What were the top 5 high-scoring Darktrace alerts in the last week?
Show me all the model breaches involving device ID 500 in the past month from Darktrace.
Retrieve the model breach information for pbid 1234 and explain what occurred.
Display Darktrace model breaches for subnet ID 250 with a minimum score of 0.7 in the last 72 hours.
What are the latest comments on the Darktrace model breach with pbid 4567?
Has anyone added any valuable information to the model breach with pbid 1234 in Darktrace?
取得 AI 分析師事件 群組
Show me the Darktrace AI Analyst incidents with a score higher than 90 from the past week.
List all critical incidents involving device ID 1500 in the last month from Darktrace.
Retrieve incidents associated with subnet ID 300 in the past 7 days from Darktrace and display them in the German language.
Are there any Darktrace AI Analyst incidents with the unique identifier "abcd-1234-efgh-5678" in the system?
取得 AI 分析師事件事件
Give me a detailed breakdown of the Darktrace incident with groupid "g04a3f36e-4u8w-v9dh-x6lb-894778cf9633".
Show me more information about this Darktrace incident in Spanish.
What are the Darktrace AI Analyst events for device ID 1000 that are part of critical incidents?
取得 AI 分析師事件批注
What are the recent comments on the Darktrace AI Analyst event with incident_id "04a3f36e-4u8w-v9dh-x6lb-894778cf9633"?
Has anyone from the security team added any context to this Darktrace incident?
Can you provide detailed information about device ID 1234 from Darktrace, including any tags associated with it?
What is the current IP address of device ID 9 in the Darktrace system?
Retrieve the device information for the entity with MAC address "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF" from Darktrace.
Find all devices in subnet with a "Respond" tag and sort them by last seen using Darktrace.
Has Darktrace seen a laptop with the IP address
Show me a list of devices that could be owned by "sarah" in Darktrace, sorted by last seen activity.
Get me high scoring model alerts from Darktrace in the past week, format the results as a table, and give me definitions of any complex terminology.
Display all Darktrace model breaches involving device ID 250 in the past month in a table format, and include a column with descriptions of the breach categories.
Present Darktrace model breaches for subnet ID 100 with a minimum score of 0.8 in the last 72 hours as a table, and include a column with the involved devices' hostnames.
分析 AI 分析師事件趨勢
What are the common themes among the Darktrace AI Analyst incidents with a score higher than 90 from the past month?
Analyze the Darktrace AI Analyst incidents involving device ID 1500 in the last month and identify any patterns or trends in the security events.
Are there any recurring issues or attack vectors in the Darktrace AI Analyst incidents associated with subnet ID 200 in the past 7 days?
調查 AI 分析師事件
Can you provide a detailed analysis of the Darktrace AI Analyst event with incident_id "04a3f36e-4u8w-v9dh-x6lb-894778cf9633" and suggest possible mitigations?
Investigate the Darktrace AI Analyst event with incident_id "04a3f36e-4u8w-v9dh-x6lb-894778cf9633" in depth and provide a report on its potential impact on our network.
Can you identify the owner of the device with IP address in Darktrace based on its activity patterns and associated user accounts?
Determine the likely owner of the device with MAC address "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF" in Darktrace by analyzing its usage patterns and associated services.