
jobs.deployment.strategy 定義


參考此定義的定義: jobs.deployment


實作 描述
策略:runOnce 執行一次部署策略。
策略:滾動 輪流部署策略。
策略:Canary Canary 部署策略。



  • 啟用初始化。
  • 部署更新。
  • 將流量路由至更新的版本。
  • 在路由流量後測試更新的版本。
  • 如果失敗,請執行步驟以還原至最後一個已知的良好版本。

我們會使用可在部署期間執行步驟的生命週期勾點來達成此目的。 每個生命週期勾點都會解析為代理程式作業或伺服器作業, (或未來) 中的容器或驗證作業,視集區屬性而定。 根據預設,生命週期勾點會繼承部署作業所指定的集區。

部署作業會使用 $(Pipeline.Workspace) system variable.


  - deployment: deploy
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
        clean: all
    environment: staging


runOnce 部署策略會執行其每個步驟一次來推出變更。

  runOnce: # RunOnce Deployment strategy.
    preDeploy: # Pre deploy hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where pre deploy steps will run.
    deploy: # Deploy hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where deploy steps will run.
    routeTraffic: # Route traffic hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where route traffic steps will run.
    postRouteTraffic: # Post route traffic hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where post route traffic steps will run.
    on: # On success or failure hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
      failure: # Runs on failure of any step.
        steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
        pool: string | pool # Pool where post on failure steps will run.
      success: # Runs on success of all of the steps.
        steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
        pool: string | pool # Pool where on success steps will run.


RunOnce 部署策略。


runOnce是最簡單的部署策略,其中所有生命週期勾點, preDeploydeploy 也就是 、 routeTrafficpostRouteTraffic 都會執行一次。 然後會執行 on: successon: failure


輪流部署會將繼承應用程式的實例取代為一組固定虛擬機器上新版應用程式的實例, (每次反復專案中) 滾動集。

  rolling: # Rolling Deployment strategy.
    maxParallel: string # Maximum number of jobs running in parallel.
    preDeploy: # Pre deploy hook for rolling deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where pre deploy steps will run.
    deploy: # Deploy hook for rolling deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where deploy steps will run.
    routeTraffic: # Route traffic hook for rolling deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where route traffic steps will run.
    postRouteTraffic: # Post route traffic hook for rolling deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where post route traffic steps will run.
    on: # On success or failure hook for rolling deployment strategy.
      failure: # Runs on failure of any step.
        steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
        pool: string | pool # Pool where post on failure steps will run.
      success: # Runs on success of all of the steps.
        steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
        pool: string | pool # Pool where on success steps will run.




Canary 部署策略會將變更推出至一小部分的伺服器。

  canary: # Canary Deployment strategy.
    increments: [ string ] # Maximum batch size for deployment.
    preDeploy: # Pre deploy hook for canary deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where pre deploy steps will run.
    deploy: # Deploy hook for canary deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where deploy steps will run.
    routeTraffic: # Route traffic hook for canary deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where route traffic steps will run.
    postRouteTraffic: # Post route traffic hook for canary deployment strategy.
      steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
      pool: string | pool # Pool where post route traffic steps will run.
    on: # On success or failure hook for canary deployment strategy.
      failure: # Runs on failure of any step.
        steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
        pool: string | pool # Pool where post on failure steps will run.
      success: # Runs on success of all of the steps.
        steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of steps to run.
        pool: string | pool # Pool where on success steps will run.


Canary 部署策略。


Canary 部署策略是進階部署策略,可協助降低推出新版本應用程式所涉及的風險。 使用此策略,就可以先對一小部分的伺服器推出變更。 隨著您對新版本的信心增加,便能發行到基礎結構中的更多伺服器,然後將更多流量路由到該版本。
