
計算 Blob 容器的帳單大小總計

此指令碼會就估計成本計費之目的計算 Azure Blob 儲存體中的容器大小。 指令碼會加總容器中的 blob 大小。


本文中提供的範例指令碼可能不會精確計算 Blob 快照集的計費大小。

此範例需要 Azure PowerShell。 執行 Get-Module -ListAvailable Az 以尋找版本。 如果您需要安裝或升級,請參閱安裝 Azure PowerShell 模組

執行 Connect-AzAccount Cmdlet 以連線到 Azure。

如果您沒有 Azure 訂用帳戶,請在開始之前先建立 Azure 免費帳戶


這個 PowerShell 指令碼會就計費目的計算容器大小。 如果您計算容器大小是要用於其他用途,請參閱計算 Blob 儲存體容器的大小總計,以了解提供估計值的簡單指令碼。

決定 Blob 容器的大小

Blob 容器的大小總計包含容器本身的大小和容器下所有 Blob 的大小。

以下各節描述對 Blob 容器和 Blob 儲存體容量的計算方式。 在下節中,Len(X) 表示字串中的字元數。

Blob 容器

以下計算說明如何估計每個 Blob 容器使用的儲存體數量:

48 bytes + Len(ContainerName) * 2 bytes +
For-Each Metadata[3 bytes + Len(MetadataName) + Len(Value)] +
For-Each Signed Identifier[512 bytes]


  • 每個容器 48 個位元組的額外負荷包含上次修改時間、權限、公用設定,以及一些系統中繼資料。

  • 容器名稱會儲存為 Unicode,因此取得字元數目並乘以 2。

  • 對於儲存的每個 Blob 容器中繼資料區塊,我們會儲存名稱的長度 (ASCII) 再加上字串值的長度。

  • 每一簽署的識別碼 512 個位元組包括簽署的識別碼名稱、開始時間、到期時間和權限。


以下計算顯示如何估計每個 Blob 使用的儲存體數量。

  • 區塊 Blob (基底 Blob 或快照集):

    124 bytes + Len(BlobName) * 2 bytes +
    For-Each Metadata[3 bytes + Len(MetadataName) + Len(Value)] +
    8 bytes + number of committed and uncommitted blocks * Block ID Size in bytes +
    SizeInBytes(data in unique committed data blocks stored) +
    SizeInBytes(data in uncommitted data blocks)
  • 分頁 Blob (基底 Blob 或快照集):

    124 bytes + Len(BlobName) * 2 bytes +
    For-Each Metadata[3 bytes + Len(MetadataName) + Len(Value)] +
    number of nonconsecutive page ranges with data * 12 bytes +
    SizeInBytes(data in unique pages stored)


  • Blob 的 124 位元組負荷,其中包含:

    • 上次修改時間
    • 大小
    • Cache-Control
    • 內容-類型
    • Content-Language
    • Content-Encoding
    • Content-MD5
    • 權限
    • 快照集資訊
    • 租用
    • 部分系統中繼資料
  • Blob 名稱會儲存為 Unicode,因此取得字元數目並乘以 2。

  • 針對儲存的每個中繼資料區塊,新增儲存名稱的長度 (儲存為 ASCII) 再加上字串值的長度。

  • 對於區塊 Blob:

    • 區塊清單的 8 位元組。

    • 區塊數目 x 依位元組的區塊識別碼大小。

    • 所有認可及未認可之區塊中的資料大小。


      使用快照集時,此大小只包含此基底或快照集 Blob 的唯一資料。 如果未認可的區塊經過一週之後未使用,將予以記憶體回收。 此後,這些不會計入帳單。

  • 對於分頁 Blob:

