name");

接下来,我们通过查找呈现和加载给定人员的相关唯一 ID()来响应用户编辑组合框的文本值(IDField如果找到):

EmployeeSelector.Changed += (sender, e) => {
    // Get ID
    var id = DataSource.IDForValue (EmployeeSelector.StringValue);
    LoadSelectedPerson (id);


EmployeeSelector.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => {
    // Get ID
    var id = DataSource.IDForIndex (EmployeeSelector.SelectedIndex);
    LoadSelectedPerson (id);


// Auto select the first person
EmployeeSelector.StringValue = DataSource.ValueForIndex (0);
Person = new PersonModel (Conn, DataSource.IDForIndex(0));


如上所述,通过使用开放源代码 SQLite.NET 对象关系管理器(ORM),我们可以大大减少从 SQLite 数据库读取和写入数据所需的代码量。 由于键值编码和数据绑定放置在对象上的几个要求,因此在绑定数据时,这可能不是最佳路由。

根据 SQLite.Net 网站,“SQLite 是一个软件库, 可实现自包含、无服务器、零配置、事务性 SQL 数据库引擎。SQLite 是世界上部署最广泛的数据库引擎。SQLite 的源代码位于公共域中。

在以下部分中,我们将演示如何使用 SQLite.Net 为表视图提供数据。

包括 SQLite.net NuGet

SQLite.NET 显示为应用程序中包括的 NuGet 包。 在使用 SQLite.NET 添加数据库支持之前,需要包含此包。


  1. 在 Solution Pad 中,右键单击“包”文件夹,然后选择“添加包...”

  2. 搜索框中输入SQLite.net并选择 sqlite-net 条目:

    Adding the SQLite NuGet package

  3. 单击“添加包”按钮完成。


让我们向项目添加新类并调用 。OccupationModel 接下来,让我们编辑 OccupationModel.cs 文件,使其如下所示:

using System;
using SQLite;

namespace MacDatabase
    public class OccupationModel
        #region Computed Properties
        [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
        public int ID { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set;}
        public string Description { get; set;}

        #region Constructors
        public OccupationModel ()

        public OccupationModel (string name, string description)

            // Initialize
            this.Name = name;
            this.Description = description;


首先,我们包括 SQLite.NET(using Sqlite),然后公开多个属性,其中每个属性将在保存此记录时写入数据库。 作为主键创建的第一个属性,并将其设置为自动递增,如下所示:

[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public int ID { get; set; }


随着数据模型更改以支持对数据库的读取和写入,我们需要打开与数据库的连接并在首次运行时对其进行初始化。 让我们添加以下代码:

using SQLite;

public SQLiteConnection Conn { get; set; }

private SQLiteConnection GetDatabaseConnection() {
    var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
    string db = Path.Combine (documents, "Occupation.db3");
    OccupationModel Occupation;

    // Create the database if it doesn't already exist
    bool exists = File.Exists (db);

    // Create connection to database
    var conn = new SQLiteConnection (db);

    // Initially populate table?
    if (!exists) {
        // Yes, build table
        conn.CreateTable<OccupationModel> ();

        // Add occupations
        Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Documentation Manager", "Manages the Documentation Group");
        conn.Insert (Occupation);

        Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Technical Writer", "Writes technical documentation and sample applications");
        conn.Insert (Occupation);

        Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Web & Infrastructure", "Creates and maintains the websites that drive documentation");
        conn.Insert (Occupation);

        Occupation = new OccupationModel ("API Documentation Manager", "Manages the API Documentation Group");
        conn.Insert (Occupation);

        Occupation = new OccupationModel ("API Documenter", "Creates and maintains API documentation");
        conn.Insert (Occupation);

    return conn;


var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
string db = Path.Combine (documents, "Occupation.db3");
OccupationModel Occupation;

// Create the database if it doesn't already exist
bool exists = File.Exists (db);


var conn = new SQLiteConnection (db);


// Yes, build table
conn.CreateTable<OccupationModel> ();

// Add occupations
Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Documentation Manager", "Manages the Documentation Group");
conn.Insert (Occupation);

Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Technical Writer", "Writes technical documentation and sample applications");
conn.Insert (Occupation);

Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Web & Infrastructure", "Creates and maintains the websites that drive documentation");
conn.Insert (Occupation);

Occupation = new OccupationModel ("API Documentation Manager", "Manages the API Documentation Group");
conn.Insert (Occupation);