    • 具有資料的非連續分頁範圍 x 12 個位元組。 這是呼叫 GetPageRanges API 時會看到的唯一分頁範圍的數目。

    • 所有儲存的分頁中資料的大小 (以位元組為單位)。


      使用快照集時,此大小只包含要計算的基底 Blob 或快照集 Blob。


# this script will show how to get the total size of the blobs in a container
# before running this, you need to create a storage account, create a container,
#    and upload some blobs into the container
# note: this retrieves all of the blobs in the container in one command.
#       connect Azure with Login-AzAccount before you run the script.
#       requests sent as part of this tool will incur transactional costs.
# command line usage: script.ps1 -ResourceGroup {YourResourceGroupName} -StorageAccountName {YourAccountName} -ContainerName {YourContainerName}




#Set-StrictMode will cause Get-AzStorageBlob returns result in different data types when there is only one blob
#Set-StrictMode -Version 2

$VerbosePreference = "Continue"

if((Get-Module -ListAvailable Az.Storage) -eq $null)
    throw "Azure Powershell not found! Please install from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/azure/install-Az-ps"

# function Retry-OnRequest
function Retry-OnRequest

    # It could encounter various of temporary errors, like network errors, or storage server busy errors.
    # Should retry the request on transient errors

    # Retry on storage server timeout errors
    $clientTimeOut = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 15
    $retryPolicy = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Azure.Storage.RetryPolicies.ExponentialRetry -ArgumentList @($clientTimeOut, 10)
    $requestOption = @{}
    $requestOption.RetryPolicy = $retryPolicy

    # Retry on temporary network errors
    $shouldRetryOnException = $false
    $maxRetryCountOnException = 3

            return $Action.Invoke($requestOption)
            if ($_.Exception.InnerException -ne $null -And $_.Exception.InnerException.GetType() -Eq [System.TimeoutException] -And $maxRetryCountOnException -gt 0)
                $shouldRetryOnException = $true
                $shouldRetryOnException = $false
    while ($shouldRetryOnException)


# function Get-BlobBytes

function Get-BlobBytes
        [bool]$IsPremiumAccount = $false)

    # Base + blobname
    $blobSizeInBytes = 124 + $Blob.Name.Length * 2

    # Get size of metadata
        $blobSizeInBytes += 3 + $metadataEnumerator.Current.Key.Length + $metadataEnumerator.Current.Value.Length

    if (!$IsPremiumAccount)
        if($Blob.BlobType -eq [Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.BlobType]::BlockBlob)
            $blobSizeInBytes += 8
            # Default is Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.BlockListingFilter.Committed. Need All
            $action = { param($requestOption) return $Blob.ICloudBlob.DownloadBlockList([Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.BlockListingFilter]::All, $null, $requestOption) }

            $blocks=Retry-OnRequest $action

            if ($null -eq $blocks)
                $blobSizeInBytes += $Blob.ICloudBlob.Properties.Length
                $blocks | ForEach-Object { $blobSizeInBytes += $_.Length + $_.Name.Length }
        elseif($Blob.BlobType -eq [Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.BlobType]::PageBlob)
            # It could cause server time out issue when trying to get page ranges of highly fragmented page blob
            # Get page ranges in segment can mitigate chance of meeting such kind of server time out issue
            # See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsazurestorage/2012/03/26/getting-the-page-ranges-of-a-large-page-blob-in-segments/ for details.
            $pageRangesSegSize = 148 * 1024 * 1024L
            $totalSize = $Blob.ICloudBlob.Properties.Length
            $pageRangeSegOffset = 0

            $pageRangesTemp = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

            while ($pageRangeSegOffset -lt $totalSize)
                $action = {param($requestOption) return $Blob.ICloudBlob.GetPageRanges($pageRangeSegOffset, $pageRangesSegSize, $null, $requestOption) }

                Retry-OnRequest $action | ForEach-Object { $pageRangesTemp.Add($_) }  | Out-Null
                $pageRangeSegOffset += $pageRangesSegSize