Occupation = new OccupationModel ("API Documenter", "Creates and maintains API documentation");
conn.Insert (Occupation);


作为示例用法,我们将在 Xcode 的接口生成器中向 UI 添加表视图。 我们将通过出口()公开此表视图,OccupationTable以便可以通过 C# 代码访问它:

Exposing a table view outlet

接下来,我们将添加自定义类,以使用 SQLite.NET 数据库中的数据填充此表。


让我们创建自定义数据源,为表提供数据。 首先,添加一 TableORMDatasource 个名为的新类,使其如下所示:

using System;
using AppKit;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SQLite;

namespace MacDatabase
    public class TableORMDatasource : NSTableViewDataSource
        #region Computed Properties
        public List<OccupationModel> Occupations { get; set;} = new List<OccupationModel>();
        public SQLiteConnection Conn { get; set; }

        #region Constructors
        public TableORMDatasource (SQLiteConnection conn)
            // Initialize
            this.Conn = conn;
            LoadOccupations ();

        #region Public Methods
        public void LoadOccupations() {

            // Get occupations from database
            var query = Conn.Table<OccupationModel> ();

            // Copy into table collection
            Occupations.Clear ();
            foreach (OccupationModel occupation in query) {
                Occupations.Add (occupation);


        #region Override Methods
        public override nint GetRowCount (NSTableView tableView)
            return Occupations.Count;

稍后创建此类的实例时,我们将传入打开 SQLite.NET 数据库连接。 该方法 LoadOccupations 查询数据库并将找到的记录复制到内存中(使用 OccupationModel 数据模型)。


我们需要的最后一个类是一个自定义表委托,用于显示从 SQLite.NET 数据库中加载的信息。 让我们向项目添加新 TableORMDelegate 内容,使其如下所示:

using System;
using AppKit;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SQLite;

namespace MacDatabase
    public class TableORMDelegate : NSTableViewDelegate
        #region Constants 
        private const string CellIdentifier = "OccCell";

        #region Private Variables
        private TableORMDatasource DataSource;

        #region Constructors
        public TableORMDelegate (TableORMDatasource dataSource)
            // Initialize
            this.DataSource = dataSource;

        #region Override Methods
        public override NSView GetViewForItem (NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, nint row)
            // This pattern allows you reuse existing views when they are no-longer in use.
            // If the returned view is null, you instance up a new view
            // If a non-null view is returned, you modify it enough to reflect the new data
            NSTextField view = (NSTextField)tableView.MakeView (CellIdentifier, this);
            if (view == null) {
                view = new NSTextField ();
                view.Identifier = CellIdentifier;
                view.BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear;
                view.Bordered = false;
                view.Selectable = false;
                view.Editable = false;

            // Setup view based on the column selected
            switch (tableColumn.Title) {
            case "Occupation":
                view.StringValue = DataSource.Occupations [(int)row].Name;
            case "Description":
                view.StringValue = DataSource.Occupations [(int)row].Description;

            return view;

在这里,我们使用数据源的 Occupations 集合(从 SQLite.NET 数据库加载)通过 GetViewForItem 方法重写填充表的列。


完成所有部分后,通过重写 AwakeFromNib 方法并使其如下所示,从 .xib 文件膨胀表时,让我们填充表:

public override void AwakeFromNib ()
    base.AwakeFromNib ();

    // Get database connection
    Conn = GetDatabaseConnection ();

    // Create the Occupation Table Data Source and populate it
    var DataSource = new TableORMDatasource (Conn);

    // Populate the Product Table
    OccupationTable.DataSource = DataSource;
    OccupationTable.Delegate = new TableORMDelegate (DataSource);

首先,我们可以访问 SQLite.NET 数据库,创建并填充该数据库(如果尚不存在)。 接下来,创建自定义表数据源的新实例,传入数据库连接,并将其附加到表。 最后,我们创建了自定义表委托的新实例,传入数据源并将其附加到表。


本文详细介绍了如何使用 Xamarin.Mac 应用程序中的 SQLite 数据库的数据绑定和键值编码。 首先,它考虑了如何使用键值编码(KVC)和键值观察(KVO)向其公开 C# 类 Objective-C 。 接下来,它演示了如何使用符合 KVO 的类和数据将其绑定到 Xcode 接口生成器中的 UI 元素。 本文还介绍了如何通过 SQLite.NET ORM 处理 SQLite 数据,并在表视图中显示该数据。