            $pageRanges = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

            foreach ($pageRange in $pageRangesTemp)
                if($lastRange -eq $Null)
                    $lastRange = New-Object PageRange
                    $lastRange.StartOffset = $pageRange.StartOffset
                    $lastRange.EndOffset =  $pageRange.EndOffset
                    if (($lastRange.EndOffset + 1) -eq $pageRange.StartOffset)
                        $lastRange.EndOffset = $pageRange.EndOffset
                        $pageRanges.Add($lastRange)  | Out-Null
                        $lastRange = New-Object PageRange
                        $lastRange.StartOffset = $pageRange.StartOffset
                        $lastRange.EndOffset =  $pageRange.EndOffset

            $pageRanges.Add($lastRange) | Out-Null
            $pageRanges |  ForEach-Object {
                    $blobSizeInBytes += 12 + $_.EndOffset - $_.StartOffset
            $blobSizeInBytes += $Blob.ICloudBlob.Properties.Length
        return $blobSizeInBytes
        $blobSizeInBytes += $Blob.ICloudBlob.Properties.Length
    return $blobSizeInBytes

# function Get-ContainerBytes

function Get-ContainerBytes
        [bool]$IsPremiumAccount = $false)

    # Base + name of container
    $containerSizeInBytes = 48 + $Container.Name.Length*2

    # Get size of metadata
    $metadataEnumerator = $Container.Metadata.GetEnumerator()
        $containerSizeInBytes += 3 + $metadataEnumerator.Current.Key.Length + $metadataEnumerator.Current.Value.Length

    # Get size for SharedAccessPolicies
    $containerSizeInBytes += $Container.GetPermissions().SharedAccessPolicies.Count * 512

    # Calculate size of all blobs.
    $blobCount = 0
    $Token = $Null
    $MaxReturn = 5000

    do {
        $Blobs = Get-AzStorageBlob -Context $storageContext -Container $Container.Name -MaxCount $MaxReturn -ContinuationToken $Token
        if($Blobs -eq $Null) { break }

        #Set-StrictMode will cause Get-AzStorageBlob returns result in different data types when there is only one blob
        if($Blobs.GetType().Name -eq "AzureStorageBlob")
            $Token = $Null
            $Token = $Blobs[$Blobs.Count - 1].ContinuationToken;

        $Blobs | ForEach-Object {
                $blobSize = Get-BlobBytes $_ $IsPremiumAccount
                $containerSizeInBytes += $blobSize

                if(($blobCount % 1000) -eq 0)
                    Write-Verbose("Counting {0} Sizing {1} " -f $blobCount, $containerSizeInBytes)
    While ($Token -ne $Null)

    return @{ "containerSize" = $containerSizeInBytes; "blobCount" = $blobCount }


$storageAccount = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Name $StorageAccountName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($storageAccount -eq $null)
    throw "The storage account specified does not exist in this subscription."

$storageContext = $storageAccount.Context

if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'PageRange').Type)
    $Source = "
        public class PageRange
            public long StartOffset;
            public long EndOffset;
    Add-Type -TypeDefinition $Source

$containers = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
if($ContainerName.Length -ne 0)
    $container = Get-AzStorageContainer -Context $storageContext -Name $ContainerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
        ForEach-Object { $containers.Add($_) } | Out-Null
    Get-AzStorageContainer -Context $storageContext | ForEach-Object { $containers.Add($_) } | Out-Null

$sizeInBytes = 0
$IsPremiumAccount = ($storageAccount.Sku.Tier -eq "Premium")

if($containers.Count -gt 0)
    $containers | ForEach-Object {
        Write-Output("Calculating container {0} ..." -f $_.CloudBlobContainer.Name)
        $result = Get-ContainerBytes $_.CloudBlobContainer $IsPremiumAccount
        $sizeInBytes += $result.containerSize

        Write-Output("Container '{0}' with {1} blobs has a sizeof {2:F2} MB." -f $_.CloudBlobContainer.Name,$result.blobCount,($result.containerSize/1MB))
    Write-Warning "No containers found to process in storage account '$StorageAccountName'."